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Part 1: Introduction

In this introduction, we'll get acqainted with Haskell in three indispensable ways. First, through a very brief overview of its features to orient us in our study. Then we'll jump into a Haskell REPL to see some simple Haskell expressions, but also to practice using the REPL as a development tool. Finally, we'll work with a source file, and create a minimalist project with Stack.

What is Haskell?

[Sources: 1, 2, 3]

Purely functional

Functions are first-class citizens that can be passed as arguments to other functions, "returned" from other functions, and stored in data structures, e.g. lists. (The notion of returning a value belongs to imperative languages, the appropriate term is evaluates to.)

In Haskell, functions closely resemble mathematical functions: given any input value, they always return the same output; this is called referential transparency. Functions typically operate on immutable data, and do not have side effects.

Referential transparency means that the compiler is free to do all kinds of optimization such as interleaving and inlining etc. which typically require additional annotations or data flow analysis in compilers for languages such as C++ and Java.


Function arguments not evaluated unless they're actually used (a strict function is one which always evaluates all of its arguments). Non-strictness allows for lazy evaluation (note the difference between non-strictness and lazy evaluation). Haskell employs lazy evaluation by default, but has annotations for strict evaluation where necessary. Lazy evaluation allows control structures to be built from user-defined functions.

Statically typed

Haskell is a staticaly typed language, which allows the compiler to catch many kinds of programmer error at compile time. But Haskell's type system is highly expressive, and allows programmer lots of power and flexibility. The expressivity of the type system itself -- the same machanism which provides safety and certain guarantees about the program -- is one of the features which sets Haskell apart from other languages.

Simon Peyton Jones's "Region of Abysmal Pain" Venn diagram


Haskell uses a call-by-need evaluation strategy, which is effectively call-by-name with memoization. Call-by-name is an evaluation strategy where a function's arguments aren't evaluated prior to the function's call, but are substituted into the body of the function itself. With call-by-need, if a function argument is evaluated its value is stored for future uses.

Minimalist syntax

Haskell's syntax largely follows from the privileged role of functions, thus functions assume the simplest and least-decorated place in Haskell's syntax. A mathematical function such as f(x) = x is rendered f x = x in Haskell; no elipses wrapping arguments, and no braces closing the function body.

In addition, Haskell uses an off-side rule language syntax, much like Python; most of the time the required indentation is what feels right.

Garbage collected

Haskell employs its own garbage collection to manage memory. Haskell computations can produce a lot of memory garbage, partly as a consequence of non-strict evaluation which involves accumulation of thunks in memory, and partly a result of immutability. However, the GHC runtime's GC is highly tuned for this behaviour. Haskell does afford manual management of external resources such as externally allocated memory or resource handles.

Our first Haskell code

Let's open a Haskell REPL and a project with a source file to work with.


Next we'll start up GHCi, the interactive Haskell interpreter.

Run stack ghci and you'll see a prompt Prelude>. GHC stands for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, GHCi is GHC Interactive, GHC's read-evaluate-print-loop (REPL).

You can configure the GHCi prompt by entering :set prompt "ghci> " into GHCi. You can also enter this line into a .ghci dotfile in your home directory. Here we've configured the prompt to display λ> for pertinence and brevity.

For our first steps using Haskell, let's assign some values and evaluate some expressions.

λ> x = 5

This assigns name x to value 5.

Note that we say "assigns name foo to bar" as opposed to "assigns value bar to foo. In imperative programming languages = or equivalent operators typically perform assignment and the different values can be assigned to existing names from time to time. In Haskell, the name foo is defined to be the value in the equational sense of =: it's a definition and this is at the root of equational reasoning.

λ> x = 5
λ> y = 6
λ> z = x + y

Now we've assigend the name z to the expression x + y, but we still haven't seen any evaluation.

λ> z

Here the expression z is evaluated.

We can use GHCi to do more than assignments and evaluations. We can also retrieve information about values and expressions:

λ> :type z
z :: Num a => a

We just asked GHC to tell us the type of the expression z and it printed out the type signature for z. Num a is the type class Num with one type variable a. More on this later. Note, however, that we did not specify a type for z, the compiler inferred it. In the absence of type annotations—which we'll cover later—GHCi will typically assign the most general type possible to an expression, subject to certain rules.

GHCi will assign exactly one type to a given expression. Despite the absence of explicit type annotations in this example, the expressions are still strongly and statically typed.

A type signature consists of:

  • One or more constraints to the left of => (such constraints are optional)
  • One or more types separated by ->

Types and type classes always spelt with initial upper-case letter. Type variables always spelt with initial lower-case letter.

Let's look at another type:

λ> z = "hello"
λ> z
λ> :t z
z :: [Char]

Here we've assigned z to "hello", evaluated it, and used the shorthand :t for :type to show its type signature. The type [Char] is a list of Char.

