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224 lines (195 loc) · 18 KB

License: MIT

The Stability of Conditional Cooperation (Andreozzi, Ploner, Saral)

About this repository

This repository contains the supplementary files for the study:

Andreozzi, Luciano, Matteo Ploner, and Ali Seyhun Saral. "The Stability of Conditional Cooperation: Beliefs Alone Cannot Explain the Decline of Cooperation in Social Dilemmas"

The reposiotory contains z-Tree files to run the experiment, the data, and the R codes for the data analysis. The figures and the tables can be reproduced using the scripts in the repository. The repository also contains a zBrac compatible treatment file and the language template for easy translation/replication of the experiment. (For more information about the zBrac project click here for the project repository)

Click here to download this repository

Index of README

Repository Contents


  • functions.R : Contains the functions that are used for the analysi
  • main.R : This file reproduces the figures and the tables in the paper.
  • process_raw_data.R: This file takes the raw data in ./data/rawdata/ folder and produces CSV and RDS files for the analysis. The repository already contains the cleaned-up data files (CSV and RDS). However these files are available only for the sake of reproduction.



Generated by process_raw_data.R.

  • decbehav.csv: Subjects' interactions with the interface is recorded here. Not used for the analysis
  • quest.csv: Post-experiment questionnaire data
  • subjects.csv: Main data file


This folder contains raw data of each session as the output generated by z-Tree.


Generated by process_raw_data.R. R Data Tables in R Object form. Used for the analysis. The advantage of those files over the CSV files is that they contain the data types of each column as well. For the definitions see csv section above.

  • decbehav.csv
  • quest.csv
  • subjects.csv


Empty folder for the figures to be generated by main.R


  • condcoop_english.txt: English version of the main experiment. Created with. zBrac. Should be imported by z-Tree.
  • cond_coop_zbrac_language_template.xlsx Language file for the zBrac. It can be edited and used with condcoop_zbrac.txt to generate the experiment in other languages.
  • condcoop_zbrac.txt: zBrac The source file. It can be used to generate treatment files in different languages.


Contains the original z-Tree files in Italian language

  • 1_control_questions.ztt : Control questions
  • 2_condcoop.ztt: Experiment
  • 3_quest.ztq: Questionnaire


  • To reproduce the figures and tables, the script main.R should be executed. That would print out the tables on the console and create figures in the folder figs.

  • To reproduce the data cleaning process, the script process_raw_data.R should be run. That would recreate the data in csv and rds folders.

On major operating systems, it can be done through the command line as the following (given that the R software and the dependencies are installed).

Rscript process_raw_data.R
Rscript main.R 

Session information and the dependencies: sessionInfo()

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_GB.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] zTree_1.0.6      ggalluvial_0.9.1 optimx_2018-7.10 nnet_7.3-12     
 [5] xtable_1.8-4     texreg_1.36.23   lmerTest_3.1-0   lme4_1.1-21     
 [9] Matrix_1.2-17    gmodels_2.18.1   purrr_0.3.2      forcats_0.4.0   
[13] ggrepel_0.8.1    vipor_0.4.5      stringr_1.4.0    tidyr_0.8.3     
[17] ggplot2_3.2.0    dplyr_0.8.1      here_0.1

