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Debugging fairseq-train

  • fairseq-train is a py file; run which fairseq-train to get location.
  • Once invoked, calls def cli_main in
    • This checks for some args, and then calls distributed_main which in-turn calls the def main function in fairseq_cli/ -- that is the main training routine.
  • In the main function uses the args to create the Task and Model which are sent to create a Trainer object using
    • Trainer sets up the devices, params, etc, required for parallel training and returns a Trainer object to the main function in
  • will now setup some stuff to start the training -- loading from the last checkpoint, epochs, meters, etc.
  • The main training loop will be a while routine that checks the max_epochs and lr learning rate. Default max_epochs is infinity ...
    • Inside the loop, each step is 1 epoch. Every epoch (wrapped inside the epoch_iter) is sent to def train in the same file.
      • In def train you iterate over the samples in the epoch, and call trainer.train_step(samples) -- this method runs forward+backward+param_update.
        • trainer.train_step internally calls self.task.train_step(sample, model, optimizer, ...)
        • Here, the task is a FairseqTask (or can be one of the specific Translation, Classification, LM tasks). The train_step function uses native PyTorch to run forward, backward passes.
def train_step(...):
    """Docstring ..."
    model.train()  # This changes the model from `eval` mode to `train` mode!!!
    with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function("forward"):
        loss, sample_size, logging_output = criterion(model, sample)
    if ignore_grad:
        loss *= 0
    with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function("backward"):
    return loss, sample_size, logging_output
        • Sample loss is returned at the end, to the self.task.train_step
      • The train function in finishes all samples in the epoch. After completing the epoch, it logs some stats, resets some meters and returns the epoch losses with should_stop to the while training loop in def main in the same file.
    • if should_stop then the while loop breaks, else it continues till the training completes.
  • def main ends with logging a done training message.

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