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Contribution guidlines

Suggest new pages

To suggest pages that could fit the wiki, the recommended way is to open an issue containing a summary of the page, the section in which it should be (General, Internal projects of Pharo or External projects of Pharo) and optionaly links to already existing documentation on the projects.

On the language and environment part of the wiki we accept to document a part of the system that is already documented outside the wiki at the condition that we reference in a See also section those documentation. The goal is to have a centralized information and to provide alternative ways of explaining.

If you wish to add the new entry yourself, see section Add a new page.

Entries structure

The entries structure is free but we still have some conventions.

  • Documentation on external projects should mostly contains small example, comparaisons between multiple projects, links to official documentations and repositories. We can accept documentation on the external projects in case there is none by the official maintainer.
  • Long entries should begin with a table of content. We recommand
  • References to external/decentralized documentation should be in a See also section at the end of the entry.
  • Smalltalk code snippets should use tabulation for source code indentation.
  • Smalltalk code snippets should be highlighted using this format:

Edit a page

If you see some typo, wrong informations or missing informations you can report it in the issues or you can also edit the document yourself and create a pull request.

Creating a PR is as easy as clicking on the Edit (pen) button, updating the document and propose the changes.

Gif showing how to edit a page

Add a new page

In order to add a page you can just go into the folder of the section where the page should be and use the "Create new file button".

Gif showing how to add a new page

If you need to integrate images in your entry, add them next to the Markdown file with an name following this pattern: <NameOfThePage>_Image_<Description>.extension. For example for an image illustrating Iceberg in a page called, the image should be named VCS_Image_IcebergIllustration.png.

Once the page is created you need to add it to the in the right section.

Note: If you have contents to start a page but don't have the time or the knowledge to finish it, it is advised to propose a pull request with the content you have already. Then, one can open issues with the missing sections pointing to the concerned page.

An entry in the README can also have a one short sentense explaining the purpose of the page.

The pages focus mainly on the latest stable Pharo version. This does not mean we refuse contribution on older or development version of Pharo, but those should be complement of the current stable version.

Deleting, Moving or Renaming a page

/!\ We never delete a page. /!\

This is a rule in this wiki. What is more annoying than a 404 when we look for documentation?

Instead we have different strategies depending on why we want to delete a page.

If the content is obsolete

If the content is obsolete, we do not delete the page but we add a note (using > OBSOLETE : bla) at the beginning explaining why the guide is obsolete. The guide can be removed from the README.

If we want to move a page

If we want to move a page, we can copy it to the new location and let the old page at the original location with an explanation and a link to the new page.

If we want to split a page

Sometimes a page is too big and would win to be splited. In that case the content can be extracted in multiple pages but the original page should stay and contains an index of the new pages.

If we want to rename a page

If we want to rename a page, we can copy it with the new name and let the old page at the original location with an explanation and a link to the new page.

Review content

It is really helpful to get reviews of the wiki's content. This can be achieved in multiple ways:

  • Review a Pull Request. Comments, approvals and changes request on pull request will help the intergation of new contents.
  • Open issues on existing entries.
  • Create a Pull Request to propose enhancements to an existing entry.