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Plugins API

Restify comes bundled with a selection of useful plugins. These are accessible off of restify.plugins and restify.pre.


var server = restify.createServer();
  burst: 100,
  rate: 50,
  ip: true,
  overrides: {
    '': {
      rate: 0,        // unlimited
      burst: 0

Available Plugins

  • sanitizePath() - cleans up duplicate or trailing / on the URL
  • context() - Provide req.set(key, val) and req.get(key) methods for setting and retrieving context to a specific request.
  • userAgent(options) - used to support edge cases for HEAD requests when using curl
    • options.userAgentRegExp {RegExp} regexp to capture curl user-agents
  • strictQueryParams() - checks req.urls query params with strict key/val format and rejects non-strict requests with status code 400.
    • options.message {String} response body message string

This module includes the following header parser plugins:

  • acceptParser(accepts) - Accept header
    • accepts {Array} an array of acceptable types
  • authorizationParser(options) - Authorization header
    • options {Object} options object passed to http-signature module
  • conditionalRequest() - Conditional headers (If-*)
  • fullResponse() - handles disappeared CORS headers

This module includes the following data parsing plugins:

  • bodyParser(options) - parses POST bodies to req.body. automatically uses one of the following parsers based on content type:
    • urlEncodedBodyParser(options) - parses url encoded form bodies
    • jsonBodyParser(options) - parses JSON POST bodies
    • multipartBodyParser(options) - parses multipart form bodies
    • All bodyParsers support the following options:
      • options.mapParams - default false. copies parsed post body values onto req.params
      • options.overrideParams - default false. only applies when if mapParams true. when true, will stomp on req.params value when existing value is found.
  • jsonp() - parses JSONP callback
  • queryParser() - Parses URL query paramters into req.query. Many options correspond directly to option defined for the underlying qs.parse.
    • options.mapParams - Default false. Copies parsed query parameters into req.params.
    • options.overrideParams - Default false. Only applies when if mapParams true. When true, will stomp on req.params field when existing value is found.
    • options.allowDots - Default false. Transform ? to a nested object: {foo: {bar: 'baz'}}.
    • options.arrayLimit - Default 20. Only transform ?a[$index]=b to an array if $index is less than arrayLimit.
    • options.depth - Default 5. The depth limit for parsing nested objects, e.g. ?a[b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i]=j.
    • options.parameterLimit - Default 1000. Maximum number of query params parsed. Additional params are silently dropped.
    • options.parseArrays - Default true. Whether to parse ?a[]=b&a[1]=c to an array, e.g. {a: ['b', 'c']}.
    • options.plainObjects - Default false. Whether req.query is a "plain" object -- does not inherit from Object. This can be used to allow query params whose names collide with Object methods, e.g. ?hasOwnProperty=blah.
    • options.strictNullHandling - Default false. If true, ?a&b= results in {a: null, b: ''}. Otherwise, {a: '', b: ''}.
  • requestLogger(options) - adds timers for each handler in your request chain
    • {Object} properties to pass to bunyan's log.child() method

The module includes the following request plugins:

  • reqIdHeaders(options) - a plugin that lets you use incoming request header values to set the request id (5.x compatible only)
    • options.headers {Array} an array of header names to use. lookup precedence is left to right (lowest index first)

The module includes the following response plugins:

  • dateParser(delta) - expires requests based on current time + delta

    • delta {Number} age in seconds
  • gzip(options) - gzips the response if client accepts it

    • options {Object} options to pass to zlib
  • serveStatic() - used to serve static files

  • throttle(options) - throttles responses

    • options.burst {Number}
    • options.rate {Number}
    • options.ip {Boolean}
    • options.username {Boolean}
    • options.xff {Boolean}
    • options.overrides {Object}
  • requestExpiry(options) - A request expiry will use headers to tell if the incoming request has expired or not. There are two options for this plugin:

    1. Absolute Time
      • Time in Milliseconds since the Epoch when this request should be considered expired
    2. Timeout
      • The request start time is supplied
      • A timeout, in milliseconds, is given
      • The timeout is added to the request start time to arrive at the absolute time in which the request is considered expires
    • options.absoluteHeader {String} header name of the absolute time for request expiration
    • options.startHeader {String} header name for the start time of the request
    • options.timeoutHeader {String} The header name for the time in milliseconds that should ellapse before the request is considered expired.

The module includes the following plugins to be used with restify's pre, routed, and after event, e.g., server.on('after', plugins.auditLogger());:

  • auditLogger(options) - an audit logger for recording all handled requests
    • options.event {String} The name of the event, one of pre, routed, or after
    • options.log {Object} bunyan logger
    • [options.server] {Object} restify server. if passed in, causes server to emit 'auditlog' event after audit logs are flushed
    • [options.printLog] {Boolean} when true, prints audit logs. defaults to true.

