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CarpetBag (v.0.0.5)

A multi faceted scraping swiss army knife, built on top of the python [Requests]( module. All primary HTTP methods return a Requests object back.

What's it do

  • CarpetBag can rate limit outbound requests by setting the mininum_wait_time var. This makes sure to wait at least as long as this value, but if the time has already ellapsed (due to processing on your end etc.) the request will run.
  • Can set a longer wait on connection failures before retry using the wait_and_retry_on_connection_error var.
  • Can set more retry attemps on connection failure by setting the retries_on_connection_failure var.
  • Set a random common browser user agent string for the session by using the use_random_user_agent() method.
  • Fill a bag with free public proxy services from across the globe and direct traffic through them, using the use_random_public_proxy() method

What will it do

  • Change Identity - Reset the tor exit node and cycle User Agent strings.
  • Make FlaskRestless queries - Simply send REST API commands using the FlaskRestless basic API structure.

Basic Usage

To run the scraper through a proxy service, though this is not required, proxy services will enhance CarpetBag's ability to reliably return a result.

from carpetbag import CarpetBag

bagger = CarpetBag()
news = bagger.get("")
if news.status_code >= 400:
    news = bagger.get("")


git clone
cd carpetbag
pip install -r requirements.txt
python build
sudo python install

Public HTTP verb Methods

  • get(url, payload)

    The primary method of scraper, grabs a url over a specified proxy, set by the self.poxies class var. If none specified will grab over the current servers internet connection.
    • url: (str) The url to fetch.
    • payload: (dict) This is data that will get url escaped and added to the end of a request. Mostly a convenience, not required.
    • desc: Provides a Requests request back from the url specified.
    • type: <Request> obj
  • post(url, payload)

    Completly identical to .get, except for the post http verb. CarpetBag does this for all HTTP verbs.
    • url: (str) The url to fetch.
    • payload: (dict) This is data that will get url escaped and added to the end of a request. Mostly a convenience, not required.
    • desc: Provides a Requests request back from the url specified.
    • type: <Request> obj

Tor Usage

For best results, use Privoxy to connect to tor, using a docker container is a really easy way to accomplish this. I'm using zeta0/alpine-tor to launch a docker container running tor with privoxy support already enabled, and another container for CarpetBag, all ready to go. This is all happening in the docker-compose.yml, just run docker-compose up. Then insdie the scrape container you would run something like...

from carpetbag import CarpetBag

bagger = CarpetBag()
bagger.proxy = {"http": "tor:8118", "https": "tor:8118"}
if bagger.check_tor():
    print("Tor Check: Connected!\n")
    response = bagger.get("http://rnslnjdb6lioal3d.onion/")
    print("Tor Check: Failed\n")


The python pytest module is used as the unit test module. Some of the more difficult unit tests benifit from being run under the docker-compose instuctions. This makes sure there's a service running a tor proxy as well as other utilities needed to make all tests pass. Assuming that, the following commands should run, and pass.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker exec -it carpetbag_carpetbag_1 bash