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Development Guide

Table of contents

This guide describes in detail the main technical components of RDT as well as how to develop them.

RDT Technical Overview

The goal of RDT is to be able to transform data that is not machine learning ready into data that is. By machine learning ready, we mean that the data should consist of data types that most machine learning models can process. Usually this means outputting numeric data with no nulls.

The data types used by RDT are called sdtypes. You can think of them as representing the semantic or statistical meaning of a datatype. On top of this, RDT also enforces that those transformations can be reversed, so that data of the original form can be obtained again. RDT accomplishes this with the use of two main classes:

  • BaseTransformer
  • HyperTransformer


Every Transformer in RDT inherits from the BaseTransformer. The goal of this class or any of its subclasses is to take data of a certain sdtype, and convert it into machine learning ready data. To enable transformers to do this, the BaseTransformer has the following attributes:

  • INPUT_SDTYPE (str) - The input sdtype for the transformer.
  • output_properties (dict) - Dictionary mapping transformed column names to a dictionary describing its sdtype and next_transformer.
  • columns (list) - List of column names that the transformer will transform. Set during fit.
  • output_columns (list) - List of column names in the output from calling transform. Set during fit.
  • column_prefix (str) - Prefix that will be added to the output columns to make them unique on the table. For transformers that act on a single column this is the column name, and for transformers that act on multiple columns this is their names joined by #. Set during fit.

It also has the following default methods, which the Transformer subclasses may overwrite when necessary:

  • get_output_sdtypes() - Returns the name of the columns that the transform method creates. By default this will be the sdtype property of the output_properties dictionary with the column names prepended with the column_prefix with a dot (.) as the separator.
  • get_next_transformers() - Returns a dictionary mapping the names of the columns that the transform method creates to the next transformer to use for those columns. By default this will be the NEXT_TRANSFORMERS dictionary with the keys prepended with the column_prefix with a dot (.) as a separator.
  • fit(data, columns) - Takes in pandas.DataFrame and list of column names and stores the information needed to run transform.
  • transform(data, drop) - Takes in pandas.DataFrame and bool saying whether or not to drop original columns in the output. Returns pandas.DataFrame containing transformed data.
  • reverse_transform(data, drop) - Takes in pandas.DataFrame and bool saying whether or not to transformed columns in the output. Returns pandas.DataFrame containing reverse transformed data.

Any subclass of the BaseTransformer can add extra methods or attributes that it needs.


The HyperTransformer class is used to transform an entire table. Under the hood, the HyperTransformer figures out which Transformer classes to use on each column in order to get a machine learning ready output. It does so using the following methods:

  • fit(data) - Takes in a pandas.DataFrame. For every column or group of columns in the data, it find a transformer to use on it and calls that transformer's fit method with those columns. If the output of the transformer is not machine learning ready, it will recursively find transformers to use on that sdtype until it is. A sequence of transformers to use is created.
  • transform(data) - Takes in a pandas.DataFrame. Goes through the sequence of transformers created during fit and calls their underlying transform method.
  • reverse_transform(data) - Takes in a pandas.DataFrame. Goes through the sequence of transformers created during fit in reverse and calls their underlying reverse_transform method.

Implementing a Transformer

In order to create a new Transformer class, the class should inherit from the BaseTransformer. It should also set the values for the attributes defined above.

Note: Some attributes might not be able to be determined until after fit is called. In this case, those attributes should be set in the _fit method.

The only methods that need to be implemented for a new Transformer class are:

  • _fit(columns_data)
  • _transform(columns_data)
  • _reverse_transform()

Take note of the _ preceding each method. The BaseTransformer will call these methods when fit, transform and reverse_transform are called. This is because the BaseTransformer figures out which columns to pass down behind the scenes. All of the _ methods take in a pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame containing only the columns that will be used by the transformer.

If for some reason, the new transformer requires access to all of the data, then the fit, transform and reverse_transform methods can be overwritten.

Example Transformer

Now that we have some background information on how Transformers work in RDT, let's create a new one. For this example, we will create a simple USPhoneNumberTransformer. The goal of this transformer is to take strings containing phone numbers into numeric data. For the sake of simplicity, we will assume all phone numbers are of the format ###-###-#### or #-###-###-####.

