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Day 16

Big Data

  • large amount of data
When we transfer/copy data from HD 1 to HD 2 then there is no role of  RAM and CPU in terms of storage.
  • IO rate I/P O/P rate or Read and Write.

Problems of BigData

  • Storage (speed ,size)
  • Process
  • Business
Hadoop is a technology that solve all the problems related to big data.

Framework -->Platform


  • Apacha Hadoop (open Source )
  • Cloudera Hadoop
  • Motoron Works Hadoop (paid)

Apacha Hadoop

  • Version 1
  • Version 2 (work on this )
  • Version 3
 Hadoop is a Framework or Platform 
  • A component that stores the data called HDFS ( Hadoop Distributed File System)
  • HDFS arch
  • collect the data from user and transfer for further process.

EBS(Elastic Block Storage) - HardDisk Creation VPC(Virtual Private Cloud) - Network Create AMI(Amazon Machine Images) - ECU(Elastic Compute Unit) -

Today's Topic:-

  • Data Science + Cloud


  • 80% worldwide data is business oriented
  • 15 PB is daily data generated by Facebook which is fact of 2 years ago

Big Data Hadoop

Big Data

Big Data means Huge amount of data

  • Bigdata is a problem


  • Store:-
    • Where to Store ?
    • How to Store ?
      • We need Speed and Size
  • How to Process it ?
  • How to make Business with it ?

IO Rate - Combination of Read and Write speed of HDD

  • Between 2 devices in which we are tranferring, lowest speed is applicable in that tranfer.


Hadoop is a technology/framework which solves all the problems og BigData

Creators of Hadoop in different ways:-

  • Apache [FREE and for learning]
  • Cloudera [As a student, not for learning]
  • Hortonworks [NOT FREE]

Apache Hadoop

  • v1
  • v2 [Currently working in v2.7 and RedHat 7.5]
  • v3 [Recent and Latest]

Hadoop Framework/Platform

  • Storage

    • HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) - A Component which stores the data of big size and increase the speed also
  • HDFS Architecture

For Setup HDFS we need:-

  • Java JDK 1.8
  • Hadoop 2.7.3

For downloading a file from a link in RedHat as in this example we are downloading hadoop 2.7.3


For installing

sudo rpm -ivh jdk-8-linux-x64.rpm

For verifying

rpm -ql jdk

1703 Jps

For setting PATH

vi /home/ec2-user/.bashrc

[input in .bashrc]

For extracting the .gz file; x- extract, v- verbose, f- file, z- decompress

 tar -xvzf hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz

renaming for short name folder

mv hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz hadoop2

setting path

vi /home/ec2-user/.bashrc

[input in .bashrc]

export PATH # making it global
source /home/ec2-user/.bashrc

For verifying



#  Cloud Computing
*   Compute means combining computation capabilities of CPU and RAM.
*   The computation power we dont have physically but we have a virtual computation power
## Categories of Cloud Computing
1.  SAAS
    *   Software As A Service
    *   Running Softwares and all  
    *   Storage As A Service
3.  PAAS
    *   It will give a enviorment to use a specific program or something, example If we want to use JAVA only then it will give only computation power for that particular thing.
4.  IAAS
    *   Infrastructure As A Service
    *   Database As A Service
6.  NAAS
    *   Network As A Service

## Major Cloud Providers
*   AWS
    *   60% Market Share
    *   Postpaid Money Model
    *   150+ Services.
*   Azure
*   Google
*   OpenStack
*   IBM
*   Rackspace

