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Server API

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A restify server object is the main interface through which you will register routes and handlers for incoming requests.


  • options Object an options object
    • String Name of the server. (optional, default "restify")
    • options.router Router Router (optional, default newRouter(opts))
    • options.log Object bunyan instance. (optional, default bunyan.createLogger(||"restify"))
    • options.version (String | Array)? Default version(s) to use in all routes.
    • options.acceptable Array? String)|List of content-types this server can respond with.
    • options.url String? Once listen() is called, this will be filled in with where the server is running.
    • options.certificate (String | Buffer)? If you want to create an HTTPS server, pass in a PEM-encoded certificate and key.
    • options.key (String | Buffer)? If you want to create an HTTPS server, pass in a PEM-encoded certificate and key.
    • options.formatters Object? Custom response formatters for res.send().
    • options.handleUncaughtExceptions Boolean When true restify will use a domain to catch and respond to any uncaught exceptions that occur in it's handler stack. bunyan instance. response header, default is restify. Pass empty string to unset the header. (optional, default false)
    • options.spdy Object? Any options accepted by node-spdy.
    • options.handleUpgrades Boolean Hook the upgrade event from the node HTTP server, pushing Connection: Upgrade requests through the regular request handling chain. (optional, default false)
    • options.httpsServerOptions Object? Any options accepted by node-https Server. If provided the following restify server options will be ignored: spdy, ca, certificate, key, passphrase, rejectUnauthorized, requestCert and ciphers; however these can all be specified on httpsServerOptions.
    • options.strictRouting Boolean If set, Restify will treat "/foo" and "/foo/" as different paths. (optional, default false)


var restify = require('restify');
var server = restify.createServer();

srv.listen(8080, function () {
  console.log('ready on %s', srv.url);

Returns Server server


Creates a new Server.


  • options Object an options object
    • String Name of the server.
    • options.router Router Router
    • options.log Object bunyan instance.
    • options.version (String | Array)? Default version(s) to use in all routes.
    • options.acceptable Array<String>? List of content-types this server can respond with.
    • options.url String? Once listen() is called, this will be filled in with where the server is running.
    • options.certificate (String | Buffer)? If you want to create an HTTPS server, pass in a PEM-encoded certificate and key.
    • options.key (String | Buffer)? If you want to create an HTTPS server, pass in a PEM-encoded certificate and key.
    • options.formatters Object? Custom response formatters for res.send().
    • options.handleUncaughtExceptions Boolean When true restify will use a domain to catch and respond to any uncaught exceptions that occur in it's handler stack. bunyan instance. response header, default is restify. Pass empty string to unset the header. (optional, default false)
    • options.spdy Object? Any options accepted by node-spdy.
    • options.http2 Object? Any options accepted by http2.createSecureServer.
    • options.handleUpgrades Boolean Hook the upgrade event from the node HTTP server, pushing Connection: Upgrade requests through the regular request handling chain. (optional, default false)
    • options.httpsServerOptions Object? Any options accepted by node-https Server. If provided the following restify server options will be ignored: spdy, ca, certificate, key, passphrase, rejectUnauthorized, requestCert and ciphers; however these can all be specified on httpsServerOptions.
    • options.strictRouting Boolean If set, Restify will treat "/foo" and "/foo/" as different paths. (optional, default false)


var restify = require('restify');
var server = restify.createServer();

srv.listen(8080, function () {
  console.log('ready on %s', srv.url);


Gets the server up and listening. Wraps node's listen().



You can call like:

server.listen(80, '')

Returns undefined no return value


Shuts down this server, and invokes callback (optionally) when done. Wraps node's close().


  • callback Function? callback to invoke when done

Returns undefined no return value


Mounts a chain on the given path against this HTTP verb


  • opts Server~methodOpts if string, the URL to handle. if options, the URL to handle, at minimum.


server.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
   res.send({ hello: 'world' });

Returns Route the newly created route.


Mounts a chain on the given path against this HTTP verb


  • opts Server~methodOpts if string, the URL to handle. if options, the URL to handle, at minimum.

Returns Route the newly created route.


Mounts a chain on the given path against this HTTP verb


  • post Server~methodOpts if string, the URL to handle. if options, the URL to handle, at minimum.

Returns Route the newly created route.


Mounts a chain on the given path against this HTTP verb


  • put Server~methodOpts if string, the URL to handle. if options, the URL to handle, at minimum.

Returns Route the newly created route.


Mounts a chain on the given path against this HTTP verb


  • patch Server~methodOpts if string, the URL to handle. if options, the URL to handle, at minimum.

Returns Route the newly created route.


Mounts a chain on the given path against this HTTP verb


  • opts Server~methodOpts if string, the URL to handle. if options, the URL to handle, at minimum.

Returns Route the newly created route.


Mounts a chain on the given path against this HTTP verb


  • opts Server~methodOpts if string, the URL to handle. if options, the URL to handle, at minimum.

Returns Route the newly created route.


Gives you hooks to run before any routes are located. This gives you a chance to intercept the request and change headers, etc., that routing depends on. Note that req.params will not be set yet.


