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107 lines (66 loc) · 3.07 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (66 loc) · 3.07 KB

Contributing to Bayanat

We appreciate all contributions to Bayanat no matter how small! Here are the current guidelines.

New features

Unfortunately at this time, we're unable to accept contributions that adds a new feature to Bayanat. This is due to our current limited capacity. Adding a new code to Bayanat will require us to review the code thoroughly, especially to ensure the Bayanat's security isn't affected.

To that end we decided to reject any new change until further notice. We're working on expanding our capacity and we're hoping we can allow contributions that contain new features in the near future.

Bug fixes

If you spotted a bug in Bayanat and would like to submit a fix, please first report the bug on GitHub. You can indicate in your report that you're going to submit a fix. We will need to be able to verify and reproduce the bug before accepting any fix.

Submitting a contribution

You will need to open a new PR. We require an individual PR for each bug fix or new feature. PRs that combine multiple issues will be rejected.

We'll add more guidelines very soon regarding formatting and documentation.

Code Formatting Guidelines


We use two main tools:

  1. Black for Python files
  2. Prettier for JavaScript and CSS files

We'll soon set guidelines for formatting our HTML files.

These tools are integrated into our development workflow via pre-commit hooks.


The required libraries and hooks are defined in dev-requirements.txt and package.json.


  1. Install Pre-commit and black:

    pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  2. Install Node.js dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Install the Pre-commit Hooks:

    Navigate to the root directory of bayanat and run:

    pre-commit install


The pre-commit hooks will automatically format your staged files when you run git commit. However, you can also run the formatters manually.

  1. Black (Python):

    To format a specific file or directory:

    black path/to/file_or_directory
  2. Prettier (JS/CSS):

    To format a specific file:

    prettier --write path/to/file.js


The configuration for each tool is as follows:

  • Black: Configured via pyproject.toml.
  • Prettier: Configured via .prettierrc.


Bayanat comes with e2e tests using pytest and pydantic models. To run the tests, install the dependencies with

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Bayanat tests require a separate test database to be setup before running any tests.

After setting up the production database, follow the instructions below for creating a test database

sudo -u bayanat createdb bayanat_test
sudo -u postgres psql -d bayanat_test -c 'CREATE EXTENSION if not exists pg_trgm; CREATE EXTENSION if not exists postgis;'

After creating the test db, you can run the existing tests with


Tests define pydantic models to ensure the backend responses and frontend requests conform to expected database schema.