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277 lines (209 loc) · 6.15 KB

File metadata and controls

277 lines (209 loc) · 6.15 KB


Create your Phulpfile

You have to create a file called Phulpfile in your project root. Alternative names for your Phulpfile are the ones matching the following pattern [P,p]hulp[Ff]il{e,e.php} nevertheless the default name should be preferred.


use Phulp\Output as out;

// Define the default task
$phulp->task('default', function ($phulp) {
    out::out(out::colorize('Arguments:', 'green'));
    out::out(print_r($phulp->getArguments(), true));

    $phulp->start(['clean', 'iterate_src_folder', 'sync_command', 'async_command']);
    if ($phulp->getArgument('repeat-clean', false)) {
        out::out(out::colorize('Repeating "clean"', 'green'));

// Define the clean task
$phulp->task('clean', function ($phulp) {
    if (! file_exists('dist')) {

// Define the iterate_src_folder task
$phulp->task('iterate_src_folder', function ($phulp) {
    // Define the source folder
        ->pipe($phulp->iterate(function ($file) {
                '%s %s' . PHP_EOL,
                out::colorize('Iterated ->', 'green'),
                out::colorize($file->getFullPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->getName(), 'blue')

// Define the sync_command task
$phulp->task('sync_command', function ($phulp) {
    $command = $phulp->exec(
        'sleep 1 && echo $MSG',
            'env' => [
                'MSG' => 'Sync-command'
            'cwd' => '/tmp',
            'sync' => true, // defines sync,
            'quiet' => true,
            'onStdOut' => function ($line) { out::out($line . PHP_EOL); },
            'onStdErr' => function ($line) { },
            'onFinish' => function ($exitCode, $stdOut, $stdErr) { },

    $exitCode = $command->getExitCode();
    $stdout = $command->getStdout();
    $stderr = $command->getStderr();

    out::out('done' . PHP_EOL);

// Define the async_command task
$phulp->task('async_command', function ($phulp) {
    $command = $phulp->exec(
        'sleep 1 && echo $MSG',
            'env' => [
                'MSG' => 'Async-command'
            'cwd' => '/tmp',
            'sync' => false, // defines async,
            'quiet' => false,
            'onStdOut' => function ($line) { },
            'onStdErr' => function ($line) { },
            'onFinish' => function ($exitCode, $stdOut, $stdErr) { },

    out::out('done' . PHP_EOL);

// Define the watch task
$phulp->task('watch', function ($phulp) {
    // Phulp will watch 'src' folder
        function ($phulp, $distFile) {
                '%s %s' . PHP_EOL,
                out::colorize('File Changed ->', 'green'),
                out::colorize($distFile->getFullPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $distFile->getName(), 'blue')

Run Phulp:

If you have not configured the bin-dir:

$ vendor/bin/phulp --help
$ vendor/bin/phulp # Will run the `default` task
$ vendor/bin/phulp --arg=repeat-clean:true # Will run the `default` task with the argument repeat-clean with value `true`
$ vendor/bin/phulp --autoload=/my/autoload/path/autoload.php # Will run the `default` task adding a alternative autoload php file
$ vendor/bin/phulp watch # Will run the `watch` task

Find for what plugin you really need:

Phulp - Plugin Page



Instantiate yours tasks.


$phulp->task('name', function ($phulp) {
    /** @var \Phulp\Phulp $phulp */
    // here your code


Get all arguments.


$arguments = $phulp->getArguments();


Get some argument value.


$argument = $phulp->getArgument('argument-name', 'default-value-if-argument-does-not-exists');


Return for you an instance of \Phulp\PipeIterate that will iterate all src files and delete your parent directory.




Find files for manage them, and you can pipe them also.


 * 1st param required: array of glob patterns



    // ->pipe(\Phulp\PipeInterface)


Provide iteration with src files using clousure:


    ->pipe($phulp->iterate(function ($distFile) {
        /** @var \Phulp\DistFile $distFile */


Used to pipe src files and the src files will be placed for the directory passed as parameter in dest():




Watch files and do something when a file changes.


    function ($phulp, $distFile) {
        /** @var \Phulp\Phulp $phulp */
        /** @var \Phulp\DistFile $distFile */
        // here your code


Starts synchronously the tasks passed by parameter:


$phulp->start(['default', 'watch']);


Execute an external command:


 * 1st param required string
 * 2nd param not-required array

$command = $phulp->exec(
    // the command required
    'echo $MSG',
        'cwd' => getcwd(), // <= default
        'env' => [], // <= default ['HOME' => '/home/my-home']
        'quiet' => false, // <= default
        'sync' => true, // <= default
        'onStdOut' => null, // <= default function ($line) {}
        'onStdErr' => null, // <= default function ($line) {}
        'onFinish' => null, // <= default function ($exitCode, $stdOut, $stdErr) {}

$command->write('write to stdin');

$exitCode = $command->getExitCode();
$stdout = $command->getStdout();
$stderr = $command->getStderr();