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fretn edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 2 revisions


MOTD's are a way so owners can point players on their server towards their forums or list any other messages they see as relevant for users.


Basically MOTDs are a simple prints in chat with messages that owner sets. Owners can set up to 6 messages as well as control the time between each message - how much time it takes between each message to be printed.


List of MOTD settings:

Cvar Values Explanation
g_showMOTD 0/1 Enables or disables in-game MOTD printing.
g_motdTime <seconds> Time in seconds between each message is printed. Default is 60 seconds.
g_motd1 <message> First message that will be printed.
g_motd2 <message> Second message that will be printed.
g_motd3 <message> Third message that will be printed.
g_motd4 <message> Fourth message that will be printed.
g_motd5 <message> Fifth message that will be printed.
g_motd6 <message> Sixth message that will be printed.


That's as much as there is to it. If there are any suggestions to increase motd's or change where and how they're printed, let us know on forum. :)