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sgr Engine

This is an optional component for the sgr CLI that turns it into a self-contained "lite" version of Splitgraph. The engine is a Docker image which is built from the Dockerfile in this repository.

The basic idea is to run the engine with specific credentials and db name (see below) and to make sure the client is configured with those same credentials.

The published Docker image can be found on Docker Hub at splitgraph/engine

What's Inside

Currently, the engine is based on the official Docker Postgres image, and performs a few additional tasks necessary for running sgr and mounting external databases (MongoDB/PostgreSQL/MySQL/Elasticsearch):

Building the engine

Make sure you've cloned the engine with --recurse-submodules so that the Git submodules in ./src/cstore_fdw and ./src/Multicorn are initialized. You can also initialize and check out them after cloning by doing:

git submodule update --init

Then, run make. You can use environment variables DOCKER_REPO and DOCKER_TAG to override the tag that's given to the engine.

Running the engine

For basic cases, we recommend you to use sgr engine to manage the engine Docker container.

You can also use docker run, or alternatively docker-compose.

For example, to run with forwarding from the host port 5432 to the splitgraph/engine image using password supersecure, default user sgr, and database splitgraph (see "environment variables"):

Via docker run:

docker run -d \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=supersecure \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -e SG_CONFIG_FILE=/.sgconfig \
    -v $HOME/.splitgraph/.sgconfig:/.sgconfig  \

Via docker-compose:

  image: splitgraph/engine
    - 5432:5432
    - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=supersecure
    - SG_CONFIG_FILE=/.sgconfig
    - $HOME/.splitgraph/.sgconfig:/.sgconfig

And then simply run docker-compose up -d engine

Note that if you're logged into Splitgraph, you will need to manually bind mount your .sgconfig file into the engine so that it knows how to authenticate with This is done automatically with the sgr engine wrapper. More information in the documentation.

Important: Make sure that your `sgr`` client is configured to connect to the engine using the credentials and port supplied when running it.

Environment variables

All of the environment variables documented in the official Docker postgres image apply to the engine. At the moment, there are no additional environment variables necessary. Specifically, the necessary environment variables:

  • POSTGRES_USER: Defaults to sgr
  • POSTGRES_DB: Defaults to splitgraph
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Must be set by you

Extending the engine

Because splitgraph/engine is based on the official Docker postgres image, it behaves in the same way as documented on Docker Hub. Specifically, the best way to extend it is to add .sql and .sh scripts to /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/. These files are executed in executed in sorted name order as defined by the current locale. If you would like to run your files after splitgraph init scripts, see the scripts in the init_scripts directory. Splitgraph prefixes scripts with three digit numbers starting from 000, 001, etc., so you should name your files accordingly.

You can either add these scripts at build time (i.e., create a new Dockerfile that builds an image based on splitgraph/engine), or at run time by mounting a volume in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/.

Important Note: No matter which method you use (extending the image or mounting a volume), Postgres will only run these init scripts on the first run of the container, so if you want to add new scripts you will need to docker rm the container to force the initialization to run again.

Adding additional init scripts at build time by creating a new image

Here is an example Dockerfile that extends splitgraph/engine and performs some setup before and after the splitgraph init:

FROM splitgraph/engine

# Use 0000_ to force sorting before splitgraph 000_
COPY setup_before_splitgraph.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/0000_setup_before_splitgraph.sql

# Do not prefix with digits to force sorting after splitgraph xxx_
COPY setup_after_splitgraph.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/setup_after_splitgraph.sql

Then you can just build it and run it as usual (see "Running the engine"):

docker build . -t my-splitgraph-engine

Adding additional init scripts at run time by mounting a volume

Just mount your additional init scripts in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ the same as you would if you were adding them at build time (same lexiographical rules apply):

Via docker run:

docker run -d \
    -v "$PWD/setup_before_splitgraph.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/0000_setup_before_splitgraph.sql" \
    -v "$PWD/setup_after_splitgraph.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/setup_after_splitgraph.sql" \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=supersecure \
    -p 5432:5432 \

Via docker compose:

  image: splitgraph/engine
    - 5432:5432
    - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=supersecure
    - 5432
    - ./setup_before_splitgraph.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/0000_setup_before_splitgraph.sql
    - ./setup_after_splitgraph.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/setup_after_splitgraph.sql

And then docker-compose up -d engine

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