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File metadata and controls

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F2Go Web Application development by Golang

On our official website we use as a development learning website that we're start to build full web application by golang following MVC microserivces structure. And we will try to write every details on the way of learning maybe it can benefit to someone that start to learing golang web development like us. Go for golang and enjoys with Go :)

Structure MVC Microservices

Getting Start

Start Server

We're use Getenv to check and get current server port running by using function below.

    func (s *server) PortRunning() string {
	port := os.Getenv("PORT")
	if port == "" {
		port = "8089"
	return port

Go Module Init

go mod init

Folders Structure

    |- app


How to set glbal templates

Template Nested Template

Database Section

Connect to databse

*** What is dufferrent about PUT and PATCH ***

  • PUT needs all fields data input to update otherwise will update no data input fileds to blank.
  • PATCH will update only a field that have data input and remain other fiedls data as the same.