The module includes the following plugins to be used with restify's after event, e.g., server.on('after', plugins.metrics());:

  • metrics(callback) - a metrics plugin which will invoke callback with the the following parameters (5.x compatible only):
    • err {Object} an error if the request had an error
    • metrics {Object} - metrics about the request
    • metrics.statusCode {Number} status code of the response. can be undefined in the case of an uncaughtException
    • metrics.method {String} http request verb
    • metrics.latency {Number} request latency
    • metrics.path {String} req.path() value
    • metrics.inflightRequests {Number} Number of inflight requests pending in restify.
    • metrics.unifinishedRequests {Number} Same as inflightRequests
    • metrics.connectionState {String} can be either 'close', 'aborted', or undefined. If this value is set, err will be a corresponding RequestCloseError or RequestAbortedError. If connectionState is either 'close' or 'aborted', then the statusCode is not applicable since the connection was severed before a response was written.
    • req {Object} the request obj
    • res {Object} the response obj
    • route {Object} the route obj that serviced the request

The module includes the following plugins to be used with restify's pre event:

  • inflightRequestThrottle(options) - limits the max number of inflight requests
    • options.limit {Number} the maximum number of inflight requests the server will handle before returning an error
    • options.err {Error} opts.err A restify error used as a response when the inflight request limit is exceeded
    • options.server {Object} The restify server that this module will throttle

Accept Parser

Parses out the Accept header, and ensures that the server can respond to what the client asked for. You almost always want to just pass in server.acceptable here, as that's an array of content types the server knows how to respond to (with the formatters you've registered). If the request is for a non-handled type, this plugin will return an error of 406.


Authorization Parser


Parses out the Authorization header as best restify can. Currently only HTTP Basic Auth and HTTP Signature schemes are supported. When this is used, req.authorization will be set to something like:

  scheme: <Basic|Signature|...>,
  credentials: <Undecoded value of header>,
  basic: {
    username: $user
    password: $password

req.username will also be set, and defaults to 'anonymous'. If the scheme is unrecognized, the only thing available in req.authorization will be scheme and credentials - it will be up to you to parse out the rest.

Date Parser


Parses out the HTTP Date header (if present) and checks for clock skew (default allowed clock skew is 300s, like Kerberos). You can pass in a number, which is interpreted in seconds, to allow for clock skew.

// Allows clock skew of 1m



Parses the HTTP query string (i.e., /foo?id=bar&name=mark). If you use this, the parsed content will always be available in req.query, additionally params are merged into req.params. You can disable by passing in mapParams: false in the options object:

server.use(restify.plugins.queryParser({ mapParams: false }));


Supports checking the query string for callback or jsonp and ensuring that the content-type is appropriately set if JSONP params are in place. There is also a default application/javascript formatter to handle this.

You should set the queryParser plugin to run before this, but if you don't this plugin will still parse the query string properly.


Blocks your chain on reading and parsing the HTTP request body. Switches on Content-Type and does the appropriate logic. application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data are currently supported.

    maxBodySize: 0,
    mapParams: true,
    mapFiles: false,
    overrideParams: false,
    multipartHandler: function(part) {
        part.on('data', function(data) {
          /* do something with the multipart data */
    multipartFileHandler: function(part) {
        part.on('data', function(data) {
          /* do something with the multipart file data */
    keepExtensions: false,
    uploadDir: os.tmpdir(),
    multiples: true,
    hash: 'sha1',
    rejectUnknown: true


  • maxBodySize - The maximum size in bytes allowed in the HTTP body. Useful for limiting clients from hogging server memory.
  • mapParams - if req.params should be filled with parsed parameters from HTTP body.
  • mapFiles - if req.params should be filled with the contents of files sent through a multipart request. formidable is used internally for parsing, and a file is denoted as a multipart part with the filename option set in its Content-Disposition. This will only be performed if mapParams is true.
  • overrideParams - if an entry in req.params should be overwritten by the value in the body if the names are the same. For instance, if you have the route /:someval, and someone posts an x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type with the body someval=happy to /sad, the value will be happy if overrideParams is true, sad otherwise.
  • multipartHandler - a callback to handle any multipart part which is not a file. If this is omitted, the default handler is invoked which may or may not map the parts into req.params, depending on the mapParams-option.
  • multipartFileHandler - a callback to handle any multipart file. It will be a file if the part has a Content-Disposition with the filename parameter set. This typically happens when a browser sends a form and there is a parameter similar to <input type="file" />. If this is not provided, the default behaviour is to map the contents into req.params.
  • keepExtensions - if you want the uploaded files to include the extensions of the original files (multipart uploads only). Does nothing if multipartFileHandler is defined.
  • uploadDir - Where uploaded files are intermediately stored during transfer before the contents is mapped into req.params. Does nothing if multipartFileHandler is defined.
  • multiples - if you want to support html5 multiple attribute in upload fields.
  • hash - If you want checksums calculated for incoming files, set this to either sha1 or md5.
  • rejectUnknown - Set to true if you want to end the request with a UnsupportedMediaTypeError when none of the supported content types was given.


