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Become a sponsor to Aaditya Taparia

Creator/Maintainer of @sifrr

-.-/ Fullstack guy JavaScript, Java, Ruby on Rails, Php, dbs, aws, etc.

2 sponsors have funded aadityataparia’s work.


reach 3 sponsors per month


Featured work

  1. sifrr/sifrr

    ⚡ Set of tiny, independent libraries for creating modern and fast webapps with javascript/typescript

    HTML 323
  2. sifrr/sifrr-animate

    🌀 Animate any mutable object's properties in JS using requestAnimationFrame with Promise based API

    JavaScript 7
  3. sifrr/sifrr-elements

    🏭 sifrr-dom custom elements.

    JavaScript 3
  4. sifrr/sifrr-dev

    Development tools for packages/webapps etc

    JavaScript 3

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$ a month

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$10 a month


Basic sponsor

Sponsor a cup of coffee.

$50 a month


Bronze sponsor

  • Featured in sponsors section of my projects

$200 a month


Silver sponsor

  • Featured in sponsors section of my projects
  • Personal feature requests for sifrr

$500 a month


Gold sponsor

  • Featured in sponsors section of my projects
  • Personal feature requests for sifrr
  • Free consultation on using sifrr