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ROPfuscator Implementation Details

Main Engine

ROPfuscator is implemented as LLVM MachineFunctionPass.

LLVM Design Details

LLVM is designed to process programs written in high-level languages (e.g., C/C++) in 2 phases: frontend and backend. The frontend will process source code and generate LLVM IR code. The backend then transforms the LLVM IR to architecture-dependent native code. For example, clang is a frontend for C/C++ and compiles source code into LLVM IR. LLVM x86 backend translates LLVM IR to x86 assembly code, then assembles it to a native binary.

LLVM has several extension points in both the frontend and backend. Addons using frontend extension points can operate on LLVM IR level, while addons using backend extension points can operate on the native code level. We use the latter backend extension point for obfuscation since we need to work on assembly-level, not IR-level.

To implement assembly-level obfuscation transformation, we derive from MachineFunctionPass interface and implement runOnMachineFunction function, which is called for each MachineFunction. MachineFunction provides access to machine-code level basic blocks (MachineBasicBlock) containing assembly code. Our implementation manipulates (rewrites) the instructions in each MachineBasicBlock. Note that we also use global analysis to collect function names etc.

Class diagram

Overview and ROP Transformation

The overview of ROPfuscator's class structure is shown below.

simple class diagram

As noted above, we extend MachineFunctionPass interface to implement X86ROPfuscator class. This pass is executed as one of the LLVM X86 transformation steps, where the implementation is patched (see patch/ directory).

MachineFunctionPass delegates its operation to ROPfuscatorCore, which does the actual job for obfuscation transformation. ROPfuscatorCore translates each instruction into ROP chain using ROPEngine, merge the ROP chains, optionally apply opaque predicates and instruction hiding, and replaces the original code with obfuscated instruction sequences. ROPEngine uses ROPChainBuilder helper class to pick up appropriate ROP gadgets (Microgadget class) and generate a ROP chain (ROPChain class, which is a set of ChainElem class). Each ROP chain element is either a ROP gadget address (refer to Microgadget) or an immediate value (to be popped at run-time).

Assembly code generation can be done by LLVM API (BuildMI function), but this API is relatively low-level and requires developers to ensure the correct number/types of arguments depending on assembly instructions - otherwise, it crashes at run-time. To avoid complication, we created X86AssembleHelper class which is solely responsible for assembly code generation. All classes in ROPfuscator should use this helper class if they are emitting x86 instructions. Also, we use StackState class to keep track of the current values stored in the stack at run-time.

All the implemented classes other than the original LLVM classes are under ropf:: namespace. Some classes are under sub-namespaces, such as PrimeNumberGenerator class under ropf::math:: namespace.

Opaque Predicates and Instruction Hiding

detailed class diagram

ROPfuscatorCore class translates ROPChain into a set of assembly instructions, and during this process, it incorporates opaque predicates and instruction hiding (optionally, based on configuration). In the process, it "lowers" ROPChain into a set of ROPChainPushInst instances, which handle code generation. ROPfuscatorCore uses OpaqueConstructFactory to create/attach an opaque constant (instance of OpaqueConstruct) to each ROPChainPushInst. It uses InstrSteganoProcessor class to convert some part of the ROP chain into SteganoInstr instances and attach it to ROPChainPushInst. Finally, the instances of ROPChainPushInst generate code considering associated OpaqueConstruct and SteganoInstr.

Execution flow

The sequence diagram is shown below.

sequence diagram

LLVM x86 backend invokes X86ROPfuscator pass for each machine function. This pass just calls ROPfuscatorCore::obfuscateFunction() and do the main job.

ROPfuscatorCore obtains BinaryAutopsy instance. This instance is a singleton, and when it is initialized first, it analyzes the ELF library and extracts ROP gadgets. ELF analysis is done using ELFParser class, which eventually calls LLVM ELF32LEFile implementation. The extracted ROP gadgets are classified into categories and stored within BinaryAutopsy instance for later retrieval upon the query. The classification is represented by GadgetType enum class.

Then, ROPfuscatorCore performs ROP transformation by calling ROPEngine::ropify() for each machine instruction. ROPEngine::ropify() handles the given instruction by calling dedicated ROPEngine::handleXXX() (for example, handleMovRM) functions. Those functions actually generate a ROP chain corresponding to each machine instruction.

To generate ROP chains, ROPEngine uses ROPChainBuilder helper class. ROPChainBuilder has append() and build() interfaces. ROPChainBuilder::append() takes gadget type and pseudo-registers, and find an appropriate gadget automatically, by querying BinaryAutopsy (BinaryAutopsy::findPrimitiveGadget()). If the gadget is not directly found, it tries to rename registers by means of exchange (xchg) gadget. ROPChainBuilder::build() finally do all clean-up jobs such as restoring exchanged registers and returns combined ROP gadgets as a ROP chain.

detailed sequence diagram

After the ROP chain is generated by ROPEngine::ropify(), ROPfuscatorCore::insertROPChain() replaces original instructions with ROP chain (in assembly code). Before translation, Instruction Hiding (InstrSteganoProcessor::convertROPChainIntoStegano()) is called to pick up some of the instruction to be hidden later in opaque predicates if enabled in the obfuscation configuration. The instructions picked up are mixed with several dummy instructions for increased stealthiness. The following process only handles the remaining ROP chain elements, which are not chosen by instruction hiding. The ROP chain instance which ROPEngine::ropify() returns (ROPChain class) is relatively high-level representation. Before translating it into assembly code, each ROP element is converted to ROPChainPushInst instance. In this process, opaque constants are generated (OpaqueConstructFactory::createOpaqueConstant32()) and associated with ROPChainPushInst. At the same time, instructions to be hidden are scattered across the generated ROPChainPushInst instances. according to the obfuscation configuration. Finally, ROPfuscatorCore::insertROPChain() generates raw machine instructions from ROPChainPushInsts and replace them with original instructions.

Details of each file

  • Main module
    • X86ROPfuscatorPass.cpp
      • Interface of ROPfuscator to LLVM MachineFunctionPass
    • ROPfuscatorCore.cpp/.h
      • The main module for obfuscation transformation
  • Obfuscation algorithms
    • ROPEngine.cpp/.h
      • ROP transformation (converting machine instructions into ROP chains)
    • LivenessAnalysis.cpp/.h
      • Extract temporarily available (free) registers so that we can utilize them in ROP chain computation
    • XchgGraph.cpp/.h
      • Register exchange management in ROP transformation
    • BinAutopsy.cpp/.h
      • Analyze ELF binary to extract gadgets and symbol names
    • OpaqueConstruct.cpp/.h
      • Opaque predicates and constants implementation
    • InstrStegano.cpp/.h
      • Instruction hiding implementation
  • Data types
    • Symbol.h
      • Data type for ELF symbols (used in BinAutopsy)
    • Section.h
      • Data type for ELF sections and segments (used in BinAutopsy)
    • Microgadget.h
      • Data type for microgadgets
    • ChainElem.h
      • Data type for each chain element (ROP gadget, immediate value, etc.)
  • Miscellaneous utilities
    • ROPfuscatorConfig.cpp/.h
      • Obfuscation configuration management in TOML format (depends on a third-party tinytoml library)
    • MathUtil.cpp/.h
      • Utility module for random number generators, prime number test, etc.
    • detail/primetestdata{32,64}.h
      • Auxiliary data for MathUtil.cpp
      • Note that these files are based on third-party software and have separate license.
    • Debug.cpp/.h
      • Message logging framework (depends on a third-party libfmt library)