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Developer Guide


In this guide, we will introduce how to use SOLL to compile smart contracts and execute these contracts by our benchmark.

In the following sections, we provide four parts to show how to compile and execute smart contracts by yourself.

  1. Prepare the required environment.
  2. Build the SOLL compiler from source code.
  3. Generate Ewasm bytecodes from our demo contracts and execute them.
  4. Generate Ewasm bytecodes from our Yul demo code and execute them.
    • 0-0-4.yul - A Fibonacci sequence example written in Yul.


  1. Deploy and execute Ewasm on DevChain.

    • 0-0-3.sol - A full function example of ERC20 contract.
    • 0-0-6.yul - A Yul file generated from solc with version 0.6.1.
  2. SOLL regression tests and our Solidity and Yul test coverage.

Working Tree

├── (...)
├── build                 // Build code path, manually create it
├── docs
│   ├── (...)
│   └── example           // Examples of every release
│       ├── 0-0-1.sol     // A basic smart contract example (SafeMath)
│       ├── 0-0-2.sol     // A partial version of ERC20 contract
│       ├── 0-0-3.sol     // A full function example of ERC20 contract
│       ├── 0-0-4.yul     // A fibonacci sequence example written in Yul
│       ├── 0-0-6.sol     // A smart contract base on 0-0-3.sol
│       │                 // (Only remove some statements that solc generate ir is not support)
│       └── 0-0-6.yul     // Generated from 0-0-6.sol by solc version 0.6.1
├── (...)
└── utils
    ├── (...)
    └── ewasm-testbench
        ├── (...)
        ├── safeMath.js   // 0-0-1.sol Test Environment
        └── erc20.js      // 0-0-2.sol Test Environment

Build SOLL


  • Pull official docker image to get an already established build/execute environment.
> docker pull secondstate/soll
  • Get Source Code from Github and checkout to the latest version, 0.1.1.
> git clone --recursive
> cd soll
> git checkout 0.1.1

Launch Docker Environment

Attach shell to container and bind volume with repositories' path.

> docker run -it --rm \
      -v $(pwd)/soll:/root/soll \

Cmake and Build

Build SOLL without enabling our built-in test suite.

(docker) $ cd ~/soll && mkdir -p build && cd build
(docker) $ cmake .. && make

Compile and execute SafeMath smart contract

To show how to use SOLL to compile and execute smart contracts, we provide a very basic example to demonstrate it. In this example, the smart contract will provide a Safe Math mechanism that will make sure that calculation results will not be overflow or divide by zero. In the following steps, we will show how to compile this example and use our benchmark to run this smart contract.

Step 1. Use SOLL generate WASM file from given contract

Execute SOLL to generate a runtime wasm for the next step.

(docker) $ ~/soll/build/tools/soll/soll -runtime ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-1.sol

Preprocessing before test

(docker) $ mv ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-1.wasm ~/soll/utils/ewasm-testbench/safeMath.wasm
(docker) $ cd ~/soll/utils/ewasm-testbench

Step 2. Run in Test Env

We use "16 divides 7" as our smart contract function to check whether our "SafeMath" executes correctly or not.

(docker) $ ./safeMath.js safeMath.wasm div 16 7

The result should be the same as the following content.

{ size: 68 }
callDataCopy(66128, 0, 4)
{ data: a391c15b }
callDataCopy(66064, 4, 64)
{ data: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007 }
{ value: 00000000000000000000000000000000 }
finish(66032, 32)
{ returnData:
  storage: '{}' }

Execute an ERC20 smart contract compiled by SOLL

We provide an example 0-0-2.sol, to demonstrate how to use SOLL to compile and execute ERC20 contracts. In this example, we use 0-0-2.sol that contains very core functions of the ERC20 contract to demonstrate how to compile and execute ERC20 contracts.

Step 1. Use SOLL generate WASM file from given contract

Execute SOLL to generate a runtime wasm for the next step.

(docker) $ ~/soll/build/tools/soll/soll -runtime ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-2.sol

Preprocessing before test

(docker) $ mv ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-2.wasm ~/soll/utils/ewasm-testbench/erc20.wasm
(docker) $ cd ~/soll/utils/ewasm-testbench

Step 2-1. Run in Test Env (emit balanceOf)

We use {"2":"f","13425c139e83d895e2b184742e4c3c48f19def0307be60e6900f6563e300a60f":"f"} as our storage current state and use smart contract function balanceOf to check the balance of default msg.sender.

Here default msg.sender is address 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 More about how storage layout

(docker) $ ./erc20.js erc20.wasm '{"2":"f","13425c139e83d895e2b184742e4c3c48f19def0307be60e6900f6563e300a60f":"f"}' balanceOf 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890

The result should be the same as the following content.