Sets up a child bunyan logger with the current request id filled in, along with any other parameters you define.

    properties: {
        foo: 'bar'
    serializers: {...}

You can pass in no options to this, in which case only the request id will be appended, and no serializers appended (this is also the most performant); the logger created at server creation time will be used as the parent logger. This logger can be used normally, with req.log.

This plugin does not log each individual request. Use the Audit Logging plugin or a custom middleware for that use.


  • headers - A list of headers to transfer from the request to top level props on the log.



If the client sends an accept-encoding: gzip header (or one with an appropriate q-val), then the server will automatically gzip all response data. Note that only gzip is supported, as this is most widely supported by clients in the wild. This plugin will overwrite some of the internal streams, so any calls to res.send, res.write, etc., will be compressed. A side effect is that the content-length header cannot be known, and so transfer-encoding: chunked will always be set when this is in effect. This plugin has no impact if the client does not send accept-encoding: gzip.

Serve Static

The serveStatic module is different than most of the other plugins, in that it is expected that you are going to map it to a route, as below:

server.get(/\/docs\/current\/?.*/, restify.plugins.serveStatic({
  directory: './documentation/v1',
  default: 'index.html'

The above route and directory combination will serve a file located in ./documentation/v1/docs/current/index.html when you attempt to hit http://localhost:8080/docs/current/. If you want the serveStatic module to serve files directly from the /documentation/v1 directory (and not append the request path /docs/current/), you can set the appendRequestPath option to false, and the served file would be ./documentation/v1/index.html, in the previous example.

The plugin will enforce that all files under directory are served. The directory served is relative to the process working directory. You can also provide a default parameter such as index.html for any directory that lacks a direct file match. You can specify additional restrictions by passing in a match parameter, which is just a RegExp to check against the requested file name. Additionally, you may set the charSet parameter, which will append a character set to the content-type detected by the plugin. For example, charSet: 'utf-8' will result in HTML being served with a Content-Type of text/html; charset=utf-8. Lastly, you can pass in a maxAge numeric, which will set the Cache-Control header. Default is 3600 (1 hour).

An additional option for serving a static file is to pass file in to the serveStatic method as an option. The following will serve index.html from the documentation/v1/ directory anytime a client requests /home/.

server.get(/\/home\//, restify.plugins.serveStatic({
  directory: './documentation/v1',
  file: 'index.html'


restify ships with a fairly comprehensive implementation of Token bucket, with the ability to throttle on IP (or x-forwarded-for) and username (from req.username). You define "global" request rate and burst rate, and you can define overrides for specific keys. Note that you can always place this on per-URL routes to enable different request rates to different resources (if for example, one route, like /my/slow/database is much easier to overwhlem than /my/fast/memcache).

  burst: 100,
  rate: 50,
  ip: true,
  overrides: {
    '': {
      rate: 0,        // unlimited
      burst: 0

If a client has consumed all of their available rate/burst, an HTTP response code of 429 Too Many Requests is returned.


Name Type Description
rate Number Steady state number of requests/second to allow
burst Number If available, the amount of requests to burst to
ip Boolean Do throttling on a /32 (source IP)
xff Boolean Do throttling on a /32 (X-Forwarded-For)
username Boolean Do throttling on req.username
overrides Object Per "key" overrides
tokensTable Object Storage engine; must support put/get
maxKeys Number If using the built-in storage table, the maximum distinct throttling keys to allow at a time

Note that ip, xff and username are XOR'd.

Request Expiry

Request Expiry can be used to throttle requests that have already exceeded their client timeouts. Requests can be sent with a configurable client timeout header, e.g. 'x-request-expiry-time', which gives in absolute ms since epoch, when this request will be timed out by the client.

This plugin will throttle all incoming requests via a 504 where 'x-request-expiry-time' less than -- since these incoming requests have already been timed out by the client. This prevents the server from processing unnecessary requests.

    header: 'x-request-expiry-time'

The only option provided is header which is the request header used to specify the client timeout.

Using an external storage mechanism for key/bucket mappings.

By default, the restify throttling plugin uses an in-memory LRU to store mappings between throttling keys (i.e., IP address) to the actual bucket that key is consuming. If this suits you, you can tune the maximum number of keys to store in memory with options.maxKeys; the default is 10000.

