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File metadata and controls

157 lines (129 loc) · 4.94 KB

DAY 11

Notes ~ :

  • systemctl is a command not supported in docker-containers
  • all the processes are present in systemd command which is the parent process for all
  • To run different containers directly through public ip , provide each conatiner with different port no so that each user can be fowarded based on combination ip and port to respected containers
  • .png format is not supported in ubuntu, it supports .svg
  • Network Web injection

Linux Commands

  • $ kill -s STOP 'pidof firefox' # used to send a process of firefoox in pause state
  • $ kill -s CONT 'pidof firefox' # it will resume the state of firefoox
  • $ docker run -itd docker-image process -name # d - > dettach, run the container but user doesn't login to container instead container moves to background
  • $ docker stop container-id # to stop a running containers

Create a Docker Image

  • to do so we use Docker File
  • change a pre-existing image and save it with new name
  • create a empty directory
  • place evrything you wish in your new image in that directory
  • Create a file with name Dockerfile
FROM - > checks for file in local system and if not present pull from DOCKER HUB

RUN - > run a specific command you wish to run after entering the container

COPY - > copy the files present in the directory to the image of docker being created

EXPOSE - > Port no to activate in docker image being created

ENTRYPOINT - > Which process to initiate by default for any new Image, it can not be replaced

CMD - >Which process to initiate by default for any new Image, it can be replaced
  • run command to create docker Image
$ docker build -t "image-name" directory-name

  • launch a container with port forwarding , run Command
$ docker run -itd --name docker-container-name -p xxxx:80 docker-image-name

-p stands for Port and xxxx is port no added to inbound in security

  • Today we will learn how to create our own docker image for our own purpose.
  • There are lot of ways to create your own docker image
  • Docker file is one of the way
    • Step 1 Use the image as a container
    • Install all the required stuff and save the changes.

Create your own image

  • Create a empty directory with the image name
  • Create some files you want to add in your image.
  • Create a file called Dockerfile.
  • This is base image where we want some changes
  • FROM Checks images in local system if not present then it will pull it from Docker hub
FROM fedora
  • MAINTAINER means information about image developer
  • Launch a container and do the changes
RUN yum install httpd -y
RUN yum install ip -y
RUN yum install iputils -y
  • This will copy the data from your source OS to the container
COPY index.html /var/www/html
  • EXPOSE keyword is used to assign the port number and activate it
  • The container dont support systemctl or systemd.
  • systemctl is the parent process of
[root@ip-172-31-9-238 Akshay]# pstree
        │                └─2*[{NetworkManager}]
  • It is the by default process of container.
  • Alternative way of starting httpd service
  • Since we have mentioned entry point with something therefore we cannot run anything else in that.
  • So if you want to block your image to do only particular task then use ENTRYPOINT
  • So if you want to use image to open other programs then use CMD.
  • If you want container to continue started after its creation then use the argument -t
docker run -itd --name cc fedora bash
  • d stands here for detach
  • To stop a container we have an option stop

Configure DNS for Container

  • We dont need to build a socket for port forwarding here.
  • There is an argument for assigning the port we need to forward in our base machine
  • -p is used
docker run -itd --name web1 -p 1234:80 akshaybenganiweb
  • To build 50 containers with a sequence of ports.
import os
for i in range(50):
    os.system("docker run -itd --name web"+i" -p 120"+i":80 akshaybenganiweb")

Industry 4.0 Technologies

  • Devops
  • Blockchain
  • AI/Data Science


  • Developer (Technical Guy)
  • Operations (Non Developer Guy)
  • Automation
  • CI/CD
  • Containers
  • Microservices


  • IAC (Infrastructure as a Code)
    • 1990's CF Engine in C
    • 2005 Puppet in Ruby
    • 2007 Chef in Ruby
    • 2010 Salt in Python
    • 2012 Ansible in Python
    • Juju, Teraform and many more
  • Teraform is used to automate cloud technologies like AWS, Azure, Google.
  • Ansible is used to automate Desktop operations specially linux.

QrCode Task

  • To use a qrcode liberary we have a liberary in python called pyqrcode


  • IP Username Password
  • Programming language back propogation