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state.topological_sort is incorrect, while sdfg.utils.dfs_topological_sort is correct #1560

ThrudPrimrose opened this issue Apr 26, 2024 · 1 comment


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Describe the bug
When I call:
I have a correct topological sorting of nodes within a state but, calling:
Results with an ordering that is not correct.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
I have a minimal program to reproduce the issue. In the example I reproduce, an access node, which has an edge to an map node, is listed after the map when sorted with state.topological_sort

Expected behavior
When I print the nodes and edges in the order received from the nodes and their outgoing edges are printed as follows:

dataA  |  [dataA:None  -(gpu_dataA[0:N] <- [0:N])->  gpu_dataA:None]
kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]  |  [kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]:OUT_dataA  -(gpu_dataA[0:N])->  gpu_dataA:None]
gpu_dataA  |  [gpu_dataA:None  -(gpu_dataA[0:N])->  kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]:IN_dataA]
gpu_dataA  |  [gpu_dataA:None  -(dataA[0:N] <- [0:N])->  dataA:None]
dataA  |  []

Expected would be: (the access node gpu_dataA that as outgoing edge to the kernel, needs to be before the kernel)

gpu_dataA  |  [gpu_dataA:None  -(gpu_dataA[0:N])->  kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]:IN_dataA]
gpu_dataB  |  [gpu_dataB:None  -(gpu_dataB[0:N])->  kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]:IN_dataB]
kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]  |  [kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]:OUT_dataB  -(gpu_dataB[i])->  _Mult_:__in2, kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]:OUT_dataA  -(gpu_dataA[i])->  _Add_:__in2]
_Mult_  |  [_Mult_:__out  -(__tmp10[0])->  __tmp10:None]
__tmp10  |  [__tmp10:None  -(__tmp10[0])->  _Add_:__in1]
_Add_  |  [_Add_:__out  -(__tmp11[0])->  __tmp11:None]
__tmp11  |  [__tmp11:None  -(__tmp11[0])->  assign_43_8:__inp]
assign_43_8  |  [assign_43_8:__out  -(gpu_dataA[i])->  kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]:IN_dataA]
kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]  |  [kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR_42[i=0:N]:OUT_dataA  -(gpu_dataA[0:N])->  gpu_dataA:None]
gpu_dataA  |  [gpu_dataA:None  -(dataA[0:N] <- [0:N])->  dataA:None]
dataA  |  []

The generated example program I can't attach but here is the full code, it prints the nodes and saves the sdfg as ex.sdfg:

import dace
import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
from dace.dtypes import StorageType, ScheduleType
from dace.sdfg.analysis import cfg

size = int(1e4)
N = dace.symbol('N')

def kernelInitAOnGPU(dataA : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global):
    for i in[0:N] @ ScheduleType.GPU_Device:
        dataA[i] = 2.0

def kernelInitBOnGPU(dataB : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global):
    for i in[0:N] @ ScheduleType.GPU_Device:
        dataB[i] = 0.65

def copyToGPU(data : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.Default):
    # Does not compile if: gpu_data : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global = cp.array(data)
    gpu_data : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global = cp.zeros((N,), dace.float32)
    gpu_data[0:N] = data[0:N]
    return gpu_data

def kernelOverwriteBAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR(
    dataA : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global,
    dataB : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global
    for i in[0:N] @ ScheduleType.GPU_Device:
        dataB[i] = 3.0
        dataA[i] = 0.5 * dataB[i] + dataA[i]

def kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR(
    dataA : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global,
    dataB : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global
    for i in[0:N] @ ScheduleType.GPU_Device:
        dataA[i] = 0.5 * dataB[i] + dataA[i]

def kernelAddBToAOnCPU(
    dataA : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.Default,
    dataB : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.Default
    for i in[0:N] @ ScheduleType.CPU_Multicore:
        dataA[i] += 0.5 * dataB[i]

def kernelLifetimesOnGPUNoWCR(dataA : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.Default,
                       dataB : dace.float32[N] @ StorageType.Default):
    gpu_dataA = copyToGPU(data = dataA)
    gpu_dataB = copyToGPU(data = dataB)
    kernelInitAOnGPU(dataA = gpu_dataA)
    kernelInitBOnGPU(dataB = gpu_dataB)
    kernelOverwriteBAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR(dataA = gpu_dataA, dataB = gpu_dataB)
    dataA[0:N] = gpu_dataA[0:N]
    dataB[0:N] = gpu_dataB[0:N]
    kernelAddBToAOnCPU(dataA = dataA, dataB = dataB)
    gpu_dataA[0:N] = dataA[0:N]
    gpu_dataB[0:N] = dataB[0:N]
    kernelAddBToAOnGPUNoWCR(dataA = gpu_dataA, dataB = gpu_dataB)
    dataA[0:N] = gpu_dataA[0:N]

def testLifetimesOnGPUNoWCR():
    dataA = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float32)
    dataB = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float32)
    reference = np.full(size, 6.5, dtype=np.float32)
    sdfg = kernelLifetimesOnGPUNoWCR.to_sdfg(dataA=dataA, dataB=dataB, N = size)"ex.sdfg")
    state_order = list(cfg.stateorder_topological_sort(sdfg))

    for state in state_order:
        nodes_with_0_incoming = list()
        for nd in state.nodes():
            if state.in_degree(nd) == 0:

        if len(nodes_with_0_incoming) == 1:
            topologically_sorted_nodes1 = list(dace.sdfg.utils.dfs_topological_sort(state))
            topologically_sorted_nodes2 = list(state.topological_sort(nodes_with_0_incoming[0]))
            def same_element_representation(list1, list2):
                # Check if the lists have the same length
                if len(list1) != len(list2):
                    return False

