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Anna Quaglieri 22/11/2018


How does transition_components() work?

Transition individual components through their own lifecycle

This transition allows individual visual components to define their own "life-cycle". This means that the final animation will not have any common "state" and "transition" phase as any component can be moving or static at any point in time.


transition_components(time, range = NULL, enter_length = NULL, exit_length = NULL)

Some key points to keep in mind:

In transition_components() you need at least a time component and a variable id in your dataset that groups together observations. The transition_components() function is useful when you have the same identifier (like a plane, a day, a person, a neighborood etc.) with multiple observations over time.

A minimal example

The example below is the one provided in the help page ?transition_components and I added a few simple variants.

  • In the standard situation you would use the group argument in the ggplot() call to define which are the observations with the same IDs.
data <- data.frame(
  x = runif(10),
  y = runif(10),
  size = sample(1:3, 10, TRUE),
  time = c(1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
  id = rep(1:2, each = 5)

anim <- ggplot(data, aes(x, y, size = size, group = id)) +
  geom_point() +
  • You can also achieve the same transition but with different colours per ID by using the colour argument, which is a more special way of grouping observations.
anim <- ggplot(data, aes(x, y, size = size,colour=as.factor(id))) +
  geom_point() +
  • Notice what happens if you do not set any of the above (group or colour). You can see that the transition lost the knowledge about what observations belong to the same ID.
anim <- ggplot(data, aes(x, y, size = size)) +
  geom_point() +

US births 1994-2003

To show another example, I will use the US_births_1994_2003 dataset from the fivethirtyeight package. The title of the article where this data was used is Some People Are Too Superstitious To Have A Baby On Friday The 13th. Is that true?

## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <int>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1994     1             1 1994-01-01 Sat           8096
## 2  1994     1             2 1994-01-02 Sun           7772
## 3  1994     1             3 1994-01-03 Mon          10142
## 4  1994     1             4 1994-01-04 Tues         11248
## 5  1994     1             5 1994-01-05 Wed          11053
## 6  1994     1             6 1994-01-06 Thurs        11406

In the example below my grouping variable will be Fridays of the month, stored into the variable date_of_month after I only filter for Fridays. For example, one id is 1, which is the 1st Friday of a generic month across years. My plan is to compare the number of babies born on the Fridays 13th of different months (13) with babies born on other Fridays! To speed up the process I will compare Fridays 13th with Fridays that occurs on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 18th and 28th across months and years.

# Select only Fridays
fridays <- US_births_1994_2003 %>% 
  filter(day_of_week %in% c("Fri") & date_of_month %in% c(1,2,3,13,18,28))

## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <int>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1994     1            28 1994-01-28 Fri          11666
## 2  1994     2            18 1994-02-18 Fri          11887
## 3  1994     3            18 1994-03-18 Fri          11799
## 4  1994     4             1 1994-04-01 Fri          10630
## 5  1994     5            13 1994-05-13 Fri          11085
## 6  1994     6             3 1994-06-03 Fri          11799
  • Grouping using colouring allows me to compare different dates of Fridays
p=ggplot(fridays) + 
  geom_point(aes(x=year,y=births,colour=factor(date_of_month))) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  shadow_trail(distance = 0.01, size = 0.3)

animate(p, nframes = 20, 10,duration=10)

It looks like between 1994 and 1995 there were consistently less babies born on Fridays 13th, but then this fashion went away. Was that just by chance?!

Example with babynames

The babynames packages is one of the great packages developed thanks to the effort of another #OzUnconf18 team!

Below I am showing another example that uses transition_components() in combination with other fun animations like:

  • shadow_trail() which allows you to customise the way in which your observations leave a trace of themselves once they move on with their transitions.

  • Within shadow_trail(), the argument distance lets you specify the distance between each trace left. I noticed that it does not work with a very small distance (0.001 wasn't working). It has something to do with the fact that distance is used as a denominator at some steps and probably it gets too small.

  • The argument size works like in the normal ggplot() (e.g. size of dots) and it specifies the size of trace left.

# install_github("ropenscilabs/ozbabynames")

p=ggplot(ozbabynames[ozbabynames$name %in% c("Michael","James"),]) + 
  geom_point(aes(x=year,y=count,colour=name)) +
  theme_bw() + 
  shadow_trail(distance = 0.1, size = 2)

  • Let's increase the distance
p=ggplot(ozbabynames[ozbabynames$name %in% c("Michael","James"),]) + 
  geom_point(aes(x=year,y=count,colour=name)) +
  shadow_trail(distance = 2, size = 2)

  • distance too small. The code below will throw the error:

Error in seq.default(1, paramsnframes, b**y = param**sdistance) : invalid '(to - from)/by'

p=ggplot(ozbabynames[ozbabynames$name %in% c("Michael","James"),]) + 
  geom_point(aes(x=year,y=count,colour=name)) +
  shadow_trail(distance = 0.001, size = 2)