λ> :t (+)
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a

Here are other GHCi commands:

Command Alias Use
:type :t type signature of the given value or expression
:info :i information about the given name
:kind :k information about the kind of the given type
:quit :q quit ghci

GHCi has many other commands, which you can peruse here.


Use GHCi with to explore different values and expressions

Familiarize yourself with GHCi by investigating the following expressions in GHCi with :type and :info and :kind

  1. 4, 8 / 4, and 4.0
  2. x = 42 + 3 ^ 2
  3. (+) and (-)
  4. (*) and (/)
  5. (^)
  6. True and False
  7. && and ||
  8. f a = a + 1
  9. g a b = a + b
  10. Num
  11. Integer

Create a project with Stack

Now that we have some familiarity with the REPL, let's look at how to work with a source file.

As mentioned earlier, the examples in this course use Stack to run Haskell. Here are setup instructions.

Stack provides templates for bootstrapping projects. In a terminal or command prompt create a brand-new Stack project named hello-world:

stack new hello-world simple --resolver=lts-7.8
cd hello-world

The simple template is one of the simplest-possible Haskell projects: a project with a single executable target with the same name as the project itself, i.e. hello-world in this case. It consists of the following:

  • LICENSE: a licence file (BSD-compatible, by default)
  • Setup.hs: a Haskell program used to pull in and build external project dependencies such as native libraries etc.
  • hello-world.cabal: the Cabal file, which is akin to a project file in Visual Studio etc.: this defines various metadata for the project including an executable target
  • src/Main.hs: a simple starter source file
  • stack.yaml: a Stack-specific configuration file

Because this project has only one source file, you can run that source file directly with stack runhaskell src/Main.hs, and get "hello world" triumphantly printed to the terminal. A more standard procedure for a project would be to stack install to resolve dependencies, then stack build to compile, and finally stack exec hello-world.

Your first Haskell source file

Now we'll create a source file and write similar code. We'll then run this through a compiler and execute it. In your favourite editor, open a new file Hello.hs in the existing hello-world project directory and type the following text into it:

x = 5
y = 6
z = x + y

main = print z

Most things you type into GHCi are valid lines of code in a Haskell source file. In order to be able to run a program, a Haskell program must have exactly one function named main in the Main module (or unnamed module) and must have an IO type. print is a function that takes as an argument any value that has an instance of the Show type class: we'll talk about type classes more later.

Now we can run the program as follows:

stack runhaskell Hello.hs

Now we'll change Hello.hs to the following to mimic our GHCi example:

x = 5
y = 6
z = x + y
z = "hello"

main = print z

And we'll try to run it again:

> stack runhaskell Hello.hs

Hello.hs:4:1: error:
    Multiple declarations of ‘z’
    Declared at: Hello.hs:3:1

Differences between GHC and GHCi

There are naturally many differences between the interactive and non-interactive Haskell environments. The most important ones for our immediate purposes are:

  • Names can be shadowed in GHCi: i.e. we can introduce a new z that hides the previous definition with name z
  • In Haskell source files, a top-level name can be used exactly once
  • Shadowing is allowed within Haskell source files, specifically within nested lexical scopes
  • In fact, that is exactly what's happening in GHCi: each line entered at the prompt is effectively a new lexical scope nested within the previous lexical scope

A more realistic example

[Sources: 1]

So far we've only seen type signatures when querying GHCi, but we can provide type annotations to expressions to explicitly declare types. Let's do this in GHCi and then in a source file.

Start up GHCi again:

λ> x :: Integer; x = 5
λ> y :: Integer; y = 6
λ> z :: Integer; z = x + y
λ> z
λ> :t x
x :: Integer
λ> :t y
y :: Integer
λ> :t z
z :: Integer
λ> a = 5
λ> :t a
a :: Num t => t

Now do the same in our source file:

x :: Integer
x = 5

y :: Integer
y = 6

z :: Integer
z = x + y

main :: IO ()
main = print z

Consider the contrasting result, in our GHCi example, for type of a as a :: Num t = t:

  • Lower-case t is a type variable and can be any type that fulfils the type constraints
  • Num t constrains t to be some type which is an instance of the Num type class
  • Num has instances for (or "is implemented by") all primitive numeric types in Haskell

Consider the type of x, y and z:

  • These have no => and, therefore, no type constraints
  • Upper-case Integer is a concrete type corresponding to arbitrary-precision integers: this is an instance of Num

We'll talk about the IO () type in the next lesson.

When to use type annotations

Haskell has powerful type inference, designed so that usually you won't need them. But sometimes ambiguities arise, and some more advanced language features make ambiguities more likely. Even so, type annotations are useful as documentation and for type-driven development, and most experienced Haskell developers recommend that all top-level definitions should carry a type annotation.