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Radon cumulative distribution transform subspace models for image classification

This repository contains the Python language codes for reproducing the results in the paper titled "Radon cumulative distribution transform subspace models for image classification" using the Radon cumulative distribution transform nearest subspace (RCDT-NS) classifier. To use this classifier users need to install PyTransKit (Python Transport Based Signal Processing Toolkit) from:

Installation of PyTransKit

The library can be installed through pip

pip install pytranskit

Alternately, one can clone/download the repository from [github] and add the pytranskit directory to your Python path.

import sys

RCDT-NS Classifier Demo

  1. First, import the RCDT_NS class from PyTransKit.
from pytranskit.classification.rcdt_ns import RCDT_NS
  1. Load/read image data in a 3d array x_train with shape [#samples x #rows x #columns]. Create another 1d array y_train containing class labels of corresponding images.

  2. Similarly, load test images x_test

  3. Create an instance of the RCDT_NS class. Users need to specify total number of class and directions (in degrees) of the Radon projections.

import numpy as np
theta = np.linspace(0,180,45) .     # 45 equidistant angles for Radon projections
num_class = 10                      # for MNIST

rcdt_ns_obj = RCDT_NS(num_classes, theta)
  1. Train the classifier using x_train and y_train., y_train_sub)
  1. Test the classifier using x_test.
preds = rcdt_ns_obj.predict(x_test, use_gpu)

If use_gpu = True, testing phase will run in GPU. Otherwise, CPU will be used. predict function returns the predicted class labels (in 1d array preds) for the test images. To calculate the accuracy one can use accuracy_score function from [sklearn] package.

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
Accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, preds) * 100.

The above steps have also been compiled in a single python notebook Demo_RCDT_NS.ipynb which runs the RCDT-NS classifier on MNIST dataset.

RCDT-NS Classifier in MATLAB

The MATLAB implementation of the RCDT-NS classifier can be found here: [rcdt_ns (matlab)]

Publication for Citation

Please cite the following publication when publishing findings that benefit from the codes provided here.

Shifat-E-Rabbi M, Yin X, Rubaiyat AH, Li S, Kolouri S, Aldroubi A, Nichols JM, Rohde GK. Radon cumulative distribution transform subspace modeling for image classification. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 2021 Aug 5:1-9. [Paper]

Reproduce Results from the Paper

Python scripts for reproducing the results shown in the paper have been provided inside the compare_classification_methods/ directory. To generate the results of the classification methods, first cd to this directory and then use the following commands:

  1. Generate the results of the RCDT-NS classification method:

    • Use python --dataset DATASET to generate the results of the classification method based on Radon cumulative distribution transform subspace models. Example: python --dataset MNIST (here, images from the MNIST dataset have been organized in data/MNIST directory).
  2. Generate the results of the CNN-based classification methods:

    • Use python --dataset DATASET --model MODEL, where MODEL could be shallowcnn, resnet18, and vgg11.
  3. Floating point operation (FLOP) count results:

    • Use ----count_flops and to generate the FLOPs counting results for the classification method based on Radon cumulative distribution transform subspace models and the classification methods based on convolutional neural networks, respectively.
  4. Ablation study:

    • Use python --dataset DATASET --classifier mlp to generate the results of RCDT + MLP classification.
    • Use python --dataset DATASET --use_image_feature to generate the results of image feature + nearest subspace classification.

We also provide a bash script "" for a demonstration of how to do RCDT-NS classification and neural network classification on MNIST dataset.


See "requirements.txt".

Organize datasets

Organize an image classification dataset as follows:

  1. Download the image dataset, and seperate it into the training and testing sets.
  2. For the training set:
    • Save images from different classes into separate .mat files. Dimension of the each .mat file would be M x N x K, where M x N is the size of the images and K is the number of samples per class.
    • Name of the mat file would be dataORG_<class_index>.mat. For example, dataORG_0.mat and dataORG_1.mat would be two mat files for a binary class problem.
    • Save the mat files in the ./data/training directory.
  3. For the testing set:
    • The first two steps here are the same as the first two steps for the training set.
    • Save the mat files in the ./data/testing directory.
  4. Update the dataset_config in with few informations of the dataset (e.g. image size, number of classes, maximum number of training samples).