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Associating a sourcetype with a log record

This example showcases how the collector can collect data from files and send it to Splunk Enterprise, associating with each source a different sourcetype.

A source type is a default field that identifies the structure of an event. A source type determines how Splunk Enterprise formats the data during the indexing process.

The example runs as a Docker Compose deployment. The collector can be configured to send logs to Splunk Enterprise.

It creates three pipelines, each with its own filelog receiver and resource processor. Each resource processor sets a com.splunk.sourcetype record attribute to a different value, which are then interpreted by the Splunk HEC exporter as their source type.

Splunk is configured to receive data from the OpenTelemetry Collector using the HTTP Event collector. To learn more about HEC, visit our guide.

To deploy the example, check out this git repository, open a terminal and in this directory type:

$> docker-compose up

Splunk will become available on port 18000. You can login on http://localhost:18000 with admin and changeme.

Once logged in, visit the search application to see the logs collected by Splunk.

You can query the logs index with index=logs.