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80 lines (53 loc) · 2.72 KB



sec_api_2_adapter is a SOC neutral implementation of SecApi 2.3 that uses SecApi 3 as it's cryptographic implementation. sec_api_2_adapter uses SecApi 2.3 unit tests to test the library.

There are a few features in SecApi 2.3 that are not supported due to incompatibility with SecApi 3:

  • SecCipher_ProcessCtrWithOpaqueDataShift (Data shift not supported)
  • SecCipher_ProcessCtrWithDataShift (Data shift not supported)
  • SecProcessor_GetInstance (Deprecated function)
  • SecOpaqueBuffer_Release (Not supported by SecApi 3)
  • SecCodeIntegrity_SecureBootEnabled (Not supported by SecApi 3)
  • SecSVP_SetTime (Not supported by SecApi 3)

Calling any of these functions will return a SEC_RESULT_UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE error.


  • The include directory contains the SecApi 2.3 API include files.
  • The src directory contains the sources for the sec_api_2_adapter.
  • The test directory contains the SecApi 2.3 tests that have been modified to test the sec_api_2_adapter.
  • The cmake directory contains additional cmake build helper files.
  • The root directory contains the master cmake build files.


Generate Build Files

To build sec_api_2_adapter, first run cmake to generate build files.

The build assumes that the following packages have already been installed: YAJL - include -DYAJL_ROOT= if not found OPENSSL - include -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR= if not found SecApi3 - include -DSACLIENT_ROOT= if not found Add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= to install to a non-standard install directory.

cmake -S . -B cmake-build


To build sec_api_2_adapter, run a cmake build

cmake --build cmake-build

This creates a library, libsec_api.(so/dll/dylib) containing the adapter code (the extension .so/.dll/.dylib created depends on which platform you are building on). It also creates a test application, sec_api_2_adapter_test, to test the library.

SOC and root key tests are also disabled by default. To enable these tests, add -DENABLE_SOC_KEY_TESTS=1. The test_root key defined in test_creds_clear.cpp must match the root key defined on the test device for these tests to pass.

Run unit test suite


The tests for the reference implementation expect a SA_TEST_CLEAR_SOC_KEY_FORMAT to exist so that SOC based key containers can be tested.


To install sec_api_2_adapter, run a cmake install

cmake --install cmake-build

This copies the include files, the library, libsec_api.(so/dll/dylib) containing the adapter code (the extension .so/.dll/.dylib created depends on which platform you are building on), and the test application, sec_api_2_adapter_test, to their appropriate locations on the system.