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Contribution Guide

cdk8s is licensed under Apache 2.0 and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests. This document outlines some of the conventions on commit message formatting, contact points for developers, and other resources to help get contributions into cdk8s.

You can contribute to cdk8s in many ways. Contributions of all shapes and sizes are welcome and celebrated:

We follows the CNCF Community Code of Conduct

Reporting Issues

If any part of the project has bugs or documentation mistakes, please let us know by raising an issue. We treat bugs and mistakes very seriously and believe no issue is too small. Before creating a bug report, please check that an issue reporting the same problem does not already exist.

In addition, make sure you are submitting the issue to the correct repository. If you know your issue petains to a specific cdk8s package, it better belongs in the respective repository.

For a list of the repositories, see Repositories

An issue can either be a bug report or a feature-request. If you wish to ask a question or seek guidance, please consider one of the other support channels.

Bug reports

To make the bug report accurate and easy to understand, please try to create bug reports that are:

  • Specific: Include as much details as possible: which version, what environment, what configuration, etc.
  • Reproducible: Include the steps to reproduce the problem. We understand some issues might be hard to reproduce, please includes the steps that might lead to the problem. If possible, please provide a minimal code snippet that reproduces the bug.
  • Isolated: Please try to isolate and reproduce the bug with minimum dependencies. It would significantly slow down the speed to fix a bug if too many dependencies are involved in a bug report.
  • Unique: Do not duplicate existing bug report.
  • Scoped: One bug per report. Do not follow up with another bug inside one report.

We might ask for further information to locate a bug. A duplicated bug report will be closed.

Submit a bug report here.

Feature Requests

We also accept suggestions for new features or missing capabilities as GitHub issues. The most important aspect of a suggestion issue is to provide as many details as possible about your use case and less focus on the solution. It is usually possible to support different use cases in many different ways, and we need to understand the motivation before we dive into a solution.

If you wish to suggest a major change to the project, please consider to submit an RFC instead of a simple issue. An RFC also starts with a GitHub issue.

Submit a suggestion here

Code Contributions

The general workflow for code contributions:

  1. Submit/find an issue in this repository
  2. Clone the relevant repo
  3. Make your code change
  4. Write tests & update docs
  5. Build & test locally
  6. Submit a pull request
  7. (Iterate)
  8. Your PR will be approved and merged

Tracking issue

All pull requests should be tracked with a GitHub issue.

You should search for an existing issue or raise a new bug or suggestion.

Add a comment indicating you are willing to pick it up in order to ensure no one else is currently working on it.

If this is a major contribution, consider submitting an RFC to obtain feedback from the community and maintainers.


This project consists of multiple modules, maintained and released via the following repositories:

Development environment


Prepare your environment:

  1. Fork the relevant repo and obtain a local clone.
  2. Install all dependencies: yarn install
  3. Run yarn build to build all modules.

Unit tests

Unit tests are located under the test/ directory within each module and use the jest framework.

To run unit tests, execute yarn test either from the root of the repo (to unit test all modules) or from individual module directories:

yarn test

Out tests utilize jest snapshot testing. In case a snapshot needs to be updated, just run:

yarn test -u

Integration Tests

Integration tests are executed against the latest published modules. This means that in order to execute integration tests against a development version, you'lol need to yarn link your local version to this repository (all deps are at the root):

$ cd cdk8s-core
$ yarn link
$ cd ../cdk8s
$ yarn link cdk8s

Now, you can run integration tests via:

yarn integ

Our integration tests also utilize snapshot testing. To update integration test snapshots, run:

yarn integ:update

Running Integration Tests

The test directory contains integration tests for the cdk8s project.

Each subdirectory represents a single test, with an entrypoint of Tests are written as simple shell scripts and can simulate user activity.

You can either run individual tests by executing their entrypoint directly (e.g. test-python-app/ or run all tests by executing the script ./

Writing Integration Tests

  1. Create a new subdirectory with a test- prefix.
  2. Create a file named, make it executable.

Test Environment:

  • The script is executed within a temporary working directory under /tmp/xxxx/test (where xxxx is some random tmp file).
  • See existing tests as examples on how to bring in auxiliary files to the test.
  • Test MUST NOT install any dependencies or the cdk8s CLI. They can expect it to be available in the environment.
  • To install dependencies from package managers, use yarn, npm, pipenv, mvn and nuget. Those programs will be shimmed to allow consuming local dependencies.

Snapshot Testing

Some integration tests utilize a simple snapshot testing mechanism.

To update snapshots, run tests with:


Or, run this from the root of the repo:

yarn integ:update

Docker environment for integration tests

Due to the polyglot nature of the jsii tools used by cdk8s, the toolchain requirements are somewhat more complicated than for most projects. To help with this, you can use the jsii/superchain docker image that includes all the required tools.

In order to get an interactive shell within a superchain container you can use the following command.

docker run --rm --net=host -it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD jsii/superchain

Then once in the docker shell, you can package and execute the tests as normal.

$ pip install pipenv  # Currently not included in jsii docker image
$ yarn build
$ yarn run package
$ yarn integ:update

Note: this may leave some files owned as the docker root user id. These will need to be cleaned up manually.

Pull Requests

We use the PR title when we automatically generate the change log for each release. Therefore please following these guidelines to the letter:

  • PR title:
    • Must adhere to conventional commits.
    • All lowercase with no period at the end of the title
    • If this is a fix (bug) the title should describe the bug
    • If this is a feat (feature) the title should describe the feature
  • PR description:
    • Describe how did you fix the bug or what changes you had to make in order to implement the feature
    • Indicate fixes #NNN or resolves #NNN with the tracking issue number.
    • If you had to test your change manually, describe how you tested it and paste the test results.
    • If this is a breaking change, the last paragraph should describe the breaking change with the prefix BREAKING CHANGE: xxxxxx.

Developer Certificate Of Origin (DCO)

Every commit should be signed-off in compliance with the Developer Certificate Of Origin. You can sign your commits by using the git commit -s command.

To configure automatic signoff, see git-hooks.


Documentation is rendered from markdown using mkdocs-material and sourced from the docs directory.

API documentation for cdk8s and all cdk8s-plus-* packages is auto-generated from inline docstrings during build.

To test locally, install python3 deps:

pip3 install -r docs/requirements.txt

And then:

mkdocs serve

This will serve a local web server with the website.

A good reference for syntax and capabilities is the mkdocs-material website.


Examples are stored under examples and organized according to programming language.

Every example also has an entry under docs/examples/xxx which describes the example and includes links to the source code (on the main branch).


An RFC (request for comments) is a document that proposes and details a change or addition to cdk8s. It also is a process for reviewing and discussing the proposal and tracking its implementation. "Request for comments" means a request for discussion and oversight about the future of cdk8s from contributors and users. It is an open forum for suggestions, questions, and feedback.

To create an RFC follow this process:

  1. Create an [issue][] which will be the tracking issue for this RFC.
    • Title should represent the title of the RFC.
    • Description should provide the motivation for the RFC.
  2. Create a markdown file based off of rfc/ under the rfc/<nnnn>-<title-of-rfc> where <nnnn> is the tracking issue number and <title-of-rfc> is a symbolic name for the title. For example: rfc/
  3. File a pull request with this markdown file. The title of the PR should indicate rfc: <nnnn> <same as issue title>.
  4. The RFC will be reviewed as a pull request and once merged it means it is ready for implementation.

Community Meeting

Join us for the cdk8s community meeting which takes place the 2nd Monday of the month at 9:00am Pacific Time.

Portions of this guide were adopted from the contribution guides of the AWS CDK and etcd.