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Cluster genomes based on AAI

Locate viral proteins from genomes
In the README, we've specified the path to proteins from viruses identified from SRS1735492, but any sequences can be used. The code assumes each sequence header has the format '>CONTIG-ID_GENE-NUM'

Make DIAMOND database
diamond makedb --in SRS1735492.faa --db viral_proteins --threads 10

Perform all-vs-all BLASTP
diamond blastp --query SRS1735492.faa --db viral_proteins --out blastp.tsv --outfmt 6 --evalue 1e-5 --max-target-seqs 10000 --query-cover 50 --subject-cover 50

Compute AAI from BLAST results
python --in_faa SRS1735492.faa --in_blast blastp.tsv --out_tsv aai.tsv

Amino acid identity is computed based on the average BLAST percent identity between all genes shared between each pair of genomes (E-value <1e-5)

Filter edges and prepare MCL input
python --in_aai aai.tsv --min_percent_shared 20 --min_num_shared 16 --min_aai 40 --out_tsv genus_edges.tsv
python --in_aai aai.tsv --min_percent_shared 10 --min_num_shared 8 --min_aai 20 --out_tsv family_edges.tsv

Here we're keeping edges between genomes with >=20% AAI and genomes with either 8 shared genes or at least 20% of shared genes (relative to both genomes)

Perform MCL-based clustering
mcl genus_edges.tsv -te 8 -I 2.0 --abc -o genus_clusters.txt
mcl family_edges.tsv -te 8 -I 1.2 --abc -o family_clusters.txt

In the output each row indictes the members belonging to each cluster (including singletons)