  • handler ...(Function | Array) Allows you to add handlers that run for all routes. before routing occurs. This gives you a hook to change request headers and the like if you need to. Note that req.params will be undefined, as that's filled in after routing. Takes a function, or an array of functions. variable number of nested arrays of handler functions


server.pre(function(req, res, next) {
  req.headers.accept = 'application/json';
  return next();

For example, pre() can be used to deduplicate slashes in URLs


Returns Object returns self


Allows you to add in handlers that run for all routes. Note that handlers added via use() will run only after the router has found a matching route. If no match is found, these handlers will never run. Takes a function, or an array of functions.

You can pass in any combination of functions or array of functions.


  • handler ...(Function | Array) A variable number of handler functions- and/or a variable number of nested arrays of handler functions

Returns Object returns self


Minimal port of the functionality offered by Express.js Route Param Pre-conditions

This basically piggy-backs on the server.use method. It attaches a new middleware function that only fires if the specified parameter exists in req.params

Exposes an API: server.param("user", function (req, res, next) { // load the user's information here, always making sure to call next() });


  • name String The name of the URL param to respond to
  • fn Function The middleware function to execute

Returns Object returns self


Piggy-backs on the server.use method. It attaches a new middleware function that only fires if the specified version matches the request.

Note that if the client does not request a specific version, the middleware function always fires. If you don't want this set a default version with a pre handler on requests where the client omits one.

Exposes an API: server.versionedUse("version", function (req, res, next, ver) { // do stuff that only applies to routes of this API version });


  • versions (String | Array) the version(s) the URL to respond to
  • fn Function the middleware function to execute, the fourth parameter will be the selected version

Returns undefined no return value


Removes a route from the server. You pass in the route 'blob' you got from a mount call.


Returns Boolean true if route was removed, false if not.


Returns the server address. Wraps node's address().




{ address: '::', family: 'IPv6', port: 8080 }

Returns Object Address of server


Returns the number of inflight requests currently being handled by the server

Returns number number of inflight requests


Return debug information about the server.




  routes: [
      name: 'get',
      method: 'get',
      input: '/',
      compiledRegex: /^[\/]*$/,
      compiledUrlParams: null,
      versions: null,
      handlers: [Array]
  server: {
    formatters: {
      'application/javascript': [Function: formatJSONP],
      'application/json': [Function: formatJSON],
      'text/plain': [Function: formatText],
      'application/octet-stream': [Function: formatBinary]
    address: '::',
    port: 8080,
    inflightRequests: 0,
    pre: [],
    use: [ 'parseQueryString', '_jsonp' ],
    after: []

Returns Object debug info


toString() the server for easy reading/output.




Accepts: application/json, text/plain, application/octet-stream,
Name: restify
Pre: []
Router: RestifyRouter:
	GET: [get]
	HEAD: []
	PATCH: []
	POST: []
	PUT: []

	get: [parseQueryString, _jsonp, function]
Secure: false
Url: http://[::]:8080

Returns String stringified server


In additional to emitting all the events from node's http.Server, restify servers also emit a number of additional events that make building REST and web applications much easier.


This event is emitted following all error events as a generic catch all. It is recommended to use specific error events to handle specific errors, but this event can be useful for metrics or logging. If you use this in conjunction with other error events, the most specific event will be fired first, followed by this one:

server.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
  return next(new InternalServerError('boom'));

server.on('InternalServer', function(req, res, err, callback) {
  // this will get fired first, as it's the most relevant listener
  return callback();

server.on('restifyError', function(req, res, err, callback) {
  // this is fired second.
  return callback();


After each request has been fully serviced, an after event is fired. This event can be hooked into to handle audit logs and other metrics. Note that flushing a response does not necessarily correspond with an after event. restify considers a request to be fully serviced when either:

  1. The handler chain for a route has been fully completed
  2. An error was returned to next(), and the corresponding error events have been fired for that error type

The signature is for the after event is as follows:

function(req, res, route, error) { }
  • req - the request object
  • res - the response object
  • route - the route object that serviced the request
  • error - the error passed to next(), if applicable

Note that when the server automatically responds with a NotFound/MethodNotAllowed/VersionNotAllowed, this event will still be fired.


Before each request has been routed, a pre event is fired. This event can be hooked into handle audit logs and other metrics. Since this event fires before routing has occured, it will fire regardless of whether the route is supported or not, e.g. requests that result in a 404.

The signature for the pre event is as follows:

function(req, res) {}
  • req - the request object
  • res - the response object

Note that when the server automatically responds with a NotFound/MethodNotAllowed/VersionNotAllowed, this event will still be fired.


A routed event is fired after a request has been routed by the router, but before handlers specific to that route has run.

The signature for the routed event is as follows:

function(req, res, route) {}
  • req - the request object
  • res - the response object
  • route - the route object that serviced the request

Note that this event will not fire if a requests comes in that are not routable, i.e. one that would result in a 404.


