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View Base

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The viewBase object is the base prototype for both view/component and directives prototypes and therefore it is at the core of the extendibility for the framework.

import {viewBase} from 'd3-view';

viewBase.myMethod = function () {



Component name, for a view this is view, for any other component/directive it is the name the component has been registered with. For directives, this is always prefixed with d3-.


The HTMLElement of the component.


Same as viewProviders


Equivalent to, d3 selection of the component element.


Unique identifier


.createElement (tag)

Create a new HTML Element with the given tag. Return a d3.selection of the new element.

.viewElement (html, [context])

Render an html string into an HTML Element. This method returns a d3.selection. If the optional context object is provided, it renders the html string using handlebars template engine (requires handlebars to be available).


Return the current dom event. Equivalent to d3.selection.event.

.fetch (url, [options])

Fetch a resource from a url. This is a convenient method which uses the fetch provider.

.fetchText (url, [options])

Fetch a resource from a url and return the text value

.json (url, [options])

Fetch a resource from a url and return the object obtained after parsing text as JSON.

.logDebug (msg)

Convenience method for logging a debug message (only when debug is turned on). Uses the viewProvider.logger instance with the .name prefix.

.logInfo (msg)

Convenience method for logging a info message. Uses the viewProvider.logger instance with the .name prefix.

.logWarn (msg)

Convenience method for logging a warning message. Uses the viewProvider.logger instance with the .name prefix.

.logError (err)

Convenience method for logging an error message or a stack trace in case err is an exception. Uses the viewProvider.logger instance with the .name prefix.

.on (el, typenames, listener)

Adds or removes a listener to each selected element el for the specified event typenames. The input el can be a W3c selector string, an HTML element or a d3 selection. The typenames is a string event type, such as click, mouseover, or submit; any DOM event type supported by your browser may be used. This method is a proxy for d3-selection.on with the only difference in the listener signature:

function listener (event) {

where event is the d3.event fired.

.renderFromUrl (url, [context], [asElement])

Fetch a template from a url (or the cache if already loaded) and return a Promise which resolve into a d3.selection if asElement is true (by default it is true).

If the optional context object is provided, it renders the remote html string using the compileHtml function in viewProviders (provided this functin is available).

The compileHtml function is not available in the standard d3-view distribution. One could use handlebars compile function for example:

import Handlebars from 'handlebars';
import {viewProviders} from 'd3-view';

viewProviders.compileHtml = Handlebars.compile;

The asElement parameter can be set to false if the the template is not a valid html and therefore no conversion to d3-selection is required. This is useful for any other template such as text, json and so forth.

.renderFromDist (name, path, [context], [asElement])

Similar to the previous function, but fetches the template/file form a distribution.


Return a d3.selection of the HTMLElement.


Equivalent to d3.selectAll(HTMLElement).

.selectChildren ([HTMLElement])

Select all children of a given HTMLElement, if the HTMLElement is not given select all children of the .el element.

.transition ([sel])

Return a d3.transition object if possible. It requires the d3-transition module to be loaded in the bundle. If a selection sel is not provided, return a transition on .sel. If d3-transition is not loaded or a transition duration is not specified or equal to 0, this method returns nothing.

.transitionDuration ([sel])

Fetch a transition duration for the selection sel. If sel is not provided, fetch a transition duration from .sel. A transition duration is specified in the data-transition-duration attribute.

<div ... data-transition-duration=250></div>

If d3-transition is not loaded this method always returns 0.