{ size: 36 }
callDataCopy(66096, 0, 4)
{ data: 70a08231 }
callDataCopy(66064, 4, 32)
{ data: 0000000000000000000000001234567890123456789012345678901234567890 }
{ value: 00000000000000000000000000000000 }
{ gas: 65522 }
callStatic(65522, 66040, 65792, 64)
{ address: 2, data: 00000000000000000000000012345678901234567890123456789012345678900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 }
{ size: 64 }
{ size: 64 }
callDataCopy(1179584, 0, 64)
{ data: 00000000000000000000000012345678901234567890123456789012345678900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 }
finish(1048544, 32)
returnDataCopy(66008, 0, 32)
{ data: 13425c139e83d895e2b184742e4c3c48f19def0307be60e6900f6563e300a60f }
storageLoad(65728, 65760)
{ key: 13425c139e83d895e2b184742e4c3c48f19def0307be60e6900f6563e300a60f, value: f }
finish(66032, 32)
{ returnData:
   '{"2":"f","13425c139e83d895e2b184742e4c3c48f19def0307be60e6900f6563e300a60f":"f"}' }

Step 2-2. Run in Test Env (emit transfer)

We still use {"2":"f","13425c139e83d895e2b184742e4c3c48f19def0307be60e6900f6563e300a60f":"f"} as our storage current state and use smart contract function transfer to transfer amount(1) from default msg.sender to other address as 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567891.

(docker) $ ./erc20.js erc20.wasm '{"2":"f","13425c139e83d895e2b184742e4c3c48f19def0307be60e6900f6563e300a60f":"f"}' transfer 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567891 1

The result should be the same as the following content.

(... omitted)

{ returnData:
   '{"2":"f","13425c139e83d895e2b184742e4c3c48f19def0307be60e6900f6563e300a60f":"e","d3a40b027a96d16f0c9c02fdbf30dd031cb372ed53432958315b5da0226952e":"1"}' }

Compile and execute Yul code

To show how to use SOLL to compile and execute Yul code, we also provide a very basic example to demonstrate it. In this example, the code will calculate the first ten numbers of the Fibonacci sequence and store them into storage with addresses 0 to 9. In the following steps, we will show how to compile this example and use our benchmark to run this code.

Step 1. Use SOLL generate WASM file from Yul code

Execute SOLL to generate wasm for the next step.

(docker) $ ~/soll/build/tools/soll/soll -lang=Yul ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-4.yul

Step 2. Run in Test Env

The Yul code section will run immediately after wasm load by index.js.

(docker) $ cp ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-4.wasm ~/soll/utils/ewasm-testbench/fib.wasm
(docker) $ cd ~/soll/utils/ewasm-testbench
(docker) $ ./index.js fib.wasm '' '{}'

The result should be the same as the following content.

{ returnData: '',
   '{"0":"1","1":"1","2":"2","3":"3","4":"5","5":"8","6":"d","7":"15","8":"22","9":"37"}' }


Deploy and execute Ewasm on DevChain.

The Second State DevChain features a powerful and easy-to-use virtual machine that can quickly get you started with the smart contract and DApp development. Our devchain supports Ewasm by hera through the EVMC interface.

Step 1. Generate Ewasm from solidity contract and Yul code

Following command inside SOLL docker container.

(soll docker) $ ~/soll/build/tools/soll/soll ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-3.sol
(soll docker) $ ~/soll/build/tools/soll/soll -lang=Yul ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-6.yul

Dump bytecode from two Ewasm files.

  • 0-0-3.sol
(soll docker) $ xxd -p ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-3.wasm | tr -d $'\n'

The result should be the same as the following content. (This will be used later)

  • 0-0-6.yul
(soll docker) $ xxd -p ~/soll/docs/examples/0-0-6.wasm | tr -d $'\n'

The result should be the same as the following content. (This will be used later)


Then exit SOLL container goto next step.

  • Pull our devchain docker image.
> docker pull secondstate/devchain:devchain
  • Init devchain.
> docker run --rm -v $PWD/data:/devchain secondstate/devchain:devchain node init --home /devchain
  • Start devchain.
> docker run -d --rm --name devchain -v $PWD/data:/devchain secondstate/devchain:devchain node start --home /devchain
  • Get a shell from a devchain container.
> docker exec -it devchain bash
  • In devchain container, attach local RPC host.
(devchain docker) $ /app/devchain attach http://localhost:8545
  • Unlock the demo account with a long expiration time.
(RPC host) $ personal.unlockAccount(cmt.accounts[0], '1234', 9999999)

Step 3. Deploy and execute Ewasm

Demo 1. Deploy and execute Ewasm generated from solidity smart contract.

