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A python toolbox for deriving rainfall information from commercial microwave link (CML) data.


pycomlink is tested with Python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11. There have been problems with Python 3.8, see #120. Many things might work with older version, but there is no support for this.

It can be installed via conda-forge:

$ conda install -c conda-forge pycomlink

If you are new to conda or if you are unsure, it is recommended to create a new conda environment, activate it, add the conda-forge channel and then install.

Installation via pip is also possible:

$ pip install pycomlink

If you install via pip, there might be problems with some dependencies, though. E.g. the dependency pykrige may only install if scipy, numpy and matplotlib have been installed before.

To run the example notebooks you will also need the Jupyter Notebook and ipython, both also available via conda or pip.

If you want to clone the repository for developing purposes follow these steps (installation of Jupyter Notebook included):

$ git clone
$ cd pycomlink
$ conda env create environment_dev.yml
$ conda activate pycomlink-dev
$ cd ..
$ pip install -e pycomlink


The following jupyter notebooks showcase some use cases of pycomlink

Note that the links point to static versions of the example notebooks. You can run all these notebook online via mybinder if you click on the "launch binder" buttom at the top.


  • Perform all required CML data processing steps to derive rainfall information from raw signal levels:
    • data sanity checks
    • anomaly detection
    • wet/dry classification
    • baseline calculation
    • wet antenna correction
    • transformation from attenuation to rain rate
  • Generate rainfall maps from the data of a CML network
  • Validate you results against gridded rainfall data or rain gauges networks


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