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restify 8.x to 9.x migration guide


Restify 9.x comes with async/await support, pino and more!

Breaking Changes

Drops support for Node.js 8.x

Restify requires Node.js version >=10.0.0.

Async/await support

async/await basic support for .pre(), .use() and route handlers.


const restify = require('restify');

const server = restify.createServer({});

server.use(async (req, res) => {
  req.something = await doSomethingAsync();

server.get('/params', async (req, res) => {
  const value = await asyncOperation(req.something);

Middleware API (.pre() and .use())

server.use(async (req, res) => {
  req.something = await doSomethingAsync();
  • fn.length === 2 (arity 2);
  • fn instanceof AsyncFunction;
  • if the async function resolves, it calls next();
  • any value returned by the async function will be discarded;
  • if it rejects with an Error instance it calls next(err);
  • if it rejects with anything else it wraps in a AsyncError and calls next(err);

Route handler API

server.get('/something', async (req, res) => {
  const someData = await fetchSomeDataAsync();
  res.send({ data: someData });
  • fn.length === 2 (arity 2);
  • fn instanceof AsyncFunction;
  • if the async function resolves without a value, it calls next();
  • if the async function resolves with a string value, it calls next(string) (re-routes*);
  • if the async function resolves with a value other than string, it calls next(any);
  • if it rejects with an Error instance it calls next(err);
  • if it rejects with anything else it wraps in a AsyncError and calls next(err) (error-handing**);
(*) Note about re-routing:

The 8.x API allows re-routing when calling next() with a string value. If the string matches a valid route, it will re-route to the given handler. The same is valid for resolving a async function. If the value returned by the async function is a string, it will try to re-route to the given handler.

(**) Note about error handling:

Although it is recommended to always reject with an instance of Error, in a async function it is possible to throw or reject without returning an Error instance or even anything at all. In such cases, the value rejected will be wrapped on a AsyncError.

Handler arity check

Handlers expecting 2 or fewer parameters added to a .pre(), .use() or route chain must be async functions, as:

server.use(async (req, res) => {
  req.something = await doSomethingAsync();

Handlers expecting more than 2 parameters shouldn't be async functions, as:

// This middleware will be rejected and restify will throw
server.use(async (req, res, next) => {
  doSomethingAsync(function callback(val) {
    req.something = val;

Remove RequestCaptureStream

Removes RequestCaptureStream from Restify core.

Use Pino as default logger (removes dependency on Bunyan)

Pino is well maintained, performance-focused, compatible API. It does have a few key differences from Bunyan:

  • As a performance optimization, it stores bindings a single serialized string, while Bunyan stores them as object keys;
  • It uses a setter to set the log level, Bunyan uses a method;
  • It only accepts one stream. If you need the multi-stream functionality, you must use pino-multistream.