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Become a sponsor to Bomshteyn Consulting

What you might want to know about us:

  • We specialize in building custom portals and complicated web applications that make our lives hard and and our clients business lives simpler.
  • Most of our projects are built on Laravel
  • We have greatly benefited from the OSS in our dev lives, and attempt to pay it forward by actively releasing the any part of the projects that lends itself to being Open sourced and can potentially be useful to others.

Reaching this goal will allow us to dedicate more time to work on existing and new Open-source software

Featured work

  1. treeStoneIT/shopping-cart

    An easy-to-use shopping cart for Laravel

    PHP 64
  2. treeStoneIT/laravel-commerce

    Laravel based starter online order system using our shopping-cart plugin

    PHP 17
  3. treeStoneIT/laravel-converge-api

    Laravel wrapper for Elavon / Converge payment API

    PHP 7

0% towards $1,000 per month goal

Be the first to sponsor this goal!

Select a tier

$ a month

Choose a custom amount.

$5 a month


β˜• Thank you for caffeinating one developer.

$10 a month


β˜• β˜• Two cups of coffee are better than one πŸ˜‰

$25 a month


All of the above, and you can feel even more awesome ⭐️⭐️⭐️

$50 a month


Your name will be featured in the README file of one of our packages of your choice.

$100 a month


A monthly half-hour-long phone πŸ“ž or video call where you get to chat with us about whatever you want related to open-source, code reviews, the projects we work on, or other stuff like that!

Your name will be featured in the README file of up to 3 of our packages of your choice.

$250 a month


Silver Sponsor πŸ₯ˆ β€” Bug and feature requests from your company get preferential public treatment.

Your companies brand will get prominent placement in the README of a project (of your choosing) that I maintain and hyperlinked to the destination of your choice.

$500 a month


Gold Sponsor πŸ₯‡ β€” Ask development questions via email / call. Bug and feature requests from your company get preferential public treatment. Choose this if your company derives a lot of value from our work and you want to ensure that the software that you depend upon to deliver value to your clients is well maintained.

Your companies brand will get prominent placement in the README of all projects that we maintain and hyperlinked to the destination of your choice.