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File metadata and controls

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Set up your development environment

The pgrok is built and runs as a single binary and meant to be cross platform. Therefore, you should be able to develop pgrok in any major platforms you prefer. However, this guide will focus on macOS only.

Step 1: Install dependencies

The development of pgrok has the following dependencies:

  1. Install Homebrew.

  2. Install dependencies:

    brew install git go pnpm go-task overmind postgresql@15
  3. Configure PostgreSQL to start automatically:

    brew services start postgresql@15
  4. Ensure psql, the PostgreSQL command line client, is on your $PATH.

Step 2: Initialize your database

You need a fresh Postgres database and a database user that has full ownership of that database.

  1. Create a database for the current Unix user:

  2. Create the user and password:

    createuser --superuser pgrokd
    psql -c "ALTER USER pgrokd WITH PASSWORD 'pgrokd';"
  3. Create the database:

    createdb --owner=pgrokd --encoding=UTF8 --template=template0 pgrokd

Step 3: Get the code

Generally, you don't need a full clone, so set --depth to 10:

git clone --depth 10

# or SSH
git clone --depth 10


The repository has Go modules enabled, please clone to somewhere outside of your $GOPATH.

Step 4: Initialize pgrokd.yml

Create a pgrokd.yml file under the repository root and put the following configuration:

external_url: "http://localhost:3320"
  port: 3320
  port: 3000
  scheme: "http"
  domain: "localhost:3000"
  port: 2222

  host: "localhost"
  port: 5432
  user: "pgrokd"
  password: "pgrokd"
  database: "pgrokd"

  type: "oidc"
  display_name: "OIDC"
  issuer: "http://localhost:9833"
  client_id: "winnerwinner"
  client_secret: "chickendinner"
    identifier: "email"
    display_name: "name"
    email: "email"

Step 5: Start the servers

The following command will start processes defined in the Procfile and automatically recompile and restart these servers if related files are changed:

overmind start

Then, visit http://localhost:3320!

Few things to note:

  • The web, proxy and SSHD servers of the pgrokd are started
  • No need to access the Vite server for the pgrokd web app as all requests to it are proxyed by the pgrokd web server
  • A mock OIDC server is started for your convenience