## AWS Basic Information about EC2 Cloud
*   Hardware
    *   A physical resource which is a combination of RAM, CPU, HDD and Networking Equipments.
*   Hypervisor
    *   A program or a software which provides a service to host multiple operating systems on free hardware resources.
    *   Example VMWARE or VirtualBox.
    *   Hypervisors are of Two Types
        *   Type 1 Bare Metel Hypervisors
        *   Type 2 Hosted Hypervisors like VMware or Virtualbox.
    *   Type 2 Hypervisors are dependent upon the base Operating system.
    *   Type 1 Hypervisors are installed directly on Hardware which dont need an operating system to run on.
    * There are a lot of companies which develop Hypervisors like VmWare which develop both the types of hypervisors.
    *   Citrix is the 2nd largest Hypervisor development company.
        *   Type 1 Hypervisor named as XEN Server
        *   Type 2 Hypervisor named as XEN
    *   Redhat is the 3rd largest Hypervisor Development company.
        *   Type 1 Hypervisor named as RHEVH
        *   Type 2 Hypervisor named as KVM
    *   Micorsoft is the 4th largest Hypervisor development company.
        *   Type 1 Hypervisor named as Hyper-V
        *   Type 2 Hypervisor named as VirtualPC
    *   Oracle is the 5th largest Hypervisor development company.
        *   Type 1 Hypervisor named as VM
        *   Type 2 Hypervisor named as VirtualBox
    *   In maximum cases we will be using Type 1 Hypervisors.
    *   AWS uses Citrix XEN Server
*   Racks | Clusturs | Data Centers | Region
    *   It is a collections of Motherboard(RAM and CPU) placed together in a group of stack.
    *   NOTE: It dosent contain any HDD or SSD in computation Racks.
    *  A physical place of combination of Racks is called a Clustur.
    *   Collection of thousands of Clusturs is called as Data Center
    *   Collection of Multiple Data Centers in a city is called as Region.
*   EC2 Basics
    *   AWS uses a name Availability Zone for Region
    *   The combination of RAM and CPU in AWS is called as ECU (Elastic Compute Unit)
    *   When we ask for Storage is gives from EBS(Elastic Block Storage)
    *   AMI (Amazon Machine Image) These are the operating system images which Amazon provide us.
    *   VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) It gives us Networking Interface and Firewall Configuration.
    *   Boot Straping in EC2 to plan something for automation like something installation or host a website or such.
## PHP Installation in AWS
*   To install web server we use

yum install httpd systemctl start httpd systemctl enable httpd

*   To install php and restart httpd you can use

yum install php systemctl restart httpd

*   To change configuration files of httpd use.

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

*   To add your own virtual host add your ```IP Address``` and ```Host name``` in ```/etc/hosts``` file
<virtualhost *:80>
documentroot /var/www/adhoc
  • Add this at the end of the file.
  • Now add a Local DNS in your own system
[root@ip-172-31-44-37 adhoc]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
  • Now if you want to access in your actual system then add this same entry in windows host file also.
  • Now add the entry in that file using administrator permissions via cmd -> Notepad
  • Now you can access in your windows system also.


  • How many instance we can launch in a single shot in AWS

  • What is Request Spot Instance

  • Can we change Subnet Availability Zone after instance Launch.

  • Check the tasks details and recheck and do it properly

blu 751
home2 600
public_html group apache 2771  set UID
## Linux Commands
  * $ useradd -b /home2  # creates a user with home directory /home2


  • at real time CPU and RAM can not be changed dynamically without closing the system
  • while launching instance you can add the details to be run at configure instance advanced section as bash commands and it will be run while starting the instance
  • Load Balancer - > distributes the traffic at different urls to be able to handle the traffic
  • On AWS load balancer is called as Elastic load balancer

Elastic Load Balancer in AWS Cloud

  • From AWS we can use load balancer
  • create Load Balancer
  • they are of 3 types
    1. Classic (for all traffic )
    2. Network
    3. Application
  • Using Classic
  • Define load balancer name
  • Create new security group for ELB
  • configur health check ( most important setting of load balancer )
  • to check if a website is working properly, load balancer pings the ip of your website with http protocol to find index.html
  • Response Time out - > the timeout time in which the response is expected
  • interval - > after how much time ELB pings to website index page
  • Unhealthy Threshhold - > how many times ELB will try to connect with index if he got no response
  • healthy Threshhold - > checks for no of times to check that your page is working
  • *** ITS NOT FREE ***
  • it checks for running instance to provide you working status
  • using its DNS testing ip