In some circumstances, you want to offload this into a shared system, such as Redis, if you have a fleet of API servers and you're not getting steady and/or uniform request distribution. To enable this, you can pass in options.tokensTable, which is simply any Object that supports put and get with a String key, and an Object value.

Inflight Request Throttling

var errors = require('restify-errors');
var restify = require('restify');

var server = restify.createServer();
const options = { limit: 600, server: server };
options.res = new errors.InternalServerError();

The inflightRequestThrottle module allows you to specify an upper limit to the maximum number of inflight requests your server is able to handle. This is a simple heuristic for protecting against event loop contention between requests causing unacceptable latencies.

The custom error is optional, and allows you to specify your own response and status code when rejecting incoming requests due to too many inflight requests. It defaults to 503 ServiceUnavailableError.

This plugin should be registered as early as possibly in the middleware stack using pre to avoid performing unnecessary work.

Conditional Request Handler


You can use this handler to let clients do nice HTTP semantics with the "match" headers. Specifically, with this plugin in place, you would set res.etag=$yourhashhere, and then this plugin will do one of:

  • return 304 (Not Modified) [and stop the handler chain]
  • return 412 (Precondition Failed) [and stop the handler chain]
  • Allow the request to go through the handler chain.

The specific headers this plugin looks at are:

  • Last-Modified
  • If-Match
  • If-None-Match
  • If-Modified-Since
  • If-Unmodified-Since

Some example usage:

server.use(function setETag(req, res, next) {
  res.header('ETag', 'myETag');
  res.header('Last-Modified', new Date());


server.get('/hello/:name', function(req, res, next) {
  res.send('hello ' +;

Audit Logging

Audit logging is a special plugin, as you don't use it with .use(), but with the after event:

server.on('after', restify.plugins.auditLogger({
  log: bunyan.createLogger({
    name: 'audit',
    stream: process.stdout
  server: SERVER,
  logMetrics : logBuffer,
  printLog : true

You pass in the auditor a bunyan logger, optionally server object, Ringbuffer and a flag printLog indicate if log needs to be print out at info level or not. By default, without specify printLog flag, it will write out record lookling like this:

  "name": "audit",
  "hostname": "",
  "audit": true,
  "remoteAddress": "",
  "remotePort": 57692,
  "req_id": "ed634c3e-1af0-40e4-ad1e-68c2fb67c8e1",
  "req": {
    "method": "GET",
    "url": "/foo",
    "headers": {
      "authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46am95cGFzczEyMw==",
      "user-agent": "curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.3",
      "host": "localhost:8080",
      "accept": "application/json"
    "httpVersion": "1.1",
    "query": {
        foo: "bar"
    "trailers": {},
    "version": "*",
    "timers": {
      "bunyan": 52,
      "saveAction": 8,
      "reqResTracker": 213,
      "addContext": 8,
      "addModels": 4,
      "resNamespaces": 5,
      "parseQueryString": 11,
      "instanceHeaders": 20,
      "xForwardedProto": 7,
      "httpsRedirector": 14,
      "readBody": 21,
      "parseBody": 6,
      "xframe": 7,
      "restifyCookieParser": 15,
      "fooHandler": 23,
      "barHandler": 14,
      "carHandler": 14
  "res": {
    "statusCode": 200,
    "headers": {
      "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
      "access-control-allow-headers": "Accept, Accept-Version, Content-Length, Content-MD5, Content-Type, Date, Api-Version",
      "access-control-expose-headers": "Api-Version, Request-Id, Response-Time",
      "server": "Joyent SmartDataCenter 7.0.0",
      "x-request-id": "ed634c3e-1af0-40e4-ad1e-68c2fb67c8e1",
      "access-control-allow-methods": "GET",
      "x-api-version": "1.0.0",
      "connection": "close",
      "content-length": 158,
      "content-md5": "zkiRn2/k3saflPhxXI7aXA==",
      "content-type": "application/json",
      "date": "Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:30:31 GMT",
      "x-response-time": 1639
    "trailer": false
  "route": {
  "name": "GetFoo",
  "version": ["1.0.0"]
  "secure": false,
  "level": 30,
  "msg": "GetFoo handled: 200",
  "time": "2012-02-07T20:30:31.896Z",
  "v": 0

The timers field shows the time each handler took to run in microseconds. Restify by default will record this information for every handler for each route. However, if you decide to include nested handlers, you can track the timing yourself by utilizing the Request startHandlerTimer and endHandlerTimer API.

You can also listen to auditlog event and get same above log object when log event emits. For example

SERVER.on('auditlog', function (data) {
    //do some process with log

Log is also accumulated in the Ringbuffer object, if user choose to pass in during auditlogger construction time.