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Releases: plopjs/plop


09 Dec 01:52
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What's Changed

  • Empty prompts should now bypass properly by @Pike in 1969d45

Full Changelog: v3.0.3...v3.0.4


08 Dec 00:04
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.0.3


03 Dec 13:57
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What's Changed


  • Return error code on failures on actions by @Pike in #300

Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.0.2


29 Nov 15:52
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  • Fixes run typing to be a promise, as was updated in Plop 3

v3.0.0 🎉

27 Nov 20:20
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The first major release of plop since 2018 is here!

We've got a massive feature in this release: ESM Support. Read further to find out more!

Breaking Changes

  • Node 8 and 10 support has been dropped
    • Node 12 and 14 must be match ^12.20.0 and ^14.13.1 respectively

Wrapper CLI Breaking Changes

This section doesn't apply to users of the plop CLI command, only those that are using plop as a library in their own generator tool.

  • Plop wrapper CLIs must be ESM to import plop (see below to learn more)
  • Liftoff has been upgraded from 1 to 4 and as a result, the Plop object API has changed. Instead of:
  cwd: argv.cwd,
  configPath: path.join(__dirname, 'plopfile.js'),
  require: argv.require,
  completion: argv.completion
}, env => run(env, undefined, true));

You need to do:

import { dirname } from "node:path";

import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url";

const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));

  cwd: argv.cwd,
  configPath: path.join(__dirname, 'plopfile.js'),
  preload: argv.preload || [],
  completion: argv.completion
}, env => Plop.execute(env, run));


ESM Support

The major feature of this release is support for ESM modules (#260)

This means that instead of:

module.exports = (plop) => {
	// ...

You can now have the following code in your plopfile:

export default (plop) => {
	// ...

Going forward, plopfiles must either be:

  • An ESM .mjs file with type: "module" in package.json
  • An ESM .js file with type: "module" in package.json
  • A CommonJS .cjs file with type: "module" in package.json
  • A CommonJS .js file with type: "commonjs" in package.json

Any of these file extensions will be recognized and accepted with the default plopfile name, just like before.

If you want to learn more about ESM usage in a library, here's some further reading provided by Sindre Sorhus.

These limitations will also be present for plop wrapper CLIs, so it's encouraged to read the above if you're doing so.

Async Plopfunctions

While previously a plopfile.js had to be a synchronous export - we now allow you to make an async function. We handle the rest!

export default async (plop) => {
	// ...

Bug Fixes

  • TypeScript usage should be more consistent and less buggy: plopjs/node-plop#194
  • Prompt validators can now be async: plopjs/node-plop#182
  • Vulnerabilities present in the 2.x release have now been fixed. Unfortunately, we cannot backport this behavior.

Internal Changes

The plop CLI itself now has a solid end-to-end tests. While this isn't done, it is very functional today. These tests have enabled us to be confident that this release should work for 99% of users without having to change much if anything at all on their end.

We even wrote our own testing library to support this

Admittedly, we have a low coverage rate, but are testing against most of the big stuff today. We welcome and encourage pull requests adding more tests to increase that rate.

We've also added CI to run those end-to-end tests against every PR against the main branch.

Looking Ahead

While this release is fun, there's more that we want to do internally sometime in the near future.


  • Simplify node-plop tests
  • Migrate node-plop to use jest instead of ava
  • Move node-plop to monorepo in the plop repo
  • Add commit hooks and autogenerated changelog to node-plop and plop
  • Rename branches from master to main
  • Add TS example tests to plop


18 Oct 16:59
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.7.5...v2.7.6


18 Oct 06:12
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.7.4...v2.7.5


31 Jul 20:33
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  • Fix various typing issues


22 Jul 04:35
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  • Fixed issue with line-endings while running in Linux/MacOS (#232)
  • Enabled dest option in plop wrappers (#233)


19 Jul 22:19
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  • Fix typescript typing errors