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File metadata and controls

127 lines (78 loc) · 6.48 KB

platforms: iOS

Fields v1

Good, solid base to build custom forms in iOS apps, using self-sizing UICollectionViewLayout. Uses tailor-made layout to allow seamless form functionality and eliminate unnecessary layout changes, as much it was possible.

Should be working fine since iOS 10, (most likely) best for iOS 12+

This is not a library, nor framework. It will never be a CocoaPod, Carthage or whatever package. Every form is different so you take this lot and adjust it to suit each specific case.

Each cell is self-sizing thanks to custom built UICVLayout subclass which closely resembles FlowLayout and supports UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout. Self-sizing support is implemented in FieldCell, which is base cell for all other specific cells.

The most trivial cell model is BasicModel, which is defined with just one String id property. Value of this property should be unique across all fields. All other models, have specific additional properties that directly map into cell display. Things like title String, current field value etc.

Available Cells & Models

Each supported form field has a reference Cell implementation and its accompanying ViewModel.

  • TextCell + TextModel – for static text, with support for multiple lines.
  • TextFieldCell + TextFieldModel – classic text field input
  • TextViewCell + TextViewModel – cell with internal text view, for large multi-line text
  • ToggleCell + ToggleModel – for boolean flags
  • ButtonCell + ButtonModel – models submit and other buttons
  • DatePickerCell + DatePickerModel – shows UIDatePicker as “keyboard” for the field.
  • PickerCell + PickerModel – when you need to show a larger set of items and allow customer to choose one. It has a reference option cell implementation, custom UIVC and DataProvider types.


Fields can be grouped into FieldSection arrays, where each section is defined by custom String id and a set of accompanying fields.

You can also specify custom header and footer text for the section and adjust their design + model, as you see fit.

Both of these are subclasses of FieldSupplementaryView which implements self-sizing support.


The base UIVC class is FieldsController, which you can use if you want to manually add the fields inside, say UIScrollView, instead of using Collection View.

(Example: ForgotPass screen in the demo app)

Its subclass, FieldsCollectionController, is much more interesting as it builds an UICV instance to which you will add your cells.

(Examples: Login and Register screens in the demo app)

Both controllers expose 3 methods you can call from your data source objects:

renderContentUpdates() – you should call this when your form model is updated and you need to re-render the form. In the FieldsController this does nothing. In FieldsCollectionController it calls collectionView.reloadData.

keyboardWillShow(notification:) – when field input view shows up.

keyboardWillHide(notification) – when field resigns its input view (keyboard).

When you override these methods, you most likely don’t want to call super.


The best way is learn how it works is to look at the demo app. It has 3 different forms and they illustrate typical uses.

For each form, you should subclass one of the said two controllers, then add another class which will act as DataSource for it.

For example, LoginController in the demo app subclasses FieldsCollectionController. It uses LoginDataSource as the UICollectionViewDataSource.

For the minimal setup, you don’t need to use sections, you can use just fields. Thus all you need is an array of [FieldModel] instances + a declaration of unique id values for each field. An enum is just fine:

enum FieldId: String {
	case info
	case username
	case password
	case forgotpassword
	case submit

Now, you populate fields array with specific Model instance for those fields. Here’s an example of TextFieldModel:

let model = TextFieldModel(id: FieldId.username.rawValue,
						   title: NSLocalizedString("Username", comment: ""),
						   value: user?.username)
model.customSetup = { textField in
	textField.textContentType = .username
model.valueChanged = { 
	[weak self] string, _ in
	self?.user?.username = string
	model.value = string

This illustrates general idea:

  1. Setup basic stuff, like title of the field and current value to show.
  2. Specify custom design and behavior – in this case just the UITextField is exposed, but you can alter this into whatever you want to expose.
  3. Specify handler which is called from the TextFieldCell, when the value editing is done. This closure updates actual model objects of your app (like User).

User is actual data model type you use in the app. TextFieldModel is ViewModel derivative of User, custom tailored for the TextFieldCell.

Boilerplate stuff

The rest of the LoginDataSource is simply an implementation of the UICVDataSource.

The most important aspect is the prepareView() method which register UICVCell types for each FieldId value. This effectively disables cell reusability! Each field you have will likely have custom stuff and setup, thus you don’t want to reuse neither of them, since that leads to problems. Forms generally are not big, a dozen or so fields at most, thus this is not an issue from the memory side.

The rest of the file is just boilerplate UICVDataSource delegate methods.


By default, each field will use entire width of the UICV and height will be calculated per content.

You can subclass FieldHeightSizingLayout and build on it, if needed. Or your UIVC can implement UICollectionViewDelegate or even UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout and adjust the specific cell size as needed.

Additional reading

A set of posts on my blog, tagged Fields.


MIT, as usual.

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