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This is a git repo taken from the original polyworld CVS branch.

It mainly follows the installation instructions found here:

Copy of the instructions here, with modifications to make it work on Linux Mint 14 x64:


First install Polyworld's dependencies:

sudo apt-get install build-essential xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev scons cvs libgsl0-dev libqt4-opengl-dev python2.7-dev

NOTE On unbutu, we had to include the python2.7-dev to fix the #include <Python.h> and other header file issues.

Solution taken from here:

Then get your code from this github repo or fork it to your own and clone from there:

We then need to add a couple of symbolic links that are

If you attempt make at this point you will get two errors:

  1. /usr/bin/ld: .bld/Polyworld/utils/Mutex.o: undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_spin_init@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
  2. /usr/bin/ld: .bld/Polyworld/proplib/cppprops.o: undefined reference to symbol 'dlsym@@GLIBC_2.2.5'

To fix this, add the directives "-pthread -ldl" to the very last g++ linker command example:

g++ -o Polyworld ... -pthread -ldl

Here is what each one fixes:

-pthread ~ resolves the pthread_spin_init error.
-ldl     ~ resolves the dslym error.

I will try to add these to the SCons (?) configuration.

Build Polyworld using make, and try the only worldfile that currently exists to test with:

./Polyworld ./sandbox/social/

For the analysis tools you will also need to install the following dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy gnuplot

All these installed fine for me, so nothing extra for Unbutu 14.


The original code I found didn't include a .pro file for building inside QTCreator. I have included a new file that has the configuration I used. Basically, it does the following:

  1. Includes all the base directories/.cp/.h file from the main folders in the polyworld project

  2. I had to specify a specific C++ standard becasue by default it tried to use C++98

    QMAKE_CC = g++ -std=c++11

  3. I had to add a bunch of libraries to the linking path in the .pro file as I saw no way to do it easily inside QTCreator GUI itself

    LIBS += -pthread -ldl -lz -lgsl -lgslcblas -lGL -lGLU -lpython2.7

I have yet to test and see if the application runs as intended. At this point it fully compiles inside QTCreator5.x on Mint 14 so I am making progress.