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GopherNotes 📓

An CLI Note taking application written entirely Golang!


Currently, there is no packaging implemented yet for GopherNotes, so the only way to get the application is by downloading or building it.


Function Command Comments & Tips
New Note gn create --note "Your awesome quick note here" Date is automatically set based on note entry date
Fetch Notes gn fetch This returns all notes in order of entry
Search Note gn search --note "Your search text" This searches based on a per-word criteria. Instead of searching using wildcards, search using part of a complete phrase or word, ex: "Todo:"`
Edit Note gn edit --id 20 The date doesn't change when editing a note


The following filters exist for Fetch and Search as arguments to be provided:

Function Argument Type Argument Comments & Tips
Limit int --limit 10 If not provided, the default amount to return is 10
Sort string --sort asc If not provided, the default value is asc. Other valid is desc for descending


GopherNotes can be configured to your formatting and editing preferences. To modify your defaultEditor for example, you'd change the line found in ~/.config/gn/conf.json to your preferred editor of choice (Note: editor must be in known path).

Configuration Description Default Notes
defaultEditor The editor to use when creating or editing a note vim
dateFormat The format to store date strings into database YYYY-MM-DD Changing this will not affect previously saved notes

Building & Developing


  • GNU Make 4.3
  • Golang >= 1.15
  • SQLite3 >= 3.34.0

To build the application, run make in the root directory. This will compile a standalone binary for your system called gn into the bin directory. If this directory doesn't exist in the repo, please create.


To format all the codebase to Golang standards, use make fmt which calls go fmt ./... directly.


Building to Publish

To build for the following systems, run make publish:

  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Linux
  • FreeBSD