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File metadata and controls

41 lines (33 loc) · 2.39 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v0.2.0-rc0 - 2015-07-06


  • The background image has been edited to include two more people. The other person cannot be seen in the website unless the image file itself is opened by the user.
  • Set debugging to false.


  • The advertisement that shows up on the bottom of the page has been removed.

v0.2.0-beta - 2015-06-19


  • The 'Thank you' page that shows up after voting.
  • A school authentication page to verify that the user is from PSHS-EVC. A passcode is required to be entered in the page to continue. Uses AJAX if the passcode entered is correct.
  • A logo at the top of the page.
  • A script that calculates the vote statistics, prints the information to the screen, and saves the information to a text file. It also logs script executions.


  • The UI has been subtly updated.


  • The 'Click to un/vote him/her.' label has been removed because it was unneccessary.


  • A tally chart of the votes was to be added but was decided that it will be removed because it might cause cheating or bribery among voters.
  • The obstacles here were trying to figure out how to save data to the database, adding custom user attributes, using the custom attributes in the templates to have a different view depending on the user's attributes (view the templates in the source code to know the different conditions for each view), and working with AJAX POST using jQuery.

v0.1.0-alpha - 2015-06-12


  • The full code of SAElections.
  • Home page.
  • Incomplete voting page.
  • Facebook authentication support.
  • Important information in the README.

Notes (added on 2015-06-19)

  • Most of the development of this version was focused on making the UI look beautiful, and a good UX.
  • A good portion of the initial development of this version was focused on trying to figure out how to work with Django. There were I was tempted to rewrite the app in PHP. The initial obstacle was trying to figure out how to use templates and static files in a custom directory. The issues were fixed in five days (for templates) and two days (for static files).
  • This version was written from scratch because it would be easier if this app is written with Django. The legacy version (which was incomplete) was written with PHP.