From 1dc1ff0f0d66c2c61c0650227639ddc531ea8b22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David O'Connor Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2020 18:40:58 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Admin after updating tools --- | 2 +- examples/server_integration/Cargo.lock | 4 +- src/dom_entity_names/styles/ | 915 +++++++++++---------- 3 files changed, 463 insertions(+), 458 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 03d44e8ca..1b0c2e105 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ edition = "2018" crate-type = ["cdylib"] [dependencies] -seed = "^0.5.1" +seed = "^0.6.0" wasm-bindgen = "^0.2.50" ``` diff --git a/examples/server_integration/Cargo.lock b/examples/server_integration/Cargo.lock index 60535d145..afb2ce1fd 100644 --- a/examples/server_integration/Cargo.lock +++ b/examples/server_integration/Cargo.lock @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ dependencies = [ name = "client" version = "0.1.0" dependencies = [ - "seed 0.5.1", + "seed 0.6.0", "serde 1.0.103 (registry+", "shared 0.1.0", "wasm-bindgen 0.2.55 (registry+", @@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@ source = "registry+" [[package]] name = "seed" -version = "0.5.1" +version = "0.6.0" dependencies = [ "console_error_panic_hook 0.1.6 (registry+", "cookie 0.12.0 (registry+", diff --git a/src/dom_entity_names/styles/ b/src/dom_entity_names/styles/ index cdf1d2624..5ce8446d9 100644 --- a/src/dom_entity_names/styles/ +++ b/src/dom_entity_names/styles/ @@ -2,496 +2,501 @@ //! It's not meant to be edited directly. make_styles! { - LineHeight => "line-height", - Azimuth => "azimuth", - MaxInlineSize => "max-inline-size", - Outline => "outline", - ZIndex => "z-index", - OffsetDistance => "offset-distance", - ScrollMarginInline => "scroll-margin-inline", - BorderInlineStyle => "border-inline-style", - OverflowAnchor => "overflow-anchor", - GridTemplate => "grid-template", - BackgroundOrigin => "background-origin", - BorderInlineEndColor => "border-inline-end-color", + MozAppearance => "-moz-appearance", + MozBinding => "-moz-binding", MozBorderBottomColors => "-moz-border-bottom-colors", - MsScrollSnapY => "-ms-scroll-snap-y", - OffsetAnchor => "offset-anchor", - OverflowInline => "overflow-inline", - InsetBlock => "inset-block", - MsContentZoomLimitMax => "-ms-content-zoom-limit-max", - LineClamp => "line-clamp", - MarginInlineStart => "margin-inline-start", - MaskComposite => "mask-composite", - BoxOrient => "box-orient", - WordBreak => "word-break", - BorderBottomWidth => "border-bottom-width", - BorderEndStartRadius => "border-end-start-radius", - ScrollMarginInlineStart => "scroll-margin-inline-start", + MozBorderLeftColors => "-moz-border-left-colors", + MozBorderRightColors => "-moz-border-right-colors", + MozBorderTopColors => "-moz-border-top-colors", + MozContextProperties => "-moz-context-properties", + MozFloatEdge => "-moz-float-edge", + MozForceBrokenImageIcon => "-moz-force-broken-image-icon", + MozImageRegion => "-moz-image-region", + MozOrient => "-moz-orient", MozOutlineRadius => "-moz-outline-radius", + MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft => "-moz-outline-radius-bottomleft", + MozOutlineRadiusBottomright => "-moz-outline-radius-bottomright", + MozOutlineRadiusTopleft => "-moz-outline-radius-topleft", + MozOutlineRadiusTopright => "-moz-outline-radius-topright", MozStackSizing => "-moz-stack-sizing", - MsScrollbarDarkshadowColor => "-ms-scrollbar-darkshadow-color", - GridAutoColumns => "grid-auto-columns", - BorderImageWidth => "border-image-width", - MinBlockSize => "min-block-size", - 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MozOutlineRadiusBottomright => "-moz-outline-radius-bottomright", - MsContentZoomSnapPoints => "-ms-content-zoom-snap-points", - BorderEndEndRadius => "border-end-end-radius", - FontVariationSettings => "font-variation-settings", - MsHyphenateLimitChars => "-ms-hyphenate-limit-chars", - MsScrollbarHighlightColor => "-ms-scrollbar-highlight-color", - ScrollPaddingBlockEnd => "scroll-padding-block-end", - GridColumnGap => "grid-column-gap", - AnimationPlayState => "animation-play-state", - MaskBorderWidth => "mask-border-width", - PerspectiveOrigin => "perspective-origin", - WebkitTextStrokeColor => "-webkit-text-stroke-color", - PaddingBlockStart => "padding-block-start", - WordWrap => "word-wrap", - FontSize => "font-size", - ScrollPaddingBottom => "scroll-padding-bottom", - BorderInlineEnd => "border-inline-end", - OverflowY => "overflow-y", - Filter => "filter", - LineBreak => "line-break", - ScrollPaddingRight => "scroll-padding-right", - FontVariant => "font-variant", - GridColumn => "grid-column", - 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