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Releases: razorpay/blade


23 Dec 06:45
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Major Changes

  • 617066a: feat(blade-old): improved icon API

    As discussed in #363 we had decided to move to a more flexible and open API for the icons,
    Instead of using a single Icon component and passing the name="" prop we will be directly using the icon by importing it.

    Changes in <Icon />

    Icon component is now a generic wrapper to create new icons.
    To add new icons to blade's icon library you can use the component like so:

    // User defined custom icons
    export const MyCustomIcon = (props) => {
      return (
        <Icon viewBox="0 0 24 24" {...props}>
          <path d="" />
    // usage
    <Button icon={MyCustomIcon}>

    Migrating existing blade-old components

    Follow these steps for migration


15 Dec 07:52
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Patch Changes

  • f992f77: fix(blade): typo in exports field


14 Dec 05:53
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Minor Changes

  • 47db09d: fix(blade-old): updated support of react-nataive-modalize for RN v0.65


08 Dec 09:01
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Minor Changes

  • 83b0aa5: Added new icon of Payout Link

Patch Changes

  • d185650: added CloseCircle new icon and added white background for checkedCircle


03 Dec 04:34
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Patch Changes

  • d32dd9d: fix(blade): add overlay color token


01 Dec 06:07
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Patch Changes

  • 8cddfad: fix(blade): update desktop typography scale


12 Nov 06:21
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Minor Changes

  • a2010f1: added weight support in Link native component


08 Nov 13:35
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Patch Changes

  • 38ff5a9: feat(icons): Add UserCheck and UserClose icons


29 Oct 07:39
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Patch Changes

  • 6c69a4d: fix(blade): update imports and exports


29 Oct 04:34
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Minor Changes

  • de4124f: ### ⚠️ Breaking Change ⚠️
    This PR introduces a major breaking change on how we access tokens.

    Why did we want to change the way we access tokens?

    So, previously if you had to start consuming tokens from the new version of Blade you start with importing the theme provider:

    // App entry point
    import { ThemeProvider } from '@razorpay/blade/components';
    import { paymentTheme } from '@razorpay/blade/tokens';
    function App(): JSX.Element {
      return (
          <GlobalStyle />
          <ThemeProvider theme={paymentTheme}>
            <Card />
    export default App;

    And then in one of our components, we'll use the useTheme() hook to get the theme and the mode like following 👇

    const StyledCard = styled.div(
      ({ theme }: { theme: Theme }) => `
      width: 368px;
      background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast.onLight};
      border-radius: ${theme.border.radius.medium}px;
      box-shadow: ${theme.shadows.offsetX.level[1]}px ${theme.shadows.offsetY.level[1]}px ${theme.shadows.blurRadius.level[1]}px ${theme.shadows.color.level[1].onLight}, ${theme.shadows.offsetX.level[1]}px ${theme.shadows.offsetY.level[1]}px ${theme.shadows.blurRadius.level[1]}px ${theme.shadows.color.level[1].onLight};
      padding: ${theme.spacing[5]}px;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
    const Card = (): React.ReactElement => {
      const { theme } = useTheme();
      return (
          <DisplayLarge theme={theme}>Cash Advance </DisplayLarge>
          <StyledCard theme={theme}>
            <AlertInformation theme={theme}>
              The interest charged will be deposited back into your bank account within a day of
            <Divider theme={theme} />
            <CaptionRegular theme={theme}>
              This amount will be deducted in 3 installments from your settlement balance between Feb
              18-20 on a daily basis.

    Problem with the existing implementation:

    So we pass the raw theme tokens which have everything light mode colors, dark mode colors. Different typography scales for desktop, mobile, etc. But as a consumer look at how do we access the tokens from the above file

    const { theme } = useTheme();
    background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast.onLight};
    font-size: ${theme.typography.desktop.fonts.size[200]}px;
    • Isn't it weird to explicitly write onLight/onDark by hand while accessing color tokens?
    • Isn't it weird to explicitly write desktop to access the typography scale for desktop?
    • How would you as a developer change things let's say if the user toggles the color mode?
    • How would you as a developer change the typography scale if the user switches from desktop to mobile or vice-versa?

    You can't! Because we have hardcoded the object properties and which means we lost the power of dynamically changing these things based on the user's behavior which is incorrect.

    What is the root cause of this issue?

    The root cause is the mental model of how we store tokens and how do we consume them. Typically our tokens are nothing but our design decisions. So this means we need to store every decision in our token file, for eg: light mode colors, dark mode colors, typography scale for desktop, typography scale for mobile but when we consume them we want the system to take care of these things and give us single value for the modes and the platform.

    So we want something like this 👇

    const { theme } = useTheme();
    -background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast.onLight};
    +background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast};
    -font-size: ${theme.typography.desktop.fonts.size[200]}px;
    +font-size: ${theme.typography.fonts.size[200]}px;

    Notice the removal of onLight and desktop keys from the theme object.

    So we want our system to behave in such a manner that:

    • We input the raw theme(which has color modes and platform types)
    • It will output the flat theme which will have color mode and platform type selected, so we don't have to hardcode onLight/onDark or desktop/mobile.

    What is the solution?

    The system we spoke about is nothing but our BladeProvider(previously known as ThemeProvider). It'll accept the raw theme as a prop and then based on the device type and color mode pick those values from themeTokens and set it in the context as theme. We can then use useTheme() hook to get the theme from the context which will be flattened.

    This is how things will look after this change 👇

    // App entry point
    -import { ThemeProvider } from '@razorpay/blade/components';
    +import { BladeProvider } from '@razorpay/blade/components';
    import { paymentTheme } from '@razorpay/blade/tokens';
    function App(): JSX.Element {
      return (
          <GlobalStyle />
    -      <ThemeProvider theme={paymentTheme}>
    +      <BladeProvider themeTokens={paymentTheme}>
            <Card />
    -      </ThemeProvider>
    +      </BladeProvider>
    export default App;
    // somewhere in the app
    const { theme } = useTheme();
    -background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast.onLight};
    +background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast};
    -font-size: ${theme.typography.desktop.fonts.size[200]}px;
    +font-size: ${theme.typography.fonts.size[200]}px;

    Migration guide for apps using the older version

    1. Rename ThemeProvider to BladeProvider
    -import { ThemeProvider } from '@razorpay/blade/components';
    +import { BladeProvider } from '@razorpay/blade/components';
    1. Rename theme prop on provider to themeTokens
    -<BladeProvider theme={paymentTheme}>
    +<BladeProvider themeTokens={paymentTheme}>
    1. import Theme type to be imported from @razorpay/blade/components instead of @razorpay/blade/tokens
    -import type { Theme } from '@razorpay/blade/tokens';
    +import type { Theme } from '@razorpay/blade/components';
    1. Remove all the onLight/onDark keywords from the theme colors object
    -background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast.onLight};
    +background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast};
    1. Remove all the desktop/mobile keywords from the theme typography object
    -background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast.onLight};
    +background-color: ${theme.colors.surface.background.level2.lowContrast};