  • Deploy Ewasm bytecode generated from 0-0-3.sol that has been seen before.
(RPC host) $ cmt.sendTransaction({
from: personal.listAccounts[0],
gas: 5000000,
data: "0x0061736d..." (omitted, here is Ewasm bytecode head with 0x generated from 0-0-3.sol)

The result should be a random hash similar to the following content.

  • Get the deployed contract address by getTransactionReceipt(hash).
(RPC host) $ cmt.getTransactionReceipt("0xf11d854c93cd0bec4bc1748cfb3b4bf64987c463688b5b44fc68ea668397dc95")

The result should similar to the following content.

  blockHash: "0x95aa0baa716d9c794a8b469eba2bc24bb8fb85ae067aa30a576ef824488b5850",
  blockNumber: 1549,
  contractAddress: "0x9e05b78ea853a4b093694645561c4bfc953a6f62",
  cumulativeGasUsed: 1519352,
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  gasUsed: 1519352,
  logs: [],
  logsBloom: "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  status: "0x1",
  to: null,
  transactionHash: "0xf11d854c93cd0bec4bc1748cfb3b4bf64987c463688b5b44fc68ea668397dc95",
  transactionIndex: 0
  • You can check the contract deployed was succeeded by getCode(contract address)
(RPC host) $ cmt.getCode("0x9e05b78ea853a4b093694645561c4bfc953a6f62")

The result should similar to the following content.

"0x0061736d01000000..." (omitted, runtime Ewasm bytecode)
  • Send the transaction to execute a contract function transfer
    • data
      • 0xa9059cbb : transfer(address,uint256) function signature
      • 0x77beb894fc9b0ed41231e51f128a347043960a9d : just use personal.listAccounts[1] as receive address
      • 0x7b : decimal number 123
    • to
      • 0x9e05b78ea853a4b093694645561c4bfc953a6f62 : contract address
(RPC host) $ cmt.sendTransaction({
from: personal.listAccounts[0],
gas: 5000000,
data: "0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000077beb894fc9b0ed41231e51f128a347043960a9d000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b",
to: "0x9e05b78ea853a4b093694645561c4bfc953a6f62"

The result should similar to the following content.

  • Verfiy transfer by getTransactionReceipt.
(RPC host) $ cmt.getTransactionReceipt("0xd9d619403ca19d0f25b5e0f81e41d37dbf95ab9cbd09d919aa8fb4ade4900e42")

The result should similar to the following content.

The logs section will show that we emit an event in the transfer function.

  blockHash: "0x55bef89b2db7b4ab0def7e5cd00b91efce3944145dc8f236e60309fcd6969c7d",
  blockNumber: 2401,
  contractAddress: null,
  cumulativeGasUsed: 53225,
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  gasUsed: 53225,
  logs: [{
      address: "0x9e05b78ea853a4b093694645561c4bfc953a6f62",
      blockHash: "0x55bef89b2db7b4ab0def7e5cd00b91efce3944145dc8f236e60309fcd6969c7d",
      blockNumber: 2401,
      data: "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b",
      logIndex: 0,
      removed: false,
      topics: ["0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef", "0x0000000000000000000000007eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc", "0x00000000000000000000000077beb894fc9b0ed41231e51f128a347043960a9d"],
      transactionHash: "0xd9d619403ca19d0f25b5e0f81e41d37dbf95ab9cbd09d919aa8fb4ade4900e42",
      transactionIndex: 0
  logsBloom: "0x01000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000020000400001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  status: "0x1",
  to: "0x9e05b78ea853a4b093694645561c4bfc953a6f62",
  transactionHash: "0xd9d619403ca19d0f25b5e0f81e41d37dbf95ab9cbd09d919aa8fb4ade4900e42",
  transactionIndex: 0

Demo 2. Deploy and execute Ewasm generated from Yul code.

All steps are the same with demo 1.
You only need use 0-0-6.wasm Ewasm bytecode replace deploy transaction.


