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Comunica for GraphQL-LD

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This is a GraphQL-LD engine for executing queries using the Comunica query engine.

If you want to use this for Solid apps, have a look at graphql-ld-comunica-solid instead.


This requires you to install graphql-ld-comunica: yarn add graphql-ld-comunica.

import {Client} from "graphql-ld";
import {QueryEngineComunica} from "graphql-ld-comunica";

// Define a JSON-LD context
const context = {
  "@context": {
    "label": { "@id": "" }

// Create a GraphQL-LD client based on a client-side Comunica engine over 2 sources
const comunicaConfig = {
  sources: [ "", "" ],
const client = new Client({ context, queryEngine: new QueryEngineComunica(comunicaConfig) });

// Define a query
const query = `
  query @single {

// Execute the query
const { data } = await client.query({ query });


This software is written by Ruben Taelman.

This code is released under the MIT license.