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Minimal SICMUtils demo

This demostrates some basic ways of using SICMUtils in your project.

Direct ClojureScript builds

Follow the ClojureScript Quick Start guide to set up your environment.

  • Run clj -M --main cljs.main --compile demo.minimal --repl which uses deps.edn, src/demo/minimal.cljs and index.html to create a basic browser based demo with a REPL.
  • Run clj -M -m cljs.main -co release-browser.edn -c demo.minimal to create a single out/main.js file with the optimizations in build.edn. Manually open index.html to see the results.
  • Run clj -M -m cljs.main --target node --output-to out/demo.js --compile demo.minimal to create a Node.js build and run node out/demo.js.

Using shadow-cljs

shadow-cljs is the preferred way to build projects with SICMUtils. Run npm install to install the dependencies listed in package.json.

  • Run shadow-cljs watch sicm-browser to run the demo in the browser using the config in shadow-cljs.edn. Open http://localhost:9000 and the page will automatically update as the file changes.
  • Run shadow-cljs release sicm-browser to create a release build and open index.html.