Run SOLL regression tests and figure out our Solidity and Yul tests coverage

Step 1. Build SOLL with enabling built-in test suite

(docker) $ cd ~/soll # Go to the SOLL source code folder
(docker) $ mkdir -p build && cd build # Create a build folder for cmake
(docker) $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DSOLL_INCLUDE_TESTS=true ..
(docker) $ make

Step 2. Go to build folder and run tests

(docker) $ ctest -V # In the build folder

# Output
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/DartConfiguration.tcl


test 1
      Start  1: Expr

1: Test command: /home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/unittests/unittests "Expr"
1: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
1: Filters: Expr
1: ===============================================================================
1: All tests passed (4 assertions in 1 test case)
 1/23 Test  #1: Expr .............................   Passed    0.02 sec


test 20
      Start 20: check-soll-benchmark

20: Test command: /usr/lib/llvm-8/build/utils/lit/ "--timeout" "10" "--param" "soll_site_config=/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/test/" "/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/test/benchmark"
20: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
20: -- Testing: 5 tests, 2 threads --
20: PASS: SOLL :: benchmark/exp.sol (1 of 5)
20: PASS: SOLL :: benchmark/fib.sol (2 of 5)
20: PASS: SOLL :: benchmark/power.sol (3 of 5)
20: PASS: SOLL :: benchmark/matrix.sol (4 of 5)
20: PASS: SOLL :: benchmark/warshall.sol (5 of 5)
20: Testing Time: 2.93s
20:   Expected Passes    : 5
20/23 Test #20: check-soll-benchmark .............   Passed    3.19 sec
test 21
      Start 21: check-soll-solidity

21: Test command: /usr/lib/llvm-8/build/utils/lit/ "--timeout" "10" "--param" "soll_site_config=/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/test/" "/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/test/solidity"
21: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
21: -- Testing: 80 tests, 2 threads --
21: PASS: SOLL :: solidity/codegenTests/abiEncoding.sol (1 of 80)
21: PASS: SOLL :: solidity/builtinTest.sol (2 of 80)
21: PASS: SOLL :: solidity/codegenTests/callExpr.sol (3 of 80)


21: PASS: SOLL :: solidity/parsingTests/units.sol (78 of 80)
21: PASS: SOLL :: solidity/string.sol (79 of 80)
21: PASS: SOLL :: solidity/stringCompare.sol (80 of 80)
21: Testing Time: 15.65s
21:   Expected Passes    : 27
21:   Unsupported Tests  : 53
21/23 Test #21: check-soll-solidity ..............   Passed   16.92 sec
test 22
      Start 22: check-soll-yul

22: Test command: /usr/lib/llvm-8/build/utils/lit/ "--timeout" "10" "--param" "soll_site_config=/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/test/" "/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/test/yul"
22: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
22: -- Testing: 7 tests, 2 threads --
22: PASS: SOLL :: yul/alias.yul (1 of 7)
22: PASS: SOLL :: yul/factorial.yul (2 of 7)
22: PASS: SOLL :: yul/fib.yul (3 of 7)
22: PASS: SOLL :: yul/feature.yul (4 of 7)
22: PASS: SOLL :: yul/switch.yul (5 of 7)
22: PASS: SOLL :: yul/memory.yul (6 of 7)
22: PASS: SOLL :: yul/tuple.yul (7 of 7)
22: Testing Time: 3.90s
22:   Expected Passes    : 7
22/23 Test #22: check-soll-yul ...................   Passed    4.22 sec
test 23
      Start 23: check-soll-libyul

23: Test command: /usr/lib/llvm-8/build/utils/lit/ "--timeout" "10" "--param" "soll_site_config=/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/test/" "/home/ubuntu/workspace/soll/build/test/libyul"
23: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
23: -- Testing: 499 tests, 2 threads --
23: UNSUPPORTED: SOLL :: libyul/ewasmTranslationTests/address.yul (1 of 499)
23: UNSUPPORTED: SOLL :: libyul/ewasmTranslationTests/balance.yul (2 of 499)
23: PASS: SOLL :: libyul/ewasmTranslationTests/bitwise_not.yul (3 of 499)


23: PASS: SOLL :: libyul/yulOptimizerTests/wordSizeTransform/switch_3.yul (497 of 499)
23: PASS: SOLL :: libyul/yulOptimizerTests/wordSizeTransform/switch_4.yul (498 of 499)
23: PASS: SOLL :: libyul/yulOptimizerTests/wordSizeTransform/switch_5.yul (499 of 499)
23: Testing Time: 216.21s
23:   Expected Passes    : 393
23:   Unsupported Tests  : 106
23/23 Test #23: check-soll-libyul ................   Passed  219.70 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 23

Total Test time (real) = 246.20 sec

Step 3. Check the test coverage

You will find the test coverage like this:

Solidity test suite:

21:   Expected Passes    : 27 # Solidity has 80 testing contract, and SOLL can pass 27.
21:   Unsupported Tests  : 53 # Unimplemented by SOLL
21/23 Test #21: check-soll-solidity ..............   Passed    0.27 sec

Yul test suite:

23:   Expected Passes    : 393 # libyul has 499 testing contracts, and SOLL can pass 393.
23:   Unsupported Tests  : 106 # Unimplemented by SOLL
23/23 Test #23: check-soll-libyul ................   Passed  219.70 sec