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cm-chessboard Markers extension


addMarker(type, square)

Adds a marker on a square.

Default types are: MARKER_TYPE.frame, MARKER_TYPE.square,, exportet by Chessboard.js.

You can create your own marker types:

Just create an object like const myMarker = {class: "markerCssClass", slice: "markerSliceId"}, where class is the css class of the marker for styling and slice is the id in sprite.svg. See also Create your own custom markers below.

Example for addMarker, getMarkers and removeMarkers

getMarkers(type = undefined, square = undefined)

Returns the board's markers as an array.

Only set type, to get all markers of a type on the board. Set type to undefined, to get markers of all types on a square. Set both to undefined to get all markers on the board.

removeMarkers(type = undefined, square = undefined)

Removes markers from the board.

Only set type to remove all markers of type from the board. Set type to undefined, to remove all types of markers from a square. Call without parameters to remove all markers from the board.

Create your own custom markers

The ability to add custom markers is build in. You can use the existing marker shapes in the SVG sprite and create your own markers with just css or create your own custom SVG shapes. With a program like InkScape or Sketch this should be relatively easy.

Example: The markerCircle is defined in the SVG like this.

<g id="markerCircle" transform="translate(2.000000, 2.000000)" fill="#000000" fill-opacity="0">
    <circle cx="18" cy="18" r="18"/>

It's a circle with the radius 18 and its center at 20/20.

Important is the id "markerCircle". You can set the marker with board.addMarker({class: "markerSquare", slice: "markerSquare"}, "e4") "emphasize" is the css class, which defines the color and opacity of the marker. "slice" is the id of the marker in the SVG. This is also demonstrated in the mark squares example .

The color and stroke-width of the marker is defined in the css (or scss). You could also define your marker completely in the sprite, but then that is not so flexible.

These are the css styles of the markers "markerSquare" and "markerCircleRed".

marker.marker-square {
    fill: black;
    opacity: 0.11;

marker.marker-circle-red {
    stroke: #aa0000;
    stroke-width: 3px;
    opacity: 0.4;

So you can simply add a marker with the id myMarkerIdInSvg to the SVG, and add the class myMarkerCssClass to the css. Then you can show it on the field "e4" with

addMarker({class: "myMarkerCssClass", slice: "myMarkerIdInSvg"}, "e4")

To allow easy removing of the marker, you have to define the marker type in your code.

const myMarkerType = {class: "myMarkerCssClass", slice: "myMarkerIdInSvg"}
// add
chessboard.addMarker(myMarkerType, "e4")
// remove a specific marker
chessboard.removeMarkers(myMarkerType, "e4")
// remove all "myMarkerType"
// remove all markers