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149 lines (127 loc) · 4.11 KB


File metadata and controls

149 lines (127 loc) · 4.11 KB

Day 17

Branching @ Github

  • Make branches for different categories within ML-Specialisation repo
    1. Data Processing
    2. Computer Vision
    3. Supervised ML
    4. NLP
    5. Neural Network
    6. Deep Learning
  • By default every repo is initialised with a master branch
  • every file in master branch or every change in master branch is shown in all branches

Git Commands

  • git branch - > Shows the no of branches available in repo
  • git checkout -b branch-name -> used to make new branch and we switch into it
  • git reset --hard commit-sequence-given-in-log -> used to change the commit state
  • git push origin branch-name - > push the committed data into given branch name
  • git checkout branch-name -> change the branch being used
  • git branch -a - > shows new branches added on repo but didn't recieved on cloning

commit only after coming back to normal time


  • to attach new volume in Virtual Box at run time without restarting we use virtIO in storage setting
  • At AWS , we can attach new volumes without rebooting or stopping the system
  • $ partprobe -> to resync all HDD in
  • mount -a -> it runs the fstab file again and mounts the HDD if not mounted
  • to permit root login on AWS , open /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and set permitrootlogin to yes
  • lsblk --output=uuid device-name it gives uuid of specific HDD


  • ssh ip-address # it logins on other system with same user you are running this command as
  • ssh stands for Secure Shell
  • ssh -X root@ip -> used to give graphical interface to virtual box


  • LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager
  • -l extents - > it is used to provide size in terms of extents
lvcreate --name tech -l 30 vg-name
  • to display the content of lvm in short use lvs
  • to give a physical extent size to vg group usw -s
vgcreate -s 16M vg-name hdd-name1 hdd-name2


cli :- Command Line Interface

sudo pip3 install awscli

for connectivity

sudo pip3 install boto3
pip install boto

for configure for credentials

aws configure

AWS Access Key ID [None]: _KEY_
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: _SECRET_KEY_
Default region name [None]: ap-south-1b
Default output format [None]: json

Default Output format types :- text, json, table

vim launchinstances.yml


 - hosts: localhost
    - ec2:
       image: ami-5b673c34
       region: ap-south-1
       group: naman
       key_name: ansible
       instance_type: t2.micro
       wait: no
       count: 1x

lists all the modules

ansible-doc -l

shows the working of ec2

ansible-doc ec2

in this working of key pairs is shown

aws ec2 describe-key-pairs
aws ec2 help

opening playbook file

ansible-playbook launchinstance.yml

Delete Instance


 - hosts: localhost
    - ec2:
       instance_ids: i-0fbcb1e1d72817184
       state: stopped
       region: ap-south-1

# Data Engineering
  * A classifier requires an accurate data to use its processing algorithm
  * pre-processing of data before applying ML is know as Data Engineering
  * tasks in Data Engineering - >
    1. Clean
    2. Recycle
    3. Auto Fill
  * pandas is similar to SQL and basically creates its own structure called DataFrame
  * Imputer - > replacing missing numerical value with relevant data is done with the help of imputer
  * Data Processing have a branch called Dummy variable
  * Dummy cariable works in a way that it encodes the string into a array format like [1,0,0] where 1 the value in row 1 is flagged as 1 and other as 0 and length of array is equal to number of different values
  * To calculate distance KNN uses distance formula that is

root((x1-x2) + (y1-y2) + (z1-z2))

* Feature Scaling - > it is the method of data where we convert features in the range of each other
e.g., 1 feature has values (27,38,59) and other one has values (10000,239999,38888) so bring both features in similar range this method is applied
* Imputing is a part of Data Mining & Engineering