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File metadata and controls

99 lines (74 loc) · 2.7 KB


This modules allows to created named routes for goji handlers. There are 3 types of routes:

  • ABSOLUTE_URL: this will generate a string like
  • ABSOLUTE_PATH: this will generate a string like /hello/world
  • NETWORK_PATH: this will generate a string like //hello/world

The ABSOLUTE_URL option generates links depends on the current request's information available as a RequestContext object. The request context provides resolved information about how to generate a valid url depends on reverse proxy information. The context is created by a middleware.


Template's helpers:

{{ path("prism", url_values("uuid", elm.Uuid )) }} => "/prism/21779d51-122c-4ea9-a09e-9685610adc5c"
{{ url("prism", url_values("uuid", elm.Uuid ), request_context) }} => "http://localhost:2508/prism/21779d51-122c-4ea9-a09e-9685610adc5c"
{{ net("prism", url_values("uuid", elm.Uuid )) }}  => "//prism/21779d51-122c-4ea9-a09e-9685610adc5c"

Handler usage:

package example

import (

func MyHandler(c web.C, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    context = &pongo2.Context{}
    if _, ok :=  c.Env["request_context"]; ok {
        context["request_context"] = c.Env["request_context"]
    } else {
        context["request_context"] = nil

    tpl, _ := pongo.FromFile("mytemplate.tpl")

    data, _ := tpl.ExecuteWriter(context, res)

And the related template:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
        <title>{{ node.Data.Title }}</title>
        <link>{{ request.URL }}</link>
        <description>{{ node.Data.description }}</description>

        {% for elm in pager.Elements %}
                 <title>{{ node_data(node, "name") }}</title>
                 <link>{{ url("prism", url_values("uuid", elm.Uuid), request_context) }}</link>
                 <description><![CDATA[{{ node_data(node, "description") }}]]></description>
                 <pubDate>{{ node_data(node, "publication_date") }}</pubDate>
                 <gui>{{ path("prism", url_values("uuid", elm.Uuid)) }}</gui>
        {% endfor %}

Finally how to register the route:

package prism

import (

func Configure(l *goapp.Lifecycle, conf *config.Config) {

	l.Prepare(func(app *goapp.App) error {
		r := app.Get("gonode.router").(*router.Router)

		r.Handle("prism", "/prism/:uuid", MyHandler)

		return nil