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Emacs Editor

Why emacs?

  1. Explore the unknown, just for fun!
  2. Org Mode
  3. Lisp Coding
  4. A top-level tutorial for Emacs(Chinese):
  5. A Beginner's Guide to Emacs(Chinese):


Useful Links

Install or Update

After deploying this nix flake, run the following command to install or update emacs:

doom sync

when in doubt, run doom sync!


via Justfile located at the root of this repo.

# testing
just emacs-test
just emacs-purge
just emacs-reload

# clear test data
just emacs-clean


  • It's too slow to start up and install(compile/build) packages.
    • I have to use emacs in daemon/client mode to avoid this issue.
  • It's too large in size, not suitable for servers.
    • So vim/neovim is still the best choice for servers.
  • Emacs's markdown-mode works not well with tables, see:
  • I use git command frequently, but doomemacs only autoupdates status of git diff / treemacs when using magit.
    • I have to learn magit to avoid this issue...
  • GitHub's orgmode support is not well, Markdown is better for GitHub.
    • Use markdown for repo's, and use orgmode for my personal notes and docs only.


Here is the cheetsheet related to my DoomEmacs configs. Please read vim's common cheetsheet at ../ before reading the following.


Terminal(vterm) is useful in GUI mode, I use Zellij instead in terminal mode.

Action Shortcut
Popup Terminal(vterm) SPC + o + t
Open Terminal SPC + o + T
Open file tree sidebar SPC + o + p
Frame fullscreen SPC + t + F
Exit M-x C-c
Execute Command M-x(hold on Alt/option, and then press x)
Eval Lisp Code M-:(hold on Alt/option, and then press :)

Window Navigation

Action Shortcut
Split a window vertically and horizontally SPC w v/s
Move to a window in a specific direction Ctrl-w + h/j/k/l
Move a window to a specific direction Ctrl-w + H/J/K/L
Move to the next window SPC w w
Close the current window SPC w q
Rebalance all windows SPC w =
Set window's width(columns) 80 SPC w | (the Vertical line is escaped due to markdown's limits)
Set window's height 30 SPC w _

File Tree

Action Shortcut
Resize Treemacs's window > & <
Extra Wide Window W
Rename R
Delete File/Direcoty d
New File cf
New Directory cd
Go to parent u
Run shell command in for current node !
Refresh file tree gr
Copy project-path into pasteboard yp
Copy absolute-path into pasteboard ya
Copy relative-path into pasteboard yr
Copy file to another location yf
Move file to another location m
quit q

And bookmarks:

  • Add bookmarks in treemacs: b
  • Show Bookmark List: SPC s m

Splitting and Buffers

Action Shortcut
Buffer List <Space> + ,
Save all buffers(Tab) <Space> + b + S
Kill the current buffer <Space> + b + k
Kill all buffers <Space> + b + K

Editing and Formatting

Action Shortcut
Format Document <Space> + cf
Code Actions <Space> + ca
Rename <Space> + cr
Opening LSP symbols <Space> + cS
Show all LSP Errors <Space> + c + x/X
Show infinite undo history(really useful!) <Space> + s + u
Open filepath/URL at cursor gf
Find files by keyword in path <Space> + <Space>
Grep string in files (vertico + ripgrep) <Space> + sd

Image Preview(GUI mode only)

Use -, + to resize the image, r to rotate the image.

Search & replace

SPC s p foo C-; E C-c C-p :%s/foo/bar/g RET Z Z
  1. SPC s p: search in project
  2. foo: the keyword to search
  3. C-; E: exports what you’re looking at into a new buffer in grep-mode
  4. C-c C-p to run wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode to make the search results writable.
  5. :%s/foo/bar/g RET: replace in the current buffer(just like neovim/vim)
  6. Z Z: to write all the changes to their respective files


easily switch between projects without exit emacs!

Action Shortcut
Switch between projects SPC + p + p
Browse the current project SPC + p + .
Add new project SPC + p + a


Very useful when run emacs in daemon/client modes

Action Shortcut
Switch between workspaces M-1/2/3/...(Alt-1/2/3/..)
New Workspace SPC + TAB + n
New Named Workspace SPC + TAB + N
Delete Workspace SPC + TAB + d
Display Workspaces bar blow SPC + TAB + TAB


Magit is a powerful tool that make git operations easy and intuitive.

Action Shortcut
Open Magit C-x g or SPC + g + g
Switch branch SPC + g + b
Show buffer's commit log SPC + g + L

Shortcuts in magit's pane:

When run git commit / git add / git push /... via magit, multiple Arguments can be set. Set arguments won't trigger a git command immediately. Magit will try to run a git command only after an Action key is pressed.

Action Shortcut
Quit the current Magit pane q
Show log l
Show current branch's log l + l
Show current reflog l + r
Commit c
Stage s
Unstage u
Push p
Pull f
Rebase r
Rebase Interactively r + i, select on a commit, then C-c + C-c
Stash z
Merge m
Fold/Unfold TAB
Show details of the current unit(commit/stage/...) <ENTER>

KeyBinding full list: