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PulsePortraiture (PP): a wideband pulsar timing code written in python. It uses an extension of Joe Taylor's FFTFIT algorithm (Taylor 1992) to simultaneously measure a phase (TOA) and dispersion measure (DM). PSRCHIVE, lmfit, and the latest vertsions of numpy and scipy are required.



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Pulse Portraiture


A set of libraries and modules to measure "wideband" pulse times-of-arrival (TOAs), written in python. It uses an extension of Joe Taylor's FFTFIT algorithm (Taylor 1992) to simultaneously measure a phase (TOA) and dispersion measure (DM). It has subsequently been improved to also incoporate fitting for scattering parameters (timescale tau and index alpha) and frequency**-4 phase delays ("GM"). It is to be used with PSRCHIVE-compatible folded archives (PSRFITS format).


The motivation behind writing this software was to develop a wideband measurement routine for high-precision pulsar timing in the era of very broadband receivers and high-cadence timing observations for PTA experiments, and it makes up a chunk of Tim Pennucci's Ph.D. thesis. Algorithm development and coding help was provided by Paul Demorest and Scott Ransom.


The technical description of this work and its related papers are:


  • PSRCHIVE, compiled with the python-interface enabled,
  • NumPy & SciPy recent versions will do,
  • PyWavelets is required for wavelet smoothing /, and
  • LMFIT is required for Gaussian portrait modelling / and a few other functions.


  • pplib contains functions and classes needed for the fitting scripts.
  • ppspline is a command-line utility to build smoothly varying model portraits based on PCA decomposition, wavelet smoothing, and B-splin einterpolation between the components.
  • ppgauss is a command-line utility to build Gaussian-component model portraits.
  • pptoaslib contains functions needed for pptoas.
  • pptoas is a command-line utility to measure TOAs, DMs, nu**-4 delays, and scattering parameters.
  • ppalign is a command-line utility to average homogeneous data by measuring phases and DMs.
  • ppzap is a command-line utility which uses pptoas to identify potentially overlooked bad channels to zap.
  • The command-line programs can be imported into ipython for additional flexibility of use.
  • See the examples directory for simple command-line use.
  • Run and examine examples/ for a more in-depth demonstration.
  • Try the notebook example_make_model_and_TOAs.ipynb for a walk-through.


Released under GPLv2, sans "or later" clause.


Code improvements are underway, as is a broad application to IPTA pulsars of interest. Suggestions and additional development are welcome.


PulsePortraiture (PP): a wideband pulsar timing code written in python. It uses an extension of Joe Taylor's FFTFIT algorithm (Taylor 1992) to simultaneously measure a phase (TOA) and dispersion measure (DM). PSRCHIVE, lmfit, and the latest vertsions of numpy and scipy are required.







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