Let's start by setting the necessary attributes and writing the __init__ method.

class USPhoneNumberTransformer(BaseTransformer):

    INPUT_SDTYPE = 'phone_number'

    def __init__(self):
        self.has_country_code = None

Now we can write the _fit method.

def _fit(self, columns_data):
    number = ''.join(columns_data.loc[0].split('-'))
    self.has_country_code = len(number) == 11

Since the country_code may or may not be present, we can overwrite the get_next_transformers and get_output_sdtypes methods accordingly.

def get_output_sdtypes(self):
    output_sdtypes = {
        'area_code': 'categorical',
        'exchange': 'integer',
        'line': 'integer'
    if self.has_country_code:
        output_sdtypes['country_code'] = 'categorical'

    return self._get_output_to_property(output_sdtypes)

def get_next_transformers(self):
    next_transformers = {
        'country_code': 'FrequencyEncoder',
        'area_code': 'FrequencyEncoder'
    if self.has_country_code:
        next_transformers['country_code'] = 'FrequencyEncoder'

    return self._get_output_to_property(next_transformers)

_get_output_to_property is a private method that prepends the column_prefix attributes to every key in a dictionary. Now that we have this information, we can write the _transform and _reverse_transform methods.

def _transform(self, data):
    return data.str.split('-', expand=True)

def _reverse_transform(self, data):
    if self.has_country_code:
        country_code = data.iloc[:, 0].astype('str')
        area_code = data.iloc[:, 1].astype('str')
        exchange = data.iloc[:, 2].astype('str')
        line = data.iloc[:, 3].astype('str')
        return country_code + '-' + area_code + '-' + exchange + '-' + line

    area_code = data.iloc[:, 0].astype('str')
    exchange = data.iloc[:, 1].astype('str')
    line = data.iloc[:, 2].astype('str')
    return area_code + '-' + exchange + '-' + line

We don't have to worry about the naming of the output columns because the BaseTransformer handles that for us. Let's view the complete class below.

INPUT_SDTYPE = 'phone_number'

def __init__(self):
    self.has_country_code = None

def _fit(self, columns_data):
    number = ''.join(columns_data.loc[0].split('-'))
    self.has_country_code = len(number) == 11

def get_output_sdtypes(self):
    output_sdtypes = {
        'area_code': 'categorical',
        'exchange': 'integer',
        'line': 'integer'
    if self.has_country_code:
        output_sdtypes['country_code'] = 'categorical'

    return self._get_output_to_property(output_sdtypes)

def get_next_transformers(self):
    next_transformers = {
        'country_code': 'FrequencyEncoder',
        'area_code': 'FrequencyEncoder'
    if self.has_country_code:
        next_transformers['country_code'] = 'FrequencyEncoder'

    return self._get_output_to_property(next_transformers)

def _transform(self, data):
    return data.str.split('-', expand=True)

def _reverse_transform(self, data):
    if self.has_country_code:
        country_code = data.iloc[:, 0].astype('str')
        area_code = data.iloc[:, 1].astype('str')
        exchange = data.iloc[:, 2].astype('str')
        line = data.iloc[:, 3].astype('str')
        return country_code + '-' + area_code + '-' + exchange + '-' + line

    area_code = data.iloc[:, 0].astype('str')
    exchange = data.iloc[:, 1].astype('str')
    line = data.iloc[:, 2].astype('str')
    return area_code + '-' + exchange + '-' + line

Now we can see our USPhoneNumberTransformer in action.

In [1]: transformer = USPhoneNumberTransformer()
        data = pd.DataFrame({
            'phone_numbers': ['1-202-555-0191', '1-202-555-0151', '1-202-867-5309']
        }), ['phone_numbers'])
        transformed = transformer.transform(data)

In [2]: transformed
Out [2]:
    phone_numbers.area_code  phone_numbers.line  phone_numbers.country_code
0                         1                    202                 555                        0191
1                         1                    202                 555                        0151
2                         1                    202                 867                        5309

In [3] reverse_transformed = transformer.reverse_transform(transformed)

In [4] reverse_transformed
Out [4]
0      1-202-555-0191
1      1-202-555-0151
2      1-202-867-5309

We can also run it using the HyperTransformer.

In [1]: ht = HyperTransformer(
            default_sdtype_transformers={'phone_number': USPhoneNumberTransformer},
            field_sdtypes={'phone_numbers': 'phone_number'}
        transformed = ht.transform(data)

In [2]: transformed
Out [2]:
    phone_numbers.area_code.value  phone_numbers.line  phone_numbers.country_code.value
0                             0.5                      202                 555                          0.500000
1                             0.5                      202                 555                          0.166667
2                             0.5                      202                 867                          0.833333

In [3]: reverse_transformed = ht.reverse_transform(transformed)

In [4]: reverse_transformed
Out [4]:
0      1-202-555-0191
1      1-202-555-0151
2      1-202-867-5309

Dataset Generators

In RDT, performance tests are run to assure that each transformer is efficient. In order to run these tests, we have classes that generate datasets of a certain sdtype. If a new transformer introduces a new sdtype, the a DatasetGenerator class will need to be added for it.


