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How enable Robospock?

Robospock is a great framework for unit test in Android. It's a combination of Spock and Robolectric.

Once Google has release official plugin for Gradle few projects (including mine) were developed to bind Robolectric and Java plugin.

Since it's quick complex task which requires a lot of edge cases and Android plugin compatibility, I decided to drop that idea and write an always-working template project, which you may check out.

Project contains 2 modules - one for production Application and one for unit tests. This partition is necessary because Android plugin doesn't depend on Java plugin which leads to compilation errors.

This solution works only for running unit test from CLI.

getstarted module

is a simple Android application module. The only change I've introduces is a wrapper of compiled classes

task zip2jar(type: Zip, dependsOn: "compileReleaseJava") {
    from "build/intermediates/classes/release"
    destinationDir = file("build/libs")
    extension = "jar"

The tasks packs all compiled files to a single jar. The archive is later used in Test Module.

Please also check AndoridManifest.xml file.

    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="16" />

Robolectric 2.3 requires that Application is at least a Ice Cream Sandwich one. Still many applications do support older SDKs. Luckily this value can be rewritten in build.gradle

android {
    compileSdkVersion 19
    buildToolsVersion "19.1.0"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 19

Link to Application buildscript

getstarted-test module

Here comes all the magic. The buildscript looks at first quite complex. Let's check it step by step.

Google local maven repository

Maven by default downloads all archives in $HOME/.m2/repository directory but Android SDK doesn't. It stores all archives in another path and fortunately using the same naming strategy.

def props = new Properties()
file("../").withInputStream {
    stream -> props.load(stream)

Instead of relying on ANDROID_HOME environment variable we can reuse what Android plugin produces.

Since we know the path let the buildscript now where to find additional archives.

repositories {
    maven {
        url new File(props["sdk.dir"] + "/extras/android/m2repository/").toURI()


Java plugin doesn't understand compile project(":androidproject") dependency. We need to manually inform project about all required files.

dependencies {
    compile project(":getstarted")
    compile fileTree(dir: project(":getstarted").file("build/libs"), include: "*.jar")

    // jars from aar
    compile fileTree(dir: project(":getstarted").file("build/intermediates/exploded-aar/"), include: ["*.jar"])
    compile fileTree(dir: project(":getstarted").file("build/intermediates/exploded-aar/"), include: ["*.jar"])

First compile dependency is a link to Application project. It's not necessary for running the tests but makes Android Studio happyt.

Second statement is link to previously generated jar.

Third statement is link to all jar which came from aar dependency. Once again Java plugin doesn't understand them and we need to provide the paths.

Android Manifest and Resources

Starting from Robolectric 2.3 it's possible to pass paths for AndroidManifest.xml, resources and assets.

test {
    systemProperty "android.manifest"   ,project(":getstarted").file("src/main/AndroidManifest.xml")
    systemProperty "android.resources"  ,project(":getstarted").file("build/intermediates/res/release")
    systemProperty "android.assets"     ,project(":getstarted").file("build/intermediates/assets/release")    

Build types and flavours

For presentation purposes I've chosen the Release build. Feel free to change it do Debug. If your project contain flavours please mind different paths structure.

Link to Test module buildscript