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Become a sponsor to Seiya IZUMI



Chiba, Japan

I'm a software engineer based in Tokyo.

Usually working on OSS packages for Elmlang, Ruby, and Golang in my spare time

Featured work

  1. IzumiSy/elm-firestore

    *Experimental* A type-safe Firestore integration for Elm

    Elm 14
  2. IzumiSy/elm-typed

    Type-safe way aliasing your primitive types easily

    Elm 10
  3. IzumiSy/elm-multi-waitable

    A small package like a traffic light

    Elm 5
  4. IzumiSy/sinatra-validation

    Validation helper for Sinatra powered with dry-validation

    Ruby 8
  5. IzumiSy/sinatra-errorcodes

    Gem of HTTP error status code pack

    Ruby 2

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