                # Convert each element to string and compare
                for elem1, elem2 in zip(list1, list2):
                    if str(elem1) != str(elem2):
                        return False

                return True
            if not same_element_representation(topologically_sorted_nodes1, topologically_sorted_nodes2):
                print(f"For state {state}:")
                print("DaCe SDFG Utils DFS Topological Sort:")
                for n in topologically_sorted_nodes1:
                    print(n, " | ", state.out_edges(n))
                print("State's Internal Topological Sort:")
                for n in topologically_sorted_nodes2:
                    print(n, " | ", state.out_edges(n))
                print("Not equal")

    sdfg(dataA = dataA, dataB = dataB, N=size)
    assert(np.allclose(dataA, reference))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • I am on Ubuntu 23.10
  • Output of git log: commit 78759b5 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.16rc1)
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Yes, this seems to be a bug in Graph.topological_sort of our own graph layer:


Lines 367 to 390 in ee5a6df

def topological_sort(self, source: NodeT = None) -> Sequence[NodeT]:
"""Returns nodes in topological order iff the graph contains exactly
one node with no incoming edges."""
if source is not None:
sources = [source]
sources = self.source_nodes()
if len(sources) == 0:
sources = [self.nodes()[0]]
#raise RuntimeError("No source nodes found")
if len(sources) > 1:
sources = [self.nodes()[0]]
#raise RuntimeError("Multiple source nodes found")
seen = OrderedDict() # No OrderedSet in Python
queue = deque(sources)
while len(queue) > 0:
node = queue.popleft()
seen[node] = None
for e in self.out_edges(node):
succ = e.dst
if succ not in seen:
seen[succ] = None
return seen.keys()

This algorithm can fail for a graph like:

 | \
 |   \
 v    v 
 B <- C

The only correct topological order would be A, C, B. Whereas the current algorithm can also produce the incorrect order of A, B, C (ignoring the dependency between B and C).

My language server could find only three references to the broken Graph.topological_sort function, and all three seem to be for SDFG/ControlFlowRegion.

I would suggest completely removing Graph.topological_sort and replacing all occurrences with the working utils.dfs_topological_sort.

However... makes no sense to use topological_sort for SDFG/ControlFlowRegion, they can be cyclic. Why are we trying to get a topological order for a potentially cyclic graph?! Probably we are looking for a different kind of ordering 🤔

The references that my language server found:

def determine_allocation_lifetime(self, top_sdfg: SDFG):
Determines where (at which scope/state/SDFG) each data descriptor
will be allocated/deallocated.
:param top_sdfg: The top-level SDFG to determine for.
# Gather shared transients, free symbols, and first/last appearance
shared_transients = {}
fsyms = {}
reachability = StateReachability().apply_pass(top_sdfg, {})
access_instances: Dict[int, Dict[str, List[Tuple[SDFGState, nodes.AccessNode]]]] = {}
for sdfg in top_sdfg.all_sdfgs_recursive():
shared_transients[sdfg.cfg_id] = sdfg.shared_transients(check_toplevel=False, include_nested_data=True)
fsyms[sdfg.cfg_id] = self.symbols_and_constants(sdfg)
# Look for all states in which a scope-allocated array is used in
instances: Dict[str, List[Tuple[SDFGState, nodes.AccessNode]]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
array_names = sdfg.arrays.keys(
) #set(k for k, v in sdfg.arrays.items() if v.lifetime == dtypes.AllocationLifetime.Scope)
# Iterate topologically to get state-order
for state in sdfg.topological_sort():
for node in state.data_nodes():
if not in array_names:
instances[].append((state, node))
# Look in the surrounding edges for usage
edge_fsyms: Set[str] = set()
for e in sdfg.all_edges(state):
edge_fsyms |=
for edge_array in edge_fsyms & array_names:
instances[edge_array].append((state, nodes.AccessNode(edge_array)))
access_instances[sdfg.cfg_id] = instances


