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Become a sponsor to Peter Bourgon

This sponsorship supports development of Go kit, a toolkit for microservices in Go.

Current sponsors 1


Past sponsors 3


Featured work

  1. go-kit/kit

    A standard library for microservices.

  2. oklog/oklog

    A distributed and coördination-free log management system

  3. soundcloud/roshi

    Roshi is a large-scale CRDT set implementation for timestamped events.

  4. peterbourgon/diskv

    A disk-backed key-value store.

Select a tier

$ a month

Choose a custom amount.

$100 a month


Demonstrate your organization's use and support of Go kit. Your organization's logo is added to the README and website in the supporters section.

$1,000 a month


Your organization's members receive priority triage of bugs, generally within 24 hours, and fixes are at the top of my TODO list. Feature requests and enhancements also receive priority attention.