All dataset generators inherit from the BaseDatasetGenerator class. It has the following class attribute:

  • SDTYPE (str) - The sdtype for the class to generate.

They must implement the following methods.

  • generate(num_rows) - Takes in an int representing the number of rows to generate. Returns a numpy.ndarray of size num_rows where each value is of the class' SDTYPE.
  • get_performance_thresholds() - Returns a dict mapping each of the main methods for a transformer (fit, transform, reverse_transform) to the expected time and memory it takes for those methods to run on 1 row.

Implementing a DatasetGenerator

To create a new DatasetGenerator, the methods described above need to be implemented. The class should be placed in a new file in the following location tests/datasets/{SDTYPE}.py. Each generator must inherit from the base class as well as abc.ABC.

Example DatasetGenerator

Let's create a DatasetGenerator for the phone_number sdtype that we introduced earlier. We can start by implementing the generate method and setting the SDTYPE.

from abc import ABC

import numpy as np

from tests.datasets.base import BaseDatasetGenerator

class USPhoneNumberGenerator(BaseDatasetGenerator, ABC):
    SDTYPE = 'phone_number'

    def generate(num_rows):
        area_codes = np.random.randint(low=100, high=999, size=num_rows).astype(str)
        exchange = np.random.randint(low=100, high=999, size=num_rows).astype(str)
        line = np.random.randint(low=1000, high=9999, size=num_rows).astype(str)
        return np.apply_along_axis('-'.join, 0, [area_codes, exchange, line])

In order for the tests to run, the generator must also implement the get_performance_thresholds method. The times are specified in seconds and the memory in bytes.

def get_performance_thresholds():
    """Return the expected threseholds."""
    return {
        'fit': {
            'time': 1,
            'memory': 100.0
        'transform': {
            'time': 1,
            'memory': 1000.0
        'reverse_transform': {
            'time': 1,
            'memory': 1000.0,

To view the result of the generator we can run the following:

In [1]: USPhoneNumberGenerator.generate(100)
Out [1]:
array(['160-919-7653', '347-212-8425', '717-820-4356', '483-675-6853',
   '656-141-2176', '681-981-5310', '314-989-4289', '138-343-6582',
   '406-683-8597', '639-156-5496', '625-600-1649', '110-477-8992',
   '770-731-6200', '166-491-9881', '418-682-9540', '889-169-1878',
   '660-213-4713', '270-506-9422', '323-691-2507', '189-158-5409',
   '605-218-6776', '944-980-8854', '773-290-6675', '969-724-8712',
   '617-979-3609', '145-828-6455', '570-923-8982', '260-800-5404',
   '301-453-3972', '454-629-5258', '298-394-6958', '700-285-1703',
   '439-683-2711', '935-387-1178', '151-643-7354', '549-741-6070',
   '617-142-6518', '759-653-4626', '482-778-1256', '909-538-2919',
   '772-617-8616', '691-559-2419', '274-200-5514', '744-163-6255',
   '760-709-7880', '909-782-6044', '826-607-6956', '902-609-2589',
   '345-796-8422', '818-867-9468', '430-906-3757', '143-788-5794',
   '340-705-3813', '211-447-7218', '912-799-7431', '840-211-5830',
   '752-600-1938', '236-659-2646', '591-946-1546', '903-564-4356',
   '928-847-8630', '315-775-9896', '384-323-8186', '192-282-8873',
   '861-497-3333', '839-304-2029', '674-261-5948', '721-642-9755',
   '761-787-2193', '429-720-9832', '126-876-2681', '327-533-3443',
   '170-210-5689', '916-945-8487', '619-332-6223', '515-453-5862',
   '509-666-4074', '231-687-8172', '489-862-2525', '602-456-5236',
   '549-936-9406', '471-989-5828', '424-436-1012', '405-996-8833',
   '786-811-5453', '851-897-7043', '462-381-9671', '328-267-1474',
   '482-171-7564', '245-353-7712', '589-535-6689', '864-252-5314',
   '990-737-8649', '112-189-9047', '126-316-8627', '985-724-3452',
   '119-612-8449', '456-529-1190', '344-956-1910', '125-962-2067'],