Lines 2548 to 2605 in ee5a6df

def _used_symbols_internal(self,
all_symbols: bool,
defined_syms: Optional[Set] = None,
free_syms: Optional[Set] = None,
used_before_assignment: Optional[Set] = None,
keep_defined_in_mapping: bool = False) -> Tuple[Set[str], Set[str], Set[str]]:
defined_syms = set() if defined_syms is None else defined_syms
free_syms = set() if free_syms is None else free_syms
used_before_assignment = set() if used_before_assignment is None else used_before_assignment
ordered_blocks = self.topological_sort(self.start_block)
except ValueError: # Failsafe (e.g., for invalid or empty SDFGs)
ordered_blocks = self.nodes()
for block in ordered_blocks:
state_symbols = set()
if isinstance(block, ControlFlowRegion):
b_free_syms, b_defined_syms, b_used_before_syms = block._used_symbols_internal(all_symbols)
free_syms |= b_free_syms
defined_syms |= b_defined_syms
used_before_assignment |= b_used_before_syms
state_symbols = b_free_syms
state_symbols = block.used_symbols(all_symbols)
free_syms |= state_symbols
# Add free inter-state symbols
for e in self.out_edges(block):
# NOTE: First we get the true InterstateEdge free symbols, then we compute the newly defined symbols by
# subracting the (true) free symbols from the edge's assignment keys. This way we can correctly
# compute the symbols that are used before being assigned.
efsyms =
# collect symbols representing data containers
dsyms = {sym for sym in efsyms if sym in self.arrays}
for d in dsyms:
efsyms |= {str(sym) for sym in self.arrays[d].used_symbols(all_symbols)}
defined_syms |= set( - (efsyms | state_symbols)
used_before_assignment.update(efsyms - defined_syms)
free_syms |= efsyms
# Remove symbols that were used before they were assigned.
defined_syms -= used_before_assignment
if isinstance(self, dace.SDFG):
# Remove from defined symbols those that are in the symbol mapping
if self.parent_nsdfg_node is not None and keep_defined_in_mapping:
defined_syms -= set(self.parent_nsdfg_node.symbol_mapping.keys())
# Add the set of SDFG symbol parameters
# If all_symbols is False, those symbols would only be added in the case of non-Python tasklets
if all_symbols:
free_syms |= set(self.symbols.keys())
# Subtract symbols defined in inter-state edges and constants from the list of free symbols.
free_syms -= defined_syms
return free_syms, defined_syms, used_before_assignment

def collect_constants(self,
sdfg: SDFG,
initial_symbols: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Dict[SDFGState, Dict[str, Any]]:
Finds all constants and constant-assigned symbols in the SDFG for each state.
:param sdfg: The SDFG to traverse.
:param initial_symbols: If not None, sets values of initial symbols.
:return: A dictionary mapping an SDFG state to a mapping of constants and their corresponding values.
arrays: Set[str] = set(sdfg.arrays.keys() | sdfg.constants_prop.keys())
result: Dict[SDFGState, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
# Add nested data to arrays
def _add_nested_datanames(name: str, desc: data.Structure):
for k, v in desc.members.items():
if isinstance(v, data.Structure):
_add_nested_datanames(f'{name}.{k}', v)
elif isinstance(v, data.ContainerArray):
# TODO: How are we handling this?
for name, desc in sdfg.arrays.items():
if isinstance(desc, data.Structure):
_add_nested_datanames(name, desc)
# Process:
# * Collect constants in topologically ordered states
# * If unvisited state has one incoming edge - propagate symbols forward and edge assignments
# * If unvisited state has more than one incoming edge, consider all paths (use reverse DFS on unvisited paths)
# * If value is ambiguous (not the same), set value to UNKNOWN
start_state = sdfg.start_state
if initial_symbols:
result[start_state] = {}
# Traverse SDFG topologically
for state in optional_progressbar(sdfg.topological_sort(start_state), 'Collecting constants',
sdfg.number_of_nodes(), self.progress):
# NOTE: We must always check the start-state regardless if there are initial symbols. This is necessary
# when the start-state is a scope's guard instead of a special initialization state, i.e., when the start-
# state has incoming edges that may involve the initial symbols. See also:
# `tests.passes.constant_propagation_test.test_for_with_external_init_nested_start_with_guard``
if state in result and state is not start_state:
# Get predecessors
in_edges = sdfg.in_edges(state)
if len(in_edges) == 1: # Special case, propagate as-is
if state not in result: # Condition evaluates to False when state is the start-state
result[state] = {}
# First the prior state
if in_edges[0].src in result: # Condition evaluates to False when state is the start-state
self._propagate(result[state], result[in_edges[0].src])
# Then assignments on the incoming edge
self._propagate(result[state], self._data_independent_assignments(in_edges[0].data, arrays))
# More than one incoming edge: may require reversed traversal
assignments = {}
for edge in in_edges:
# If source was already visited, use its propagated constants
constants: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if edge.src in result:
else: # Otherwise, reverse DFS to find constants until a visited state
constants = self._constants_from_unvisited_state(sdfg, edge.src, arrays, result)
# Update constants with incoming edge
self._propagate(constants, self._data_independent_assignments(, arrays))
for aname, aval in constants.items():
# If something was assigned more than once (to a different value), it's not a constant
if aname in assignments and aval != assignments[aname]:
assignments[aname] = _UnknownValue
assignments[aname] = aval
if state not in result: # Condition may evaluate to False when state is the start-state
result[state] = {}
self._propagate(result[state], assignments)
return result

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