List of variables in the data

Variable Table Description
treatment subjects Treatment: NoCondInfo or CondInfo
session subjects session number
period subjects period number
subject subjects subject number
group subjects group number
first_player subjects logical - if the player is selected as the first player
uc subjects choice as the first player
ccL subjects conditional choice if the other player chooses L (0)
ccM subjects conditional choice if the other player chooses M (50)
ccH subjects conditional choice if the other player chooses H (100)
action subjects action that was actualized (after the random role assingment)
opp subjects opponents number
ouc subjects opponent's choice of the opponent
occL subjects opponent's conditional choice for L (0)
occM subjects opponent's conditional choice for M (50)
occH subjects opponent's conditional choice for H (100)
buc_L subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays L in unconditonal choice
buc_M subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays M in unconditonal choice
buc_H subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays H in unconditonal choice
bccL_L subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays L in response to L
bccL_M subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays M in response to L
bccL_H subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays H in response to L
bccM_L subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays L in response to M
bccM_M subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays M in response to M
bccM_H subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays H in response to M
bccH_L subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays L in response to H
bccH_M subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays M in response to H
bccH_H subjects beliefs - probability opponent plays H in response to H
opp_action subjects opponent's action that was actualized (after the random role assignment)
earning_kept subjects Earnings from the amount kept
earning_received subjects Earnings from the opponent's transfer
earning_guess subjects Earninns from the expectations period (beliefs)
earning_game subjects Earnings from the decision phase (EarningKept + EarningReceived)
ucf subjects Factorized letter form of uc
ccLf subjects Factorized letter form of ccL
ccMf subjects Factorized letter form of ccM
ccHf subjects Factorized letter form of ccH
oucf subjects Factorized letter form of ouc
occLf subjects Factorized letter form of occL
occMf subjects Factorized letter form of occM
occHf subjects Factorized letter form of occH
subject_unq subjects Unique subject number
session_unq subjects Unique session number
opp_unq subjects Unique subject number of the opponent
cond_type subjects Conditional type number (base 10 conversion of base 3 letters)
opp_cond_type subjects Conditional type number of the opponent
cond_class_wide subjects Conditional type classification (wide classification)
cond_class_wide_o subjects Conditional type classification (wide classification with other)
cond_class_narrow subjects Conditional type classification (narrow classification)
opp_cond_class_wide subjects Opponent's conditional type classification (wide classification)
opp_cond_class_wide_o subjects Opponent's conditional type classifcation (wide classification with other
opp_cond_class_narrow subjects Opponent's conditional type classification (narrow classifcation)
exp_pay_uc subjects Expected payoff from the opponents move as the first player
exp_pay_ccL subjects Expected payoff from the opponents respone to L
exp_pay_ccM subjects Expected payoff from the opponents respone to M
exp_pay_ccH subjects Expected payoff from the opponents respone to H
opp_action_lag1 subjects Action of the previous opponent in the previous period (lagged variable)
opp_cond_type_lag1 subjects Type of the previous opponent in the previous period (lagged variable)
opp_cond_class_wide_lag1 subjects see opp_cond_class_wide (lagged variable)
opp_cond_class_wide_o_lag1 subjects see opp_cond_class_wide_o (lagged variable)
opp_cond_class_narrow_lag1 subjects see opp_cond_class_narrow (lagged variable)
first_player_lag1 subjects logical - if first player in the previous period (lagged variable)
isCC subjects logical - if conditional cooperator
isS subjects logical - if selfish
isHS subjects logical - if hump-shaped

List of variables in z-Tree files

Variable Table Type Description
IE globals constant Initial Endowment
IEg globals constant Initial Endowment for the beliefs
cL globals constant Low contribution amount
cM globals constant Medium contribution amount
cH globals constant High contribution amount
PeriodSelected globals constant Selected period for payments
RegularTimeOut globals constant Timeout for stages
Debug globals debugging Debug mode on (1) off (0)
DebugTimeOut globals debugging Timeout when debug mode is on
dbgFocusOnStage globals debugging Stage to go directly when debug mode is on
dbgShouldLeave globals debugging Condition to leave stage when debug mode is on
dbgCurrentStage globals debugging Stage number to be used for skipping to a certain stage
FirstPlayer subjects game 1 if the player is selected to be the first player, 0 otherwise
uc subjects game choice as the first player
ccL subjects game conditional choice if the other player chooses L (0)
ccM subjects game conditional choice if the other player chooses M (50)
ccH subjects game conditional choice if the other player chooses H (100)
Action subjects game action that was actualized (after the random role assingment)
opp subjects game opponents number
ouc subjects game opponent's choice of the opponent
occL subjects game opponent's conditional choice for L (0)
occM subjects game opponent's conditional choice for M (50)
occH subjects game opponent's conditional choice for H (100)
buc_L subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays L in unconditonal choice
buc_M subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays M in unconditonal choice
buc_H subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays H in unconditonal choice
bccL_L subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays L in response to L
bccL_M subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays M in response to L
bccL_H subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays H in response to L
bccM_L subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays L in response to M
bccM_M subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays M in response to M
bccM_H subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays H in response to M
bccH_L subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays L in response to H
bccH_M subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays M in response to H
bccH_H subjects game beliefs - probability opponent plays H in response to H
oAction subjects game opponent's action that was actualized (after the random role assignment)
EarningKept subjects game Earnings from the amount kept
EarningReceived subjects game Earnings from the opponent's transfer
EarningGuess subjects game Earninns from the expectations period (beliefs)
EarningGame subjects game Earnings from the decision phase (EarningKept + EarningReceived)
FinalEarningGame subjects game Earnings from the decision phase in the selected period
FinalEarningGuess subjects game Earnings from the expectations phase in the selected period