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File metadata and controls

86 lines (51 loc) · 3.75 KB

How to contribute

Contributions are essential for keeping this language server great. We try to keep it as easy as possible to contribute changes and we are open to suggestions for making it even easier. There are only a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow.

Setting up the JDT Language Server

Below are the details about how to set up the JDT Language Server in different IDEs. Notice: You only need set up it once in any of your preferred IDE.

A) Setting up the JDT Language Server in VS Code

  1. Please install Eclipse PDE support extension in your VS Code first. The PDE extension's home page provides more usage details about Reload Target Platform, Run JUnit Plug-in Test, Run Eclipse Application.

  2. Open VS Code on the folder. The PDE extension will work with Java extension together to automatically load the project. Check the status of the language tools on the lower right corner. It should show ready (thumbs up) as the image below. status indicator

B) Setting up the JDT Language Server in Eclipse

  1. In Eclipse, import a maven project:

    Import Project

    Import Project

    Select the folder, then click yes/accept to all following prompts:

    Import Project

  2. Now we need to use Tycho to download the dependencies, this will get rid of the errors.

    At the top right arrow it will say Set Target Platform, select that and continue.

    Import Project

    After it will change to Reload Target Platform select that:

    Import Project

  3. Wait till the bottom right is done loading:

    Import Project

    once 100%:

    The errors should now be gone.

C) Setting up the JDT Language Server in Neovim or Emacs

  1. Please, download Eclipse PDE support, open the .vsix file with a ZIP program and extract the folder /extension/server/ into a local directory.

  2. Ensure that the initialize request contains all paths to the extracted files in the bundles parameter.

    If you are using nvim-jdtls, fill the bundles parameter with all JARs in the extracted folder to enable PDE support.

    config['init_options'] = {
    	bundles = vim.split(vim.fn.glob("/path/to/extracted/folder/*.jar"), "\n")

    You might have a look at nvim-jdtls-bundles that automates the process for you.

    If you are using Emacs with lsp-java, have a look at the configuration option lsp-java-bundles. For example, following configuration snippet enables PDE support:

    (use-package lsp-java
    	:config (setq lsp-java-bundles (directory-files "/path/to/extracted/folder/" t ".jar"))
    	:hook (java-mode . lsp))

Pull Requests

In order to submit contributions for review, please make sure you have signed the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) with your account.

Also, please ensure that your commit contains a Signed-off-by field with your name and account email in the footer. This is a confirmation that you are aware of the terms under which the contribution is being provided. This can be done with the -s flag of the git commit command.