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Releases: sernst/cauldron

Step Visibility

01 Jul 17:18
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Adds support for marking steps as invisible through the ExposedStep class using cd.step.visible = False. When set to False, steps that are not running and have not errored out will be hidden from view in the display.

Markdown Rendering Enhancements

24 Jun 14:44
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Markdown Enhancements

A markdown extension was added to attempt to make line breaking handling more explicit but was too aggressive and make every \n a line line-break. This removes that extension and restores more natural text flow in markdown rendering.

Add parameters to markdown rendering to allow for preserving line breaks and for adjusting font size.

In-Notebook Console Writing

17 Jun 13:57
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This release adds a write_to_console() function to the ExposedStep class that allows for writing message strings to the stdout console without them appearing in the notebook display. From within a notebook it is now possible to call:

cd.step.write_to_console('my message')

to write the specified message to the console from within a running step without it appearing in the notebook HTML.

The console output for the display.markdown() function has been improved by having it output the markdown after jinja2 template rendering so that substitution values are observed int the console.

Also, adds a function used to create the CauldronTest fixture inside PyTest test modules, which is now a one-line addition to such files instead of having to manually define the fixture each time.

Project Opening

11 Jun 12:53
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This continues refining the project opening/closing behaviors to make them more robust when network connectivity is poor on remote kernels or there are processing delays on the remote kernel during thread actions.

Time Display

11 Jun 02:52
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Adds elapsed time output to the console and notebook display. Threaded project opening has also been strengthened to remove potential race conditions.

Enhanced Synchronization

30 May 00:07
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Improves synchronization handling between clients and remote kernels. See #27 for more details.

PyTest Support

28 May 17:33
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This release adds support for pytest style testing of steps in addition to the existing unittest framework class-based test support.

Remote Kernels

02 Jul 15:48
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This is the first release in the 0.1.x branch, which adds support for interacting with remote Cauldron kernels. The cauldron shell has a new connect command for connecting to remote kernels. The core kernel library now has support for running in a remote project mode with file synchronization between the kernel and the remote runner.


30 Nov 18:15
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Cauldron Pre-release

Release 0.0.24

Command Enhancements

22 Sep 18:15
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Command Enhancements Pre-release

Improved command workflow with better handling of edge case responses.
Expanded windows compatibility support.
Refactored communication data management for threaded command execution.