If the restify server was created with handleUncaughtExceptions: true, restify will leverage domains to handle thrown errors in the handler chain. Thrown errors are a result of an explicit throw statement, or as a result of programmer errors like a typo or a null ref. These thrown errors are caught by the domain, and will be emitted via this event. For example:

server.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
    res.send(x);  // this will cause a ReferenceError
    return next();

server.on('uncaughtException', function(req, res, route, err) {
    // this event will be fired, with the error object from above:
    // ReferenceError: x is not defined

If you listen to this event, you must send a response to the client. This behavior is different from the standard error events. If you do not listen to this event, restify's default behavior is to call res.send() with the error that was thrown.

The signature is for the after event is as follows:

function(req, res, route, error) { }
  • req - the request object
  • res - the response object
  • route - the route object that serviced the request
  • error - the error passed to next(), if applicable


Emitted when the server closes.


Restify handles errors as first class citizens. When an error object is passed to the next() function, an event is emitted on the server object, and the error object will be serialized and sent to the client. An error object is any object that passes an instanceof Error check.

Before the error object is sent to the client, the server will fire an event using the name of the error, without the Error part of the name. For example, given an InternalServerError, the server will emit an InternalServer event. This creates opportunities to do logging, metrics, or payload mutation based on the type of error. For example:

var errs = require('restify-errors');

server.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
    return next(new errs.InternalServerError('boom!'));

server.on('InternalServer', function(req, res, err, callback) {
    // before the response is sent, this listener will be invoked, allowing
    // opportunities to do metrics capturing or logging.
    // invoke the callback to complete your work, and the server will send out
    // a response.
    return callback();

Inside the error event listener, it is also possible to change the serialization method of the error if desired. To do so, simply implement a custom toString() or toJSON(). Depending on the content-type and formatter being used for the response, one of the two serializers will be used. For example, given the folllwing example:

server.on('restifyError', function(req, res, err, callback) {
    err.toJSON = function customToJSON() {
        return {
            message: err.message
    err.toString = function customToString() {
        return 'i just want a string';
    return callback();

A request with an accept: application/json will trigger the toJSON() serializer, while a request with accept: text/plain will trigger the toString() serializer.

Note that the function signature for the error listener is identical for all emitted error events. The signature is as follows:

function(req, res, err, callback) { }
  • req - the request object
  • res - the response object
  • err - the error object
  • callback - a callback function to invoke

When using this feature in conjunction with restify-errors, restify will emit events for all of the basic http errors:

  • 400 - BadRequestError
  • 401 - UnauthorizedError
  • 402 - PaymentRequiredError
  • 403 - ForbiddenError
  • 404 - NotFoundError
  • 405 - MethodNotAllowedError
  • 406 - NotAcceptableError
  • 407 - ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError
  • 408 - RequestTimeoutError
  • 409 - ConflictError
  • 410 - GoneError
  • 411 - LengthRequiredError
  • 412 - PreconditionFailedError
  • 413 - RequestEntityTooLargeError
  • 414 - RequesturiTooLargeError
  • 415 - UnsupportedMediaTypeError
  • 416 - RangeNotSatisfiableError (node >= 4)
  • 416 - RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableError (node 0.x)
  • 417 - ExpectationFailedError
  • 418 - ImATeapotError
  • 422 - UnprocessableEntityError
  • 423 - LockedError
  • 424 - FailedDependencyError
  • 425 - UnorderedCollectionError
  • 426 - UpgradeRequiredError
  • 428 - PreconditionRequiredError
  • 429 - TooManyRequestsError
  • 431 - RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeError
  • 500 - InternalServerError
  • 501 - NotImplementedError
  • 502 - BadGatewayError
  • 503 - ServiceUnavailableError
  • 504 - GatewayTimeoutError
  • 505 - HttpVersionNotSupportedError
  • 506 - VariantAlsoNegotiatesError
  • 507 - InsufficientStorageError
  • 509 - BandwidthLimitExceededError
  • 510 - NotExtendedError
  • 511 - NetworkAuthenticationRequiredError

Restify will also emit the following events:


When a client request is sent for a URL that does not exist, restify will emit this event. Note that restify checks for listeners on this event, and if there are none, responds with a default 404 handler.


When a client request is sent for a URL that exists, but not for the requested HTTP verb, restify will emit this event. Note that restify checks for listeners on this event, and if there are none, responds with a default 405 handler.


When a client request is sent for a route that exists, but does not match the version(s) on those routes, restify will emit this event. Note that restify checks for listeners on this event, and if there are none, responds with a default 400 handler.


When a client request is sent for a route that exist, but has a content-type mismatch, restify will emit this event. Note that restify checks for listeners on this event, and if there are none, responds with a default 415 handler.



Server method opts

Type: (String | Regexp | Object)



// a static route
server.get('/foo', function(req, res, next) {});
// a parameterized route
server.get('/foo/:bar', function(req, res, next) {});
// a regular expression
server.get(/^\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\.~-]+)\/(.*)/, function(req, res, next) {});
// an options object
    path: '/foo',
    version: ['1.0.0', '2.0.0']
}, function(req, res, next) {});