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Notebook for Astropy class at IPAC held in April 2016.

Click on the .ipynb link below for a rendered version.

Installation of Python modules

If you don't have Anaconda or Miniconda, go to and install the Python 3.5 64-bit version for your system.

Make sure you've added the bin directory for Miniconda to your PATH. Then in a terminal window, execute this command:

conda create -n course python=3.5 astropy pandas seaborn glueviz jupyter pillow statsmodels

This creates a virtual environment named course. You can list your environments with conda info -e.

Activate the virtual environment

In a bash-like shell:

source activate course

In a csh-like shell, the activate is not available. Look at the output of conda info -e for the path to your course virtual environment. Then add it to your PATH environment variable. Or, use this UNIX one-liner:

setenv PATH `conda info -e | grep course | awk '{printf("%s/bin\n",$NF)}'`:$PATH

Install packages not available in conda

From your course virtual environment, install these additional packages:

pip install astroquery
pip install photutils
pip install aplpy
pip install ginga

Starting the notebook

Either git clone the repository, or click on Download ZIP and unpack the zip file.

Activate your virtual environment as above. Then, in the directory where the .ipynb file resides, do:

jupyter notebook

A web browser will pop up. You can start the notebook by clicking on its link.

Launching an interactive instance



Notebook